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Kalau di Pancake mah listing token" multichain setahu ane masih ada kok gan, jadi ya bisa dibilang ada" aja proyek yang masih menarik disana. Kalau dibilang sampah sih susah juga kalau nyari yang harganya tinggi, kecuali definisi sampah ini maksudnya token meme dkk. Yang namanya sampah ya secara definisi harusnya ga bernilai, walau lebih mahal dikit di blockchain sebelah bisa jadi karena faktor trading volume lebih gedhe aja. Kalau ane sih proyek yang ane ikuti emang ada yang harganya lebih mahal di BSC daripada di ETH, kemungkinan karena biaya bridging dan exchange yang lebih murah, cuma banyak juga yang harganya mirip".
Koin sampah BSC sebenarnya bisa berharga juga saat ada orang iseng-iseng membuat LP dan kita bisa jual meskipun harganya tidak begitu mahal, berbeda jika koin sampah di ETH sulit ada anonim yang mau menambah LP karena fee trade di sana sangat mahal harus bayar feenya dibandingkan dengan BSC.
Cuman saat ini koin dengan network BSC sudah jarang hype dan lebih banyak yang ikut koin meme di jaringan solana, cuman untuk scammer mengirim koin sampah BSC tetap masih ada sampai sekarang saat transaksi dengan koin atau token yang jaringan BSC.

If someone is investing for long term then the person should not looked at the market price anymore and if possible he should use air-gapped wallet to store his coins and only top up whenever he has money to buy and makes sure that he has a set goal which he can work or invest with. With the air-gapped wallet, the investment is free from hack risk but he has to keep it in save place where he can easily assess it.
For holder or investors with long term target investment not required checking market every time and they will looking one month or one year with current market price. But depend with your social media interaction following most of cryptocurrency influencer will be update with bitcoin or market price.
Holding assets for long team and easily access actually exchange wallet is good ideas, but can't guarantee how secure with your assets because many exchange recently got hack cases and collapse such as FTX exchange. For me if want to be long term holding in cryptocurrency will put my all assets in onw wallet more secure than exchange wallet.

        -   I have never once participated in any trading competitions because the criteria they use to select participants are high, according to the exchanges I have seen and learned about in this field of crypto.

As far as I know, in order for you to join or be a qualifier in a trading competition, you must have a large fund that has been entered or placed on their platform itself, and it must also be in the futures trade.
Participating in trading competition is not good ideas because most of participants with huge amount and easily lead the standings board with bigger amount of transaction volume trading than us has small capital. Most of trading competition when listing new coins their reward allocated not bigger and each participants recently my experience joined at Bybit trading competition just back up of my trading fees only.
Its not good ideas looking the opportunity for earning profit with trading competition, better with other trading way less risk and potential earn much profitable.

Gambling discussion / Re: [football] EURO 2024
« on: Today at 04:01:26 AM »
Although Ronaldo can play since the first minute, it is true that they got difficulty to score goals. They only could score after several players have been changed by the coach. I think the coach (Martinez) needs to evaluate the players who can't play effectively as the starters. Or it may be about the tactics, Portugal looks not really aggressively in this match. However, it is lucky that they could win with 2 goals, 1 goal got from the opponent defender's own goal. Portugal attackers weren't performing well in this match.

Turkey's performance looks quite promising. Moreover, Arda Guler can score 1 goal. They are leading the table after they scored 3 goals. If they can maintain this performance, they can have a chance to win against Portugal.  ;)
I don't think need evaluate for Cristiano Ronaldo who playing in the first minutes but failed to score last night against Czech Republic team. Ronaldo helped the other players get more space because the opponent teams defender will pressure him and give space for his team mate get more opportunity. I think Portugal head coach Martinez keep give him opportunity for second match get regular position against Turkey.

The most beautiful goals from Arda Guler and he was success break out Cristiano Ronaldo record as debut and youth players can scoring goals. He has success helped Turkey won over 3-1 against Georgia and its make close opportunity for qualifying to knock out round.

Dari pengalaman ane, konteks campaign yang berjalan juga bisa mempengaruhi peraturan dari campaign tersebut. Kalau banyak member yang bikin posting dengan jarak singat meski postnya ga spam" banget bisa jadi proyek juga inisiatif mengubah aturannya, ga melulu dari BM. Udah ada beberapa proyek yang ane lihat kaya gitu di forum sebelah, jadi wajar aja kalau disini juga gitu wong BMnya mirip". Ga masalah juga sih mau ada jarak atau tidak, cuma bakal membantu BM saat membatasi spammer aja menurut ane. Kecuali agan hanya bisa online di forum 1 jam doang perharinya.
Bener peraraturan baru di campaign yang sama kita ikuti akhir-akhir ini setelah kebanyakan peserta membuat burst postingan dan jarak satu postingan dengan postingan ke dua sangat singkat. Terpaksa aturan yang tidak ada sebelumnya diterapkan mungkin salah satu faktor orang kendala aktif cuman satu jam dalam sehari jadi mengerjar maksimal jumlah postingan harian.
Selain itu aturan jumlah postingan yang diubah dari biasanya bisa sampai 7 hingga 9 postingan perhari terpaksa dibatasi jadi 6 postingan maksimal per harinya. Mungkin kebiasaan burst post harus diubah oleh semua peserta untuk memberikan feedback yang bagus terhadap campaign yang kita promosikan dan juga menjaga nama baik Bounty Manager yang memberikan kesempatan kepada peserta.

