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Laut Novogratz ist die Einführung von Bitcoin derzeit der Hauptschlüssel

Mike Novogratz, CEO des Finanzdienstleistungsunternehmens Galaxy Digital, äußerte kürzlich in der Morgenshow Squawk Box von CNBC seine üblichen bullischen Bitcoin-Gefühle. Während des kurzen Abschnitts fragte der Interviewer der Show Novogratz nach Bitcoin (BTC) in Bezug auf Gold. Er bemerkte, dass große Spieler scheinbar Krypto kaufen, nachdem sie ihre Goldinvestitionen verkauft haben, wobei Gold kürzlich einen Allzeithochabfluss verzeichnete.

"Ich denke, es ist sinnvoll, aber es ist nicht die wahre Geschichte", sagte Novogratz am Dienstagmorgen. "Die wahre Geschichte ist die Einführung von Bitcoin, die Einführung von Krypto, für eine Vielzahl von Konten", sagte er und erwähnte Guggenheims jüngstes Interesse an der Übernahme von 500 Millionen US-Dollar des GBTC-Vermögens von Grayscale.

"Es ist nur eine Litanei von institutionellen Anlegern, die ihre Meinung ändern oder erkennen, dass es jetzt an der Zeit ist, dass Bitcoin über genügend Liquidität verfügt, um ein Teil davon zu sein", sagte Novogratz und verwies auf die Hauptakteure, die 2020 in Bitcoin investiert haben, einschließlich Der Milliardär Paul Tudor Jones und Microstrategy, ein Business-Intelligence-Unternehmen.

"Wenn Bitcoin einfach zu kaufen wäre, wäre der Preis viel höher gewesen", erklärte Novogratz. "Grayscale Trust war eine sehr interessante Möglichkeit für Menschen, ein ETF-ähnliches Engagement zu erzielen."

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Bitcoin adoption is the main key right now, Novogratz says

Mike Novogratz, CEO of financial services firm Galaxy Digital, recently expressed his usual bullish Bitcoin sentiments on CNBC’s Squawk Box morning show. During the short segment, the show’s interviewer asked Novogratz about Bitcoin (BTC) in relation to gold. He noted that big players are seemingly buying crypto after selling their gold investments, with gold recently seeing an all-time high level of outflow.

“I think it’s meaningful but it’s not the real story,” Novogratz said on Tuesday morning. “The real story is adoption of Bitcoin, adoption of crypto, across a vast variety of accounts,” he noted, going on to mention Guggenheim's recent interest in picking up $500 million of Grayscale’s GBTC asset.

"It's just a litany of institutional investors that are changing their mind, or realizing that now is the time, there's enough liquidity for Bitcoin to be part of it," said Novogratz, referencing the mainstream players who have invested in Bitcoin in 2020, including billionaire hedge funder Paul Tudor Jones and Microstrategy, a business intelligence firm.

“If Bitcoin was easy to buy, the price would have been a lot higher,” Novogratz explained. “Grayscale Trust was a very interesting way for people to get an ETF-like exposure.”

In contrast, gold enthusiast and known Bitcoin skeptic Peter Schiff remains opposed to the digital asset. “CNBC’s excessive coverage of #Bitcoin sets a new low in financial journalism ethics,” Schiff tweeted on Tuesday.

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Gli indirizzi di Bitcoin attivi hanno quasi raggiunto livelli record a novembre

Circa 19,6 milioni di indirizzi Bitcoin hanno inviato o ricevuto BTC durante il mese di novembre.

Secondo il fornitore di dati blockchain Glassnode, questo è il terzo numero più alto mai registrato in un solo mese, dopo gennaio 2018 (19,67 milioni) e dicembre 2017 (21,64 milioni).

Non sorprende che i numeri degli indirizzi attivi si siano approssimativamente allineati al prezzo del Bitcoin negli ultimi anni. Man mano che il prezzo sale, l'interesse per il trading aumenta o viceversa.

Il rally di Bitcoin (e il precedente massimo storico, in termini di prezzo) di fine 2017 e il suo successivo arresto all'inizio del 2018 hanno generato un'enorme quantità di stampa per Bitcoin. Per il mese di dicembre 2017, il numero di nuovi indirizzi è salito alle stelle a oltre 17 milioni.

Se quel numero sembra alto è perché la maggior parte degli indirizzi Bitcoin (ora ce ne sono oltre 740 milioni, in totale, secondo Glassnode) non detengono effettivamente alcun Bitcoin e quindi non sono attivi.

