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Messages - mu_enrico

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udah di coba om? gimana hasilnya ;D
mungkin aku juga pengen coba-coba daripada mengangur ni koin di wallet  ;D
Belom gan, lupa ane gegara sibuk di IRL.

Buat ane mungkin fitur Sauron aja yang bakal ane beli kalau ada kebutuhan, karena ga bisa ngecek atau filter siapa yang ngasih karma ke ane sama sekali.
Sauron itu esensial sih kalau mau unlock, yang lain paling notify kalau ada thread baru di board lowker sama delete replies own topic (jadi kek self-mod gitu).

Ke depan harus membuat postingan yang bagus dan juga memberikan jeda setiaknya bisa satu hingga dua jam agar bisa bertahan selama mungkin di signature coinomize.
Jeda 1-2 jam? Buat apa?
Kalau kebiasaanya memang suka bikin post low quality, mau jeda setengah haripun hasilnya pun bakal tetap sama. Jeda 5-10 menit itu sudah cukup bagus, asalkan postnya tetap good quality.
Kalau pada dasarnya suka burst posting*, jeda per post keknya ga terlalu ngaruh IMO. Yang ngaruh itu adalah max post per hari, misalnya dikasih 6 kek OP, brarti kalau mau dapat 30 harus online 5 hari. Sisanya manual skimming satu satu apakah postingan layak bayar atau tidak (itu sih kalau CM-nya gak males).

*Burst posting ga melulu mau nyepam sih, ada yang udah mikirin mau reply di thread mana aja sebelum online lalu baru deh setor postingan ;D

But sports betting isn't like that, there's no way, I mean not a single possibility of cheating since you're not playing with an opponent, everything is programmed, leaving you with variety of options to choose from, if luck is on your side and you've got a pretty analytical skill, then you're likely to make the right choices, but if not, you make the wrong choices and lose, and that's just the game
This is only for the average Joe though...
For people with enough money and influence, it's easier to rig sports events, hence match-fixing is quite common, especially in low-quality competitions.
People also do arbitrage (kinda similar to table game cheating) as it's the only sure way to get profits, but still, if you are caught, your balance will be confiscated.

Dari yang ane amati memang tidak ada perubahan signifikan ya dari traffic. Growthnya stuck dan yang posting juga username-nya ane udah familiar. Berarti idenya agar sigcamp bikin forum rame -> makin banyak sigcamp sepertinya sulit kalau belum mencapai "tipping/turning point." Kalau diibaratkan ya kalau ada kendaraan mogok, roda harus bergerak dulu dengan kecepatan tertentu baru ngedorongnya bisa lebih mudah. Kalau rodanya diam, mau digerakin susah banget. Kalau di forum ya berarti harus ada traffic organic memadai dulu baru bisa diboost pakai sigcamp. Kalau kasus forum sebelah, di awal brarti resepnya adalah udah rame duluan baru kemudian diboost dengan adanya sigcamp... baru bisa awet kek sekarang... Padahal fitur signature itu udah benefit tersendiri, ya bisa nambah link juice.

We want to study how people in these countries are using Bitcoin and stablecoins in the pursuit of their financial security.

Not sure if it's enough to draw a conclusion on this "Bitcoin’s Impact on Financial Freedom in Authoritarian Countries" topic. Since Indonesia is one of the countries covered in this study (for example), we can see here that Financial Freedom measures a lot of things, and most aren't crypto related:
To assess the overall level of financial freedom that ensures easy and effective access to financing opportunities for people and businesses in a country’s economy, the Index takes account of five broad areas:

The extent of government regulation of financial services,
The degree of state intervention in banks and other financial firms through direct and indirect ownership,
Government influence on the allocation of credit,
The extent of financial and capital market development, and
Openness to foreign competition.

But perhaps the study can explain more of "financial inclusion," a more limited indicator of financial freedom, or other specific indicators.

although I'm not sure how to promote your channel. Maybe provide subtitles in ID, and EN, and auto-generate the subs for other languages? The choice of the dish matters too. Making a recipe for local cuisine alone probably won't be enough to attract interest from global audience.
Maybe I could make something similar to an ASMR video since it can be viewed globally without translation problems. However, I don't have a studio-quality setup, so let's see how it can be enhanced via editing.