Bitcoin Forum / Re: Trump Supporting Bitcoin, Crypto
« on: June 16, 2024, 10:03:33 PM »
I will always advocate that no country be at war, on the contrary, that all be at peace, because in wars innocent people always die and that is very painful. As for Trump, if he wins to improve these things, then let him do it, as long as he contributes to the country and the world what is needed to improve life, and with respect to Bitcoin, I think that not only him but all the presidents of the world should accept Bitcoin, since it is the currency or money that is safest, there will be no danger if things go well here, therefore due to the current situation in the USA, I see that the best thing is for a Trump to win.
Indeed a lot of controversial of Donald Trump but he made success world without war in his era of United State president and difference what happening right in five years of Joe Biden era from Russia invasion to Ukraine and Israel make brutar war to Palestine.
I think Donald Trump if get opportunity become the president of US not only give us opportunity to see him help more for cryptocurrency but also will make world more conducive for five years later.
I think when United State accepting bitcoin make easily for other country to see bitcoin get legal payment transaction in the future.

Bitcoin Forum / Re: What's Your Take On It ?
« on: June 16, 2024, 09:39:30 PM »
I have bad viewed in this month of June after bitcoin seems difficult break out to the higher price, its not good moment for me as holder bitcoin and some altcoin assets because most of downtrend than uptrend after bitcoin got crash and difficult break to higher price.
Its middle of June and the progress of market still not good yet after downtrend more dominance than uptrend.
Buy back is good ideas recently in this month wish on July has good moment recovery and market back to the top price give us opportunity taking profit with some altcoin and bitcoin holding.

yang penting, manajemen keuangannya tetap terjaga dan termanage dengan baik dan bijak. jangan hanya ikut-ikutan asal beli saja. Karena jika hanya asal-asalan tanpa berbagai pertimbangan, takutnya nanti bakal menyesal sih.
kalau bocil seperti aku mah asal ada dana belanja crypto om,
kalau property belum berani untuk invest karena aku belum punya pengetahuan maupun ilmunya
banyak pertimbangan yang harus aku dipikirkan, aku lebih baik berinvestasi sesuai skill dan minat daripada memasuki dunia baru yang belum diketahui seluk beluknya
Untuk yang masih muda justru bagus mencoba tantangan baru investasi di property, tidak salahnya mencoba mencari pengalaman apalagi masih muda dan belum banyak pengeluaran atau tanggungan. Pas nanti sudah dewasa bisa menikmatin hasil dari investasi property baik itu berupa bikin kontrakan ataupun bikin perumahan. Jangan pesimis dulu masalah modal siapa tau ada hold koin dan kenaikannya sangat drastis jadi bisa digunakan untuk berinvestasi di properti.
Bitcoin memang investasi yang bagus namun tetap ada momen koreksi dan butuh waktu satu hingga dua tahun lebih naik ke harga tinggi, jika punya bisnis properti seperti kontrakan lumayan tetap ada penghasilan setiap bulannya sambil menunggu investasi di bitcoin.

In fact, it is not impossible for a coach who is considered inexperienced to bring great success, we can see Xabi achieving success with Leverkusen.

Is Xabi an experienced coach? I don't think so, because he hasn't started his coaching career for long, so he's not enough to be said to be an experienced coach. but in fact he is also very capable of achieving success with Leverkusen this season.
Xabi Alonso is not experienced coach but he need two season bring Bayern Leverkusen become the winner,
so many Bayern Munich fans expected to see their favorite team with the first season under Vincent Kompany tactician will be success by winning domestic league and break out the record of Leverkusen in this season by winning domestic league with invisible record.
Next season I don't see any compete for Bundesliga tittle race and keep sure Bayern Leverkusen will be the winner, for Bayern Munich I doubt because they has lack experienced manager.