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Las direcciones activas de Bitcoin se acercaron a máximos históricos en noviembr

Aproximadamente 19,6 millones de direcciones de Bitcoin enviaron o recibieron BTC durante el mes de noviembre.

Según el proveedor de datos de blockchain Glassnode, ese es el tercer número más alto en un solo mes, después de enero de 2018 (19,67 millones) y diciembre de 2017 (21,64 millones).

No es de extrañar que los números de direcciones activas se hayan alineado aproximadamente con el precio de Bitcoin en los últimos años. A medida que sube el precio, aumenta el interés en el comercio, o viceversa.

El rally de Bitcoin (y el máximo histórico anterior, en términos de precio) de finales de 2017 y su posterior caída a principios de 2018 generaron una gran cantidad de prensa para Bitcoin. Para el mes de diciembre de 2017, el número de nuevas direcciones se disparó a más de 17 millones.

Si ese número se siente alto es porque la mayoría de las direcciones de Bitcoin (ahora hay más de 740 millones, en total, según Glassnode) en realidad no tienen Bitcoin y, por lo tanto, no están activas.

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Active Bitcoin Addresses Neared Record Highs in November

Roughly 19.6 million Bitcoin addresses either sent or received BTC during the month of November.

According to blockchain data provider Glassnode, that’s the third-highest number ever for a single month, following January 2018 (19.67 million) and December 2017 (21.64 million).

It’s no surprise that active address numbers have roughly aligned with the price of Bitcoin over the past few years. As the price climbs, interest in trading goes up, or vice versa.

The Bitcoin rally (and previous all-time-high, in terms of price) of late 2017 and its subsequent crash in early 2018 generated a huge amount of press for Bitcoin. For the month of December 2017, the number of new addresses skyrocketed to over 17 million.

If that number feels high it’s because most Bitcoin addresses (there are now over 740 million, in total, according to Glassnode) don’t actually hold any Bitcoin and are thus not active.

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媒体 / 比特币分析师解释崩溃后会发生什么
« on: December 02, 2020, 02:00:37 AM »


量子经济学的分析师查尔斯·博瓦伊德(Charles Bovaird)告诉Decrypt,最简单的解释是,“在升至历史新高之后,交易者获利了结,导致比特币撤退。”

在2017年的牛市中,比特币在达到每个新的里程碑后均下跌。 2017年12月8日,即比特币达到历史新高的10天之前,比特币在达到牛市第二高价18268美元后仅两天就跌至13630美元。
纽约加密公司Greenidge Generation的首席财务官蒂姆·雷尼(Tim Rainey)告诉Decrypt,随着价格进入未知领域,“交易者做出更多情感决定是很自然的”。


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Bitcoin Analysts Explain What Will Happen to Bitcoin After Crash

Today, things got ropey for Bitcoin, just as a few cryptocurrency analysts yesterday predicted that it would. The price of Bitcoin, which had hit its all-time high, $19,816, plummeted to $18,543. Then it recovered to $19,364 before falling to its current price, $18,936.
The big question: why, and what happens now? Decrypt asked the experts.

Charles Bovaird, an analyst at Quantum Economics, told Decrypt that the simplest explanation is that, “after rising to an all-time high, traders took profits, causing Bitcoin to retreat.”

In 2017’s bull run, Bitcoin fell after reaching each new milestone. On December 8, 2017, 10 days before Bitcoin hit its all-time high, Bitcoin fell to $13,630 just two days after it hit its second highest price of that bull run, $18,268.

Of course, when Bitcoin hit its previous all-time high on December 17, 2017, it crashed so hard that it’s taken three years to recover.

Eric Wall, chief investment officer at crypto investment firm Arcane Assets, said that the dip is down to “overly skittish” traders, worried that Bitcoin has already hit its peak. Unsure of when Bitcoin will crash, they cash out early to avoid losing all their money.

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媒体 / 随着加密市场的成熟,比特币价格创下历史新高
« on: December 01, 2020, 01:34:14 PM »

尽管上周感恩节大跌,但BTC价格在整个周末都成功反弹。 BTC随后在周一轻松地突破了19,000美元大关,达到了历史新高,尽管进行了几次交易所。




Grayscale看到的数字对于衡量机构对比特币的兴趣非常重要,因为Grayscale Bitcoin Trust通常是大多数机构获得BTC敞口的第一入口。


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Bitcoin News & Updates / Bitcoin Price Records Highest Monthly Close Ever
« on: December 01, 2020, 01:21:39 PM »
Bitcoin Price Records Highest Monthly Close Ever

Bitcoin’s price has closed at its highest monthly figure ever, eclipsing the previous high that was seen last month.