Related to promotion, well, perhaps I can wear a signature for it when my current contract ends and no one interested in renting it ;D It's the only free way other than WoM marketing with IRL circles. I'm curious about whether links from signatures have an impact on SEO as well.

if you are open to traveling to other places and just try out the unique food in a certain place i think they will appreciate it when someone vlogs or write about it. this will gain your followers as well.  and then your wife cooks a version of that food.
The idea is for my wife to cook at home since if it's traveling then I must accompany her as well, and it takes too much effort just for her hobby lol ;D
But yeah, asking the original cook/chef to demonstrate their skill is a good idea, probably will do it if the channel has enough income.

i wonder how to make money out of this also, i have a youtube channel with 800 subscribers already. i am just uploading random videos i took. no real niche really.
800 subscribers without serious effort are good! If you put more effort and resources into it, perhaps you can grow your channel mate...

Have you tried lurking around the newtubers subreddit or cooking communities? You'll have bigger chances to get input from them instead of this forum IMO.
I don't feel comfortable asking this kind of question there since it's too general, many people are asking the same question -> and it probably will be downvoted to oblivion ;D
Here or on bitcointalk is where I am familiar with most of the members.

From the above link, it's quite lucrative (from the 3rd world standard), perhaps I should make videos without human talking since it can be for a global audience and not just local. $15k is enough for a year's living cost here, and he's not actively posting new videos! Crazy!

I followed a few channels from their early days to this day, from gaming to horror channels. Based on what I see their main income comes from brand deals instead of YouTube ads nowadays.
Maybe it's a local channel so the AdSense revenue is pretty low.

Hi guys, I want to create a YouTube cooking channel with my wife since she needs more activities and as a side project to earn some money. Do any of you have created a YouTube channel and can monetize it? How much money can you get from, let's say, 1000 subscribers, 10,000 subscribers, 1,000 views, 10,000 views, etc.?

Any tips and tricks to become successful in this project? It can be about anything from naming the channel, device to record, software to edit, how to grow the channel, learning material, whatever... Your input is highly appreciated, thanks!

Harusnya ada keseimbangan ya dalam memilih user di campaign, namun ini sama aja berlaku di forum sebelah bukan masalah postingan bagus atau tidaknya namun kebanyakan dari mereka hanya prioritaskan circle mereka untuk ikut dalam kampanyenya.
Coba lihat aja beberapa BM di sebelah saat ada campaign baru tetap circlenya yang diprioritaskan untuk bergabung, untuk user lain tidak pengaruh padahal campaign dengan gambling namun kebanyakan postingan bukan gambling tetap aja jadi prioritas BM tersebut.
Apakah benar demikian Bang, di sebelah juga ada BM yang pilih-pilih member untuk join di Kampanye Bounty nya ?!
Kalau begitu adanya, ini akan berdampak negatif pastinya. Kecemburuan sosial antara member pasti ada, akhirnya mungkin akan muncul saling sikut Antara member satu sama lain.
Ah sudahlah, yang penting kita sudah berusaha berbuat baik. Yang penting kita bisa terus aktif, biar nanti kalau ada Signature baru kita juga punya peluang untuk masuk.
Kalau sistem kuota malah ane ga setuju, harusnya ya pemilihan berdasarkan kualitas dan kuantitas kerjaan (dalam hal ini postingan). Siapa yang lebih bagus, dia yang seharusnya dipilih. Permasalahannya adalah (mungkin) BM itu malas untuk menilai secara objektif karena ya harus baca dan mengamati member-member yang mendaftar. Sehingga yang ada adalah member yang sudah dia nilai bagus sebelumnya akan dipilih lagi padahal mungkin ada orang lain di luar sana yang kerjaannya lebih bagus.

Selama member "inner circle" tsb kerjaannya memenuhi minimum requirement, ya member lain yang lebih bagus ga bakalan kepakai. Solusinya adalah member-member yang merasa lebih berkualitas, bersatu bikin managemen kampanye sendiri, ajuin proposal sendiri dengan harga yang bersaing...

When I calculate my gambling wins and losses I can see that I have not lost I am in profit. But I don't know if I will be able to stop gambling with profits in the future but I hope I can stop gambling with profits in the future.
Finally, we have one member that's still in green!
How long have you been gambling mate and what kind of games do you play?

