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Messages - Metha Wulandarin

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Kripto Baru / Re: Tanya jawab seputar bounty dan project baru !
« on: May 26, 2024, 07:57:09 PM »
Lha ini yang seperti saya sebutkan di atas, mudahnya berpartisipasi di dalam Airdrop ini yang menyebabkan banyak pesertanya.
Apalagi Bounty juga kurang worth it, jadi sedikit yang tertarik untuk memulai dari awal.
Iya tapi tujuannya sama semua dari pihak dev hanya ingin masyarakat tahu tentang projek yang mereka buat sebagai gantinya mereka memberikan airdrop dimana itu system FCFS, random atau for all.
Dulu aku juga pernah berfikir kenapa ya airdrop hunter kok gk tertarik dengan bounty tapi setelah aku pikir2 kembali ternyata tidak semua orang mau berproses panjang apalagi harus rajin2 post harian.

Bitcoin Forum / Re: Is Bitcoin legal?
« on: May 26, 2024, 07:50:35 PM »
Of course there are positive and negative sessions
Now many countries have begun to accept the presence of Bitcoin, such as in my country Indonesia, Bitcoin is legal with applicable terms and conditions made by the government.
The taxes issued by the market also seem to be not small, even though the taxes from the crypto market are expensive but the market still complies with government regulations with the aim of providing maximum facilities for its users.
Its bad side when bitcoin have been acceptable we must paying taxes for all transaction kinds of cryptocurrency, we are from Indonesia must pay taxes when buying and selling coins its bad way because getting profit or loss we must pay taxes for every transaction.
For trading need to earn above 3% minimum profitable to recover taxes have to paid or under 1% profitable is not enough for paying taxes transaction, in my opinion better bitcoin not get regulation and we don't have to pay taxes for every transaction or government make exceptional with more lower taxes have to pay.
Yes that's about it if all crypto coins are legal but it may not apply to foreign markets if in local markets such as PINTU there is indeed a slight difference when we make instant sales the price given is much different from the market and it applies when we make instant purchases as well but if for order limits everything is the same

Sekarang kabarnya udh di acc 100% sih dan untuk next ada yg bilang Solana tapi kalau Solana perkiraan aku masih jauh untuk di terima karena Solana masih banyak sekali kekurangan, dari padatnya transaksi trus yang paling parah orang menyebutnya pemadam listrik tapi kalau sampai itu terjadi Sol di ACC juga kayaknya harganya bakalan melewati BNB.
Solana memang masih butuh banyak perbaikan jika ingin di approved SEC Commission karena pernah mengalami delay jaringan bisa sampai beberapa hari sekitar satu atau dua bulan yang lalu. Ini harus diperbaiki jika ingin mengikuti jejak Ethereum yang sudah sukses dipparove kemaren dan menambah daftar koin yang sudah diapprove dari sebelumnya Bitcoin.
Jaringan solana kadang padat banget sehingga untuk mengirim koin dengan network solana butuh waktu yang lama, padahal kalau jaringan lancar proses kirim koin di network solana sangat cepat tidak sampai satu menit transaksi sudah komplet dan fee juga sangat murah.
Kalau mencari yang seperti Ethereum kayaknya susah deh kalau pun kita berharap ke BNB tapi BNB tidak se populer Solana tapi kenapa ya sec tidak melirik BNB malah yang di prediksi masuk itu Solana padahal kalau di lihat dari volume Solana kalah jauh ketimbang BNB

Bitcoin Forum / Re: Is Bitcoin legal?
« on: May 26, 2024, 12:51:59 PM »
We know Bitcoin is using world best blockchain. Block chain  is best technology now a day. And now bitcoin is established currency. We saw Bitcoins usability increasing day by day.
Every economic sector Bitcoin is using randomly. Some country consider bitcoin as illegal currency. But Big big country's are using bitcoin frequently. So i think Bitcoin is l legal and it should be legal world over the world.
If for example bitcoin is legal in all countries whether it will not cause increased transaction costs, if everyone makes payments or purchases using Bitcoin there will definitely be transaction density and it will increase transaction costs.
Of course, if more and more bitcoins are used for transactions, traffic will increase. This will cause an increase in gas fees. So being legalized will also have the impact that demand will increase and gas fees will also increase, but on the positive side the price of Bitcoin will also increase, I think this is also good.
Of course there are positive and negative sessions
Now many countries have begun to accept the presence of Bitcoin, such as in my country Indonesia, Bitcoin is legal with applicable terms and conditions made by the government.
The taxes issued by the market also seem to be not small, even though the taxes from the crypto market are expensive but the market still complies with government regulations with the aim of providing maximum facilities for its users.

