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Messages - MUGNIA

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Biasa - biasa saja gan karena saya gak punya aset btc atau eth . Bisa jadi musibah bagi yang memiliki aset btc atau eth saat beli mahal sekarang harga anjlok . Pilihan antara tahan atau jual
menutut saya bukan musibah karena yang namanya aset pasti ingin mendapatkan untung yang besar jadi saya pikir bagi pemegang BTC dan ETH  menahan aset mereka saat ini , tidak untuk menjual  dan kemungkinan mereka menambah aset mereka saat pasar sedang rendah begini

Cryptocurrency discussions / Re: What happens to the market yesterday?
« on: November 15, 2018, 04:28:20 PM »
don't understand the news, most negative news about crypto, but  what news is circulating!
but this afternoon the price rose slightly

IOTA Revives - Maybe IOTA (MIOTA) will end the lowest level soon. Since the beginning of November, it has experienced a very stable rise to the price of $ 0.51 USD and currently it is trading at a price of $ 0.495022 USD, and managed to represent a 2.58% increase in the last 24 hours.

This price increase also placed it third in the list of coins that managed to rise from adversity while for the first and second order held by NEM (XEM) and ZCash (ZEC).

IOTA performance in November is very dependent on the development of the Iota Foundation. Let's look at two important advances that might be able to push the Iota back to a 10th position of the market and be ready to back up with the most prestigious coins at the moment.

1. IOTA can be saved in Wallet Ledger Nano S
A recent announcement made by the Iota Foundation about adding IOTA tokens to the Ledger Nano S wallet, where this wallet is very well known as the best hardware wallet so far.

In announcements made in this Medium, where each IOTA user will make it possible to store their coins in Ledger Nano S's wallet to increase the level and quality of security. Ledger will integrate its services with Trinity wallet to offer the best for its customers.

2. IOTA Go and Java Iota Already added to the library
Because Ledger Nano S already supports IOTA, it is expected to benefit investors and HODLers, the developers at Tangle also got a new surprise because the IOTA Foundation has just added IOTA Go and Java Iota to the client library. This will facilitate the development of the project because improvements can be made directly in the library.

One of the most important fields of the crypto world is platform development. However, most crypto projects do not report progress even though this can be useful for developers. When Iota made the beta release of Iota Go and Iota Java in November, the market experienced an amazing reversal.

Why is the IOTA library client so important?
The IOTA library client is an important part of their developer ecosystem. so they need special attention to this, and right in August, they released the first beta version of the JavaScript library (IOTA JS) for the developers.

source and translated:

Cryptocurrency discussions / Re: Do you feel tired in holding altcoins?
« on: November 13, 2018, 03:21:52 AM »
to hold , I don't think for now, I don't know why there is no appeal for new coins at the moment, I think it's better to sell when the first offer and buy back at the lowest price

The price of NEM tokens (XEM) has risen some since Japanese exchange Coincheck announced that it would once again allow trading of the token, which was suspended after a hack at the exchange led to a more than half-billion dollars in tokens being stolen and systematically laundered through other exchanges.

The XEM price started picking up momentum just before the announcement. It presently sits at almost 12 cents per token with a market capitalization of nearly $1 billion, a far cry from its January high (which had built up from momentous trading throughout last December) of nearly $1.50.

Source: CoinMarketCap

NEM is 17th on the current list of tokens by market capitalization. It hit a high of $0.114 overnight, but currently sits about .007 less than that, at time of writing being worth $0.107375, marking a 16 percent gain. It beats out notable contenders like zcash by hundreds of millions of dollars.

It is always pertinent to mention in these things that liquidity may or may not exist for the total market capitalization of a given token. Only those actively and widely traded against fiat currencies can accurately be reported as having this or that market capitalization. In terms of tokens which are largely traded against larger cryptos, the reality of their market capitalization is in fact hard to gauge — prices tend to drop astronomically when sales begin to cascade. Nevertheless, that it retains a moving token a price over 10 cents despite its past problems and in the face of a massive supply (1 shy of 9 billion units) is important.