Here's the updated tally 1 profit, 5 losses, 1 break even. Don't forget to vote guys!

IMO strateginya rada salah, kan ini forum altcoin, coba kalau banyak signature ICO, NFT, atau decentralized project yang lain pastinya lebih sustainable. Kalo mengandalkan service yang "ngeri sedap" macam mixer (dan sebangsanya) itu kan sulit untuk bisa awet ya.

Kemudian ketika banyak akun baru masuk, walaupun let's say lebih bagus kualitas postingnya, member lama sebaiknya tetap dilibatkan. Jangan sampai kek "Kampungku sekarang berubah"...

Daripada mixer, coba kalau banyak kampanye j*day, ini malah lebih sustainable.

So 4 losses and 1 break-even...

It all depends on the type of gambling. if you like slots - I was there almost immediately. Rendom is a great thing, but when you depend on it completely, it's not interesting. I'm more interested in playing poker, betting on various sports - in other words, participating where something depends on you.
House Edge (HE) is everywhere though, even if you play poker or bet on sports, HE is still there. Sure if you can win more than you lose, you'll be in profit. However, to do it consistently in the long run is difficult. Plus one wrong decision can delete all your profits.

It's widely accepted that the house always wins because of the House Edge. The most common translation of this rule would be: the longer you play, the more you lose, since the odds are against you. However, perhaps someone here in this forum could beat the house. Who knows?!

Since I don't keep or count my profits and losses from gambling, I can only roughly estimate that I've lost no more than 5% of my net worth because of gambling since 2017, and it's still less than the total sum of unimportant things that I've bought lol. Furthermore, the gambling industry also offers the opportunity to earn via affiliates, signature campaigns, etc., which can easily offset my 5% loss.

What about you? Do you suffer because of gambling, or is it not worth the time to keep P&L since it's not significant?

Bitcoin as the idea in the whitepaper is the most revolutionizing technology in finance. For example:
- One CPU one vote, imagine mining without ASIC farm. It would be so decentralized.
- Microtransaction, imagine cheap fees with instant confirmation, compared to today's fees and congestion.
- Privacy and freedom, compared to today's blockchain surveillance, people get arrested, and websites are seized here and there.

In reality, it's less beautiful, but still the most beautiful currency in the world compared to today's fiat.

Diluar Topik / Re: Kata-kata Sindiran untuk Pengkhianat
« on: May 05, 2024, 08:58:50 PM »
Kalau umur udah cukup, pastinya sering yang namanya dikhianati, ya karena manusia pada dasarnya itu mementingkan kenikmatan dirinya sendiri. Mau itu ada hubungan darah, hubungan batin, dan hubungan lainnya, manusia ya pada dasarnya manusia. Meskipun sudah sering dikhianati namun tidak ada yang jadi trauma atau kepikiran di otak ane...

Mengapa demikian, ya karena ane sudah lagi tidak memberikan trust 100% kepada pihak manapun. Kalau berhubungan dengan orang lain selalu ane pikirkan, nanti kalau ane ditikung gimana? Apa yang bisa dilakukan untuk mengurangi risiko ditikung? Apa akibatnya kalau ane ditikung? Gimana untuk memperkecil damage ketika ditikung? dsb dsb. Kan yang namanya manusia kita tidak pernah tahu isi hati orang tersebut.

Ketika kita masih kecil dan polos, melihat dunia ini sangat positif dan semua orang itu baik. Namun ketika sudah semakin dewasa kok rasanya harus selalu ada rasa "curiga" dan "was-was" agar tidak dibodohi / ditipu / dikerjain orang. Meskipun demikian bukan berarti melihat dunia ini dengan kacamata selalu negatif. Tetap selalu positif dengan sedikit dikasih pagar agar tidak gampang dikerjain.

Menolong dan berbuat baik kepada orang lain juga ada batasnya. Misalnya ane punya duit 100 jt di tabungan dan ada saudara / sahabat / orang kepercayaan ane yang mau ngutang 50jt tentu tidak ane kasih kalau tidak ada jaminan. Maksimal ane ngutangin kalau tidak ada jaminan hanya 10jt, yang simpel-simpel kek gitu itu namanya memitigasi risiko...

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