Kripto Baru / Re: Tanya jawab seputar bounty dan project baru !
« on: May 25, 2024, 09:33:11 PM »
Saat ini Komunitas Airdrop luar biasa banyaknya, dari kebanyakan mereka jarang yang kenal Dengan Bounty. Ini bisa menjadi keuntungan bagi kita yang kenal Bounty, karena misalnya ada bounty baru tidak banyak saingan yang ikut hehe.
Saya pribadi berharap Signature Campaign ini bisa bertahan untuk jangka waktu yang lama lagi, karena ini sekarang adalah semangat kita untuk masuk forum
Saya pribadi juga akhir-akhir ini lebih fokus ke Airdrop, terkadang sampe lupa sama forum.
Ada satu channel airdrop yang besar saat ini ketika dipublikasi informasi tentang airdrop seketika website bisa down karena overload peserta, saya rasa bounty juga bisa menjadi seperti itu jika channel besar atau para pemain airdrop saat ini juga ikut berpatisipasi dalam kampanye bounty.
Cuman persaingan dalam kampanye bounty terutama signature campaign tetap ada tidak hanya dari user lokal namun user luar sangat banyak, ini terlihat saat signature service ada slot untuk dua hingga tiga peserta tambahan namun yang ikut mendaftar bisa sampai puluhan peserta.
Kayak sedikit ada pertimbangan kalau mau masuk bounty apalagi para Airdrop hunter kebanyakan tidak memiliki akun, kalau mereka melakukan pembuatan aku sekarang kayaknya butuh waktu lama untuk bisa join ke bounty karena adanya peraturan rank, kalau di airdrop kan gak ada mau newbie atau suhu dianggap sama paling yg membedakan saat ada garapan retro karena butuh modal.

Solana Forum / Re: The PYTH Ecosystem and the future of PYTH
« on: May 25, 2024, 09:25:40 PM »
Yes you are absolutely right for PYTH is now pumping and many groups or retroactive seekers are joining.
If you become an investor why don't you try staking PYTH on their official website maybe one day you can qualify for an airdrop from PYTH.
I have considered this possibility as well, but currently the airdrop wave on Solana may have stopped and not many projects are conducting airdrops for PYTH stakers. In addition, 2.13B PYTH tokens will be unlocked soon on May 20th, which is larger than the total circulating supply of 1.5B PYTH. I am really worried that this token unlock event will cause the PYTH price to continue to fall deeply and create temporary losses for PYTH holders.

I think I will wait for PYTH to recover after this token unlock event before continuing to invest in PYTH and stake PYTH through Phantom wallet for higher rewards. I really hope that the PYTH price will not fall below the Fibo 0.618 ~ $0.41 price zone.

Yes I also heard this news on the telegram channel and when I checked in the market it turned out that PYTH had plunged freely down but I still opened a short position but the market said otherwise after I opened a short position pyth immediately reversed direction and I had to close the short position in a state of loss.

Denger2 sih gitu jadi masih lama untuk kita bisa melihat market hijau sepenuhnya tapi sebagian koin sekarang sudah mulai up meskipun belum sampai ATH yang di buat bulan lalu saat Bitcoin membuat ATH baru
Ternyata tidak butuh waktu lama untuk melihat market hijau kembali. Harga Bitcoin kembali naik di atas $70k, kemaren hampir mencapai $72k. Isu yang saya dengar, ini karena adanya kabar terkait kemungkinan besar Ethereum ETF bakal diterima. Ada pihak yang menyatakan 75% peluang untuk diterima. Hal ini memicu semua altcoins melesat naik, market menghijau mulai dari kemaren.
Sekarang kabarnya udh di acc 100% sih dan untuk next ada yg bilang Solana tapi kalau Solana perkiraan aku masih jauh untuk di terima karena Solana masih banyak sekali kekurangan, dari padatnya transaksi trus yang paling parah orang menyebutnya pemadam listrik tapi kalau sampai itu terjadi Sol di ACC juga kayaknya harganya bakalan melewati BNB.

Ethereum Forum / Re: Eth hold or Trade?
« on: May 25, 2024, 09:07:45 PM »
Maybe not a bearish season but just a correction, I also don't think about a bearish season this year, but we will see several corrections and maybe it's a good time to buy. Q1 and Q2 are likely where we will see bullishness, and perhaps Q4 is the top bullish.
I also think so the possibility of bearis in this year and start bullish in this year too but for Altcoin season will probably start in next year between Q1 or Q2.
If it's going to happen this year, that's great because there will be a lot of projects that will speed up the time to Mainnet.
You are right, because looking at the Bitcoin price movement, even though it is currently improving but has not been able to exceed the previous ATH, it is possible that at the end of this year or early next year we will see a bullish season. So be patient and keep holding on to the coins you have.
The coin that I have is partially sold even though I sold it at a low price but I don't regret it because I got the coin from the airdrop last year, I thought it would continue to rise but instead it dropped drastically I was forced to hold it because at that time I also didn't need it.

Refferal & Kontes / Re: MON Protocol
« on: May 25, 2024, 09:03:32 PM »
Ada info baru dari Mon protocol,

📌 MON Protocol update!

MON Protocol (MON) will go LIVE on Monday, 27 May 2024

Claim: 9:30am UTC
Listing: 10:00am UTC

Over 180,000 wallets are eligible to claim MON at the Token Generation Event (TGE).