New Economy Movement
The New Economy Movement is an entirely original blockchain codebase which introduced the concept of Proof of Importance, or a system that “not only rewards those with a large account balance, but also takes into account how much they transact to others and who they transact with.”

Regardless of the token price, the business end of NEM has kept up operations and entered into several strategic partnerships, including with OATH Protocol and Portal network. They have also created a product called PUBLISH, which is supposed to be some kind of decentralized news gathering/publishing service.


Membaca salah satu artikel berikut :

apa pendapat teman2 semua dengan modal 10rb IDR sudah bisa berinvestasi XLM   apakah itu benar adanya ?
apakah kalian sudah mencoba ?

Cryptocurrency discussions / Re: Will it be the year for Ripple?
« on: November 13, 2018, 03:03:02 AM »
you really ripple has started to wake up from its long sleep, ripple shows an increase at the end of this year hopefully it will last until 2019,
if you want to invest in ripple there is still a chance for that

Pemula / Re: Apakah Google Authenticator (GA/2FA) bisa kita andalkan?
« on: November 12, 2018, 05:52:31 PM »
Selama ini saya pakai Google Authenticator untuk mengamankan akun penting dan tentunya sampai saat keamanannya benar-benar tidak usah di ragukan lagi.
Tips dari saya sendiri untuk pemakaian Google Authenticator gunakanlah juga versi extensions Chrome PC nya juga karena jika kita sync kan dengan email kita, kita tidak perlu repot-repot backup. Tiap kita ganti PC atau habis install ulang kita cukup loginkan saja email kita maka semua extensions yang sebelumnya terpasang termasuk Google Authenticator akan kembali seperti semula. Tapi untuk lebih amannya simpan juga Backupan Google Authenticatornya.
setuju gan karena meningkat kan kemanan dan kenyaman bersama hehe. tetapi jika kita menggunakan googe authenticator di smartphone itu resiko nya agak besar gan karena jka kehilangan hp dan data2 2FA itu juga ikut hilang, saran saya ya untuk menggunakan apk for PC. termakasih :)
Yaps memang sih ada resiko tersendiri jika pake googe authenticator/ 2FA terutama di hape , ane sendiri sudah punya pengalaman ketika hape ane ilang ane kelabakan karena ada googe authenticator/2FA  dan untungnya dulu udah ane singkron kan dengan email buat jaga-jaga.
mensingkronkan dengan email ?
bisa kah anda meberikan secara detail bagai mana melakukan itu.
jika memang ini langkah awal untuk berjaga2 jika hp hilang atau rusak. saya boleh mencoba

Dash Forum / Re: Does Dash Have Competitors?
« on: November 08, 2018, 02:13:34 PM »
other competitors of altcoin Dash may be superior , but  if for bitcoin I think that until now it hasn't been able to match the price of bitcoin

Ethereum Forum / Re: What is the cause of pending ETH transactions
« on: November 08, 2018, 02:07:34 PM »
I also often experience delays in transactions on eth, but the problem that I always face is KYC problems
more than that, maybe Gwei's costs must be considered during the transaction

I think saving a coin that has a selling price is very good, for now I personally only invest ETH and XLM because I think it's a promising coin in 2019

Cryptocurrency discussions / Re: Ripple or Ethereum Better?
« on: November 08, 2018, 01:58:32 PM »
I personally still believe in Ethereum rather than ripple, even though the current price of ETH is not like last year but I still believe

Cryptocurrency discussions / Re: Token distribution using KYC verification
« on: November 08, 2018, 01:57:00 PM »
I think it's safe, because maybe Majer doesn't want parties who have multiple accounts to get rewarded, just positiv thingking  if we want get a salary from the bounty we follow it

Bitcoin market dominance has fallen to a monthly low of just over 51% of the overall market capitalization while Ripple and Bitcoin Cash have both rallied multiple percentage points over the past week.

Bitcoin’s overall value in the cryptocurrency market is an important barometer in the progress of the space as a whole. If Bitcoin were still at 100% value, then price shifts in its markets would impact the overall capitalization a lot more than they do now.