Bitcoin’s price has been setting records as of late. Yesterday it rose up and broke its previous all-time high price. And it continues to maintain its longest streak ever of days above $10,000. Now it’s gone on to make gains on the monthly scale too.Yesterday, Bitcoin’s price—having started the month at $13,737—finished the month at $19,625, setting a new record.

This month’s figure is far higher than figures seen during Bitcoin’s last major bull run during Christmas of 2017, which pushed Bitcoin up to the $19,000 bracket for the first time and registered an all-time high that took nearly three years to overcome.

Per CoinMarketCap, Bitcoin ended 2017 on $14,156 as the Christmas bull run was in full flow. Just one month later in January 2018, Bitcoin registered a $10,221 at the end of the month, representing a 28% decrease between months amidst what proved to be a major price crash.

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Bitcoin News & Updates / Bitcoin breaches $19892 on Coinbase
« on: December 01, 2020, 01:16:01 PM »
[size=Bitcoin breaches $19892 on Coinbase12pt][/size]

Bitcoin’s price crossed ATH on most exchanges on November 30, 2020 chasing after a high monthly close. Interestingly enough, @Danheld of Kraken has been asking traders to be patient and wait to get rewarded. In his recent tweet, he said there will be several dips in this cycle as well, and HODLing is the only way to get rewarded. As Bitcoin breached $19892 on Coinbase, it hit home for many retail traders and HODLers who waited patiently for over 2 years to witness another ATH. At press time, Bitcoin’s price hit a high of $19904 on Coinbase, based on data from the price chart.
During the current bull run, as the price crossed ATH on most exchanges, the fact of the matter remains that the liquidity has increased since many retailers rushed to book profits at the new ATH.
Before hitting above the ATH, enough demand needs to be generated to absorb it. Though Bitcoin does operate uninterrupted, just as it did over the Thanksgiving Holiday for a total of 113.5 hours, vs the 3.5 hours put in by US Capital Markets. The transaction volume and momentum in Bitcoin’s network should be sustained to breach $20000.

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Grayscale总经理Michael Sonnenshein在CNBC的Squawk Box上接受采访时说,虽然很难预测比特币的走势,但机构投资者的兴趣表明,金币仍处于牛市的早期。 “如果我们从Grayscale流入的资金表明对这种资产类别感兴趣的投资者类型或正在进行的分配规模,那么我们才刚刚开始。”

也在Squawk Box接受采访的加密货币交易所Gemini创始人Gemini Tyler和Cameron Winklevoss也认为旗舰加密货币将继续增长。“我们的论点是,比特币是黄金2.0,它将破坏黄金。如果这样做,它的市值必须达到9万亿美元。因此,我们认为比特币一天的价格可能会达到50万美元。 18,000美元的比特币是一个持有权,或者至少,如果您没有,则是一个购买机会,因为我们认为这里的价格是25倍。”

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Bitcoin Finally Reaches New All-Time High Amid Bullish Monthly Close

On Nov. 30, the Bitcoin (BTC) price finally reached a new all-time high and proceeded to reach a high of $19,864. While the daily chart shows that the rally is overextended, the short-term one suggests that another increase is in store. Yesterday, the BTC price reached a new all-time high of $19,864 and proceeded to close at $19,700.This was especially significant as it occurred at the very end of the month.

Bullish Bitcoin Monthly Close
The monthly candlestick for November was a massive bullish engulfing candlestick which measured an increase of roughly $6,600. This is the highest dollar increase in a monthly candlestick in Bitcoin history.

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現在のビットコイン(BTC)のブルランは、今週の1つの指標予測である$ 590,000ものBTC / USDを送る可能性があります。

オンチェーン分析リソースGlassnodeによってキュレーションされた、Net Unrealized Profit / Loss(NUPL)インデックスは、ビットコインの価格を過去に1桁高くしたレベルに達しました。

11月30日、同社のCTOであるRafael Schultze-Kraftが最新の強気シグナルに気づき、ソーシャルメディアにアップロードしました。当時、BTC / USDはすでにいくつかの取引所で史上最高値を更新していました。



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