Definitely, as I have said the impact is huge, but I don't think that people will regret to have Bitcoin though. Maybe for those who literally put all their money on Bitcoin and doesn't have fiat or paper money at their disposal. That's why we always say that Bitcoin is not that magical bean that will solved everyone's problem here. So still have to think of other ways to survived in case of something like this happened in the future.
Actually when internet goes down not only with bitcoin have huge impact but also all sector from fiat currency and our saving money in the bank can't withdrawal yet without internet access. I think in the modern era, internet is most important thing and exactly for bitcoin holder or investor internet become their part life.
Bitcoin not worth yet without have access to internet because we need it when making transaction for selling and withdrawing to be fiat, without have internet access make us return back to dark era and all transaction automatically not worth it when internet goes down. I can't imagine one day or one week we can't get internet access and how its bad for investment or many people as influencer worker right now.

kalau gak jujur dipastikan proyeknya sangat meragukan mending di skip aja
bisa-bisa malah jadi proyek rugpull
akan tetapi malah zkSync Era sudah jadi ekosistem besar di safepal aja sudah ada dapps tersendiri dan ternyata banyak juga yang sudah gabung di ekosistem tersebut
Sudah banyak FUD yang beredar saat ini bahkan pre market dari pertama kali rilis di harga 0.8$ tiba-tiba dump cukup parah sampai harga $0.2 dan kemungkinan bisa lebih murah lagi menjelang sampai mainnet listing di market. Saya rasa tidak adil dalam hal airdrop bisa jadi pemicu koin ini kurang menark bagi exchange karena takutnya bisa di FUD atau bisa jadi dead koin saat listing nanti.

Saran saya kalau ada user eligible airdrop zkSync lebih baik jual sekitar 50% di harga pre market takutnya pas listing bakal dump lebih parah karena banyak sekali komunitas besar menghabiskan fee dalam jumlah besar namun tidak eligible.

I don't know their financial situation for sure, but looking at management's lack of support, it's possible they are currently experiencing this problem, but I don't know whether it's a big problem or a small problem that they can overcome quickly.

Yes, they finished in 2nd place, but the points gap between them and Inter Milan was very far, this happened because at the start they weren't very good so they were left behind by a lot of points.
Financial facing I think most of players sign not regular player with their teams before such as Pulisic or Ruben Loftus-Cheek, Milan need sign most talent player and brave spend much money how to make them interested for playing with Milan receiving bigger payment salary.
In this season, Milan performance although finish on 2nd place but failure in champion league group phase and eliminated at Europe League quarter final after defeating by Roma. I don't see any success achieved from Milan in this season behind as 2nd place standing team but Serie A lack compete with gap points difference form Inter Milan.

Cryptocurrency Trading / Re: Hold and trade which is best for you?
« on: June 15, 2024, 08:34:14 PM »
Personally, I prefer to hodli my bitcoin investment than to trade. Traders are only after small profits from price fluctuation. Of it is altcoin, trading is good than hodli but if it is bitcoin hodli is better than trading. This is because bitcoin price keeps increasing overtime, and if you can hodli for long, you will benefit from the compounding effect of your bitcoin portfolio in future.
For bitcoin is prefer for holding tan trading but not recommended when holding altcoin,
no doubt with bitcoin reputation and potential reach most highest price in the future but when holding altcoin get dilemma have to sell as soon possible before price crashing drastically.
Bitcoin has potential every moment make new higher price but with trading in bitcoin give us opportunity earn profit in daily day and make compound with our profitable earn.

We can't expect much when a coach is appointed when the team is in decline and that's what happened to Pochettino. I don't think it's wise to just blame Pochettino when he didn't take advantage of several matches that ultimately made them lose.

But we also can't close it down, with some of the changes that Pochettino can show, he just hasn't been able to make Chelsea that consistent. We can see when they face a strong team and they can fight back.
Pochettino not really failure for his first season become Chelsea manager, got problem with many senior players selling by management and he has home work how to make young players adapting well with his tactician on the first season. I think every manager need time developing their tactician actually Pochettino get leaving by many senior players and management give him most of young players get their first appearance for playing in domestic league.

I think Enzo Maresca will get more easily with tactician leaving by Pochettino because he can build good composition for next season after some players get adapting well on their first season with Chelsea.

ada berita apa ya? aku kudet ni. mungkin master-master pro disini bisa berbagi analisisnya
aku lihat harga crypto beberapa minggu ini turun

apakah bullrun udah usai? atau polanya gak sama seperti sebelumnya sejak BTC sudah menyetuh ATH lebih dulu
Saya biasanya sering update di IG dan ada satu akun sering ngasih informasi saat terjadi bearish atau bullrun momen, namun kemaren saat harga bitcoin turun tidak ada bad news sama sekali entah  akun IG yang biasanya saya ikuti juga tidak dapat informasi atau memang sudah waktunya pola bearish yang sama terjadi dengan harga bitcoin turun dengan persentase yang cukup lumayan.

Satu minggu ini kebanyakan momen bearish daripada bullrun dan harus lebih sabar mengontrol emosi saat melihat asset portfolio masih minus bahkan saat ini saya sudah mau 30%, lumayan besar juga minusnya.

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