Ripple Steadily Upwards, Near Coupling With Ether
Ripple’s market performance is the most notable as of late, pushing to be almost equal with Ethereum. Ethereum’s demand comes from many dozens of sources on a regular basis as token platforms require it to operate and process transactions and ICOs launch. Ripple’s demand is a bit more tricky and reliant on the needs of large institutions which have in the past few years integrated the platform as a means of moving money cheaply across borders.

Ripple continues to impress, having weathered a long winter of low valuations and pushing ever further toward realistic dollar parity. By this, we mean parity which is not wholly reliant on the astronomical price of Bitcoin – that someone is actually willing to take a single dollar and exchange it for a single Ripple, which might be different than prices reflected on BTC/XRP charts on a given day. Nevertheless, at present, they stand at more than 50 cents a token.

Looming Fork Propels Bitcoin Cash
Many factors go into the recent rise both in price and volume on Bitcoin Cash, but likely the most important is the upcoming hard fork in which there will again be two major camps around the currency. The same people who forked Bitcoin into Bitcoin Cash are now actively working to fork Bitcoin Cash into something else.

The prospects of a viable tertiary fork growing out of Bitcoin Cash are an arbitrage opportunity that many veteran crypto traders recognize – when the Bitcoin Cash fork happened, anyone who’d bought Bitcoin prior to the fork and was holding it then immediately also held Bitcoin Cash, which started out trading rather high.

It is likely that this is the primary motivating factor to the increased demand and volume surrounding Bitcoin Cash, but certainly, other factors are at play such as the budding ecosystem and economy around the crypto.

While Bitcoin maximalists may not like to hear it, a decline in the market dominance of Bitcoin over the entirety of the crypto market capitalization is likely a positive sign of health. Liken it to franchising – the flagship store might not be doing as well as it always was, but the franchises are growing up nicely.

It is also worth noting that it is not a zero-sum game. In several cases, the newer entrants to crypto might not have entered at all if it were a strictly Bitcoin world they were looking at. Ethereum, in particular, presents a number of opportunities for investing and utilization of the blockchain that companies and individuals have been attracted to, and Ripple primarily serves large institutions. Together they represent almost 20% of the total market cap at present, so their contributions are not to be taken lightly.

source :

Informasi yang sangat bagus gan khususnya buat pemula.
Kalo ane memang faktor pertimbangan untuk melakukan exchange token yang didapat dari airdrop/bounty itu:
1. Ketersediaan token di exchange itu, jelas kalo tidak ada lapak untuk tokennya tidak bisa diperdagangkan.
2. Jika memang terdapat lebih dari 1 exchange yang bisa memperdagangkan token tersebut pertimbangannya harga yang tertinggi.
3. Setelah itu melihat volumenya apakah kecil atau besar. Semakin besar semakin bagus.
4. Fee wd yang paling kecil.
Kemudian mungkin seperti yang agan OP jelaskan.

Untuk menyimpannya emang sangat tidak disarankan di wallet exchange karena rentan hack.
saya juga sama seperti agan wildanmr tetapi ada tambahan
sebenarnya jangan terlalu fokus fee wd yang kecil, fee wd kecil tetapi perbedaan harga antar market, beda jauh kan rugi juga akhir2nya, seperti doge fee wd 2doge
kita ingin transfer 100ribu doge, total di terima 99.998 doge, perbedaan harga 1 satoshi, jadi seperti ini : bayar fee wd 2 doge + 99.998 satoshi (harga lebih murah 1 satoshi)+ fee taker/maker, sama aja kayak lagi ngirim doge tetapi rasa BTC gara2 total sama kayak fee BTC ;D

nah benar FEE terkadang jadi kendala dalam WD saya pribadi bukan melihat fee kalau WD  tapi  liath harga jual token yang dimiliki 
Fee itu ibarat ADM wajib yang mesti dibayar saat penarikan  mau tidak mau mesti dibayar

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