Ya semoga kali ini yang garap Airdrop Mon bisa mendapatkan hasilnya, untuk informasi lebih lanjut cek di Twitter nya.
Sepertinya bakalan ada yang cair nih, boleh lah bagi2 dikit heheh :)
Btw kemren dari nyanhero cair berapa aku gk bisa claim dan males juga claimnya masak cuma dpet 11 biji doang kalau harganya di atas $5 gpp lah tapi harganya seperti Dogecoin dah lah

Dogecoin Forum / Re: Future of dogecoin
« on: May 25, 2024, 08:56:47 PM »
Even though we have to have our own analysis, at least as a literacy we read the news and get input from other people, even if it's just input because the decision is still our own analysis and decisions. because after all, it's our money and it's our risk
Well you are absolutely right all decisions are in our hands, whatever happens later with Dogecoin I still respect it because Dogecoin is the first meme coin that I know and Dogecoin can survive until now even though it has been left by its owner.

abandoned because it is not experiencing an increase, let's see when the doge experiences an increase, those who forget about the doge will return to call for their victory, 
Everyone has their own views on Doge, it's up to people what opinion they want because of Doge. In essence, our money is used to buy profits and losses, only we know, so enjoying whatever profits we make on our parfolio is a pleasure.
Yes, the most important thing is that we have made a profit from Dogecoin, sell it and forget about looking for something else, no need to care about what people say, the important thing is profit and profit.

Solana Forum / Re: Is Solana coin a good investment?
« on: May 25, 2024, 03:20:12 PM »
Yes, the important thing is to wait patiently for prices to improve, maybe soon the Altcoin season will start, don't be influenced by predictions of pliers without evidence, now Solana has become a project that many people have used.

There are two things that will give Solana a lead in this bull run anticipation, it's either the alt season which we know nothing about yet but perhaps things might change later but actually, nothing for now and the second one is if FTX could clear all the debts they hold their users, money will not only come to the market, people will have money to buy their favorite coins to make back all the loses they have made so far in the last bull run but how soon is that going to happen is what I don't know about.
If we remember back about FTX, I was very disappointed with FTX I still have a balance left there, I didn't expect it to happen like that, even though it's not too much but I really hope the FTX team replaces it, I made a deposit to FTX it was the result of an airdrop so I feel very unwilling with my money even though it's not much.
FTX was a problem that was deliberately created, perhaps because there was an internal problem that finally made the CEO decide to make that mistake. If you deposit all the money you get from the airdrop to FTX then there's nothing you can do anymore. this case is the same as the Mt Gox case. I hope other big exchanges never make this kind of mistake again.
Never mind I don't want to discuss about FTX, hopefully there will be no more cases like this, this is very detrimental to many people and this is also a valuable lesson for me.

Dogecoin Forum / Re: Future of dogecoin
« on: May 25, 2024, 12:23:19 PM »
Does anyone know if the dog image used by Dogecoin and shibainu died at the age of 17 years, will Dogecoin and shibainu replace their image with another dog?

Dogecoin Forum / Re: Will DOGE be defeated by SHIBA?
« on: May 25, 2024, 12:16:42 PM »
Meme coins are high risk coins, especially new meme coins. but there are still many fans. Their goal is to get bigger profits during the hype. And it's possible that during altcoin season, some meme coins will rise in price.
New meme coins are difficult to trust, most of them ended up with scams. I think we are better to choose old meme coins such as Doge or Shiba if we really want to invest in meme coins. Sure, there is a chance of meme coins to increase highly but it is difficult to analyze it because meme coins depends on the hype. This is actually the reason that many people are afraid to invest in meme coins, they don't to take a risk on the coins with no fundamentals.
That's right, coins that have clear fundamentals still experienced a decline of up to 75% from ATH, let alone this which has no fundamentals.
Most people who are still interested in the new meme coin are degen players and people who are new to crypto.

Solana Forum / Re: Ceck Solana address
« on: May 25, 2024, 11:15:52 AM »
Airdrops do require time and effort, but we have also seen several airdrops that require capital which is used to make claims or daily logins which require money even though they are very cheap. Please tell me where your source is for airdrop information so that I try to follow your method and we can become rich together.
Joining the airdrop is almost the same as fishing in the river, it takes more patience and skills, if you look at the airdrop at first glance it is easy to do but to be consistent every day is quite difficult, one project can have more than one task, especially if the project has joined the Galxe team, it is certain that only diligent people are eligible to receive airdrops.

Bitcoin Forum / Re: Invest & Hodl Bitcoin!!
« on: May 24, 2024, 09:36:49 PM »
I basically like hold, because bitcoin hold has to be long term. The longer you can hold, the more you can earn, if you look back ten years, Bitcoin was at a very low price.  But now the price of Bitcoin has rained so much that it is the highest for everyone, but I think holding it for the long term will give you the most benefit.
I agree with you, judging from your interest in Bitcoin, of course you have a lot of money and are among those who have been in the crypto world for a long time why do I say that because people who want to feel a big profit from Bitcoin should have a lot of money like the global elite who are now playing with Ethereum

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