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Messages - paid2

Pages: 1 ... 23 24 [25] 26 27
Welcome  ;)

Thank you!

I am sure the campaign will be successful!  ;D

Then, in my personal opinion, this stable coin does not need to be used privately because basically USDT is FIAT which is taken equally with US Dollars.

Absolutely, that's why DAI (on Polygon network if we want it to be cheap to use) is a best alternative for now

Hors-sujet / Re: Bonne année les amis !
« on: January 05, 2024, 12:02:39 PM »
Des flingues, des Ferraris, l'Aston Martin, l'avion, l'hélicoptère, le jet ski, le pouvoir, l'influence, dis pouvoirs magiques, la cape de superman, les cigarettes, une grande cave bien pleine, plein dis petits zoiseaux dans le jardin ..

Donc pour cela il faudra un BTC a 500k ? :D
(sauf pour les oiseaux que meme l'argent ne fera pas venir haha)

Mais surtout, excellente année à toi aussi  ;D

Merci :)

Random Crypto Giveaway / Airdrop / Re: Daily 10$ giveaway in crypto
« on: January 04, 2024, 04:18:03 PM »
[/size]Would be great to start more giveaways and advertise them on forum in banners that are not sold to forum clients.

I understand your idea, but wouldn't that deprive the forum of income and therefore indirectly of the possibility of organising this type of giveaway?

Suggestion Box / Re: Watchlist
« on: January 02, 2024, 12:50:59 AM »
We talk about it in the following topic :

I am currently working on a review, I will post it here when it'll be ready  :)

I've been waiting for the new version to do a quick review, so let's go!  :)

On the subject of aesthetics and the UI, I really like the fact that you've integrated a dark mode, it is always more than welcome.
Overall, I find the site beautiful, and very visually pleasing. I have nothing to say about that, everything is straight forward, intuitive. I think that having a simple navigation (especially compared to other more 'complex' mixers UI) is a safe bet, straight to the point. A lot of users prefer minimalist/simple interfaces.

At first, I tried to access Webmixer from Firefox with my usual VPN. But unfortunately I couldn't get past Cloudflare (I don't usually have this problem). I was stuck with CF loading again and again, same issue after deleting cookies or refreshing tab.
By changing servers I was also able to access the site with my VPN. Cloudflare isn't ideal in terms of privacy, but if I understand correctly, it seems difficult to find an equivalent as effective, so I understand. The vast majority of other mixers also use CF and not for nothing, so I guess we can't complain too much against CF usage..
No problem when using Tor, I can access the site. The site is very responsive overall, even the .onion is reactive, it's pleasant to use.

For the record, I use Firefox 121.0 on Debian and Android with Firefox Focus 119.0. I use the latest version of Tor browser.

I had already done a test with the "Basic" mixing mode and I was satisfied. The fee is low, and I had nothing in particular to say about it.
It's true that with "Precise" mode (which I used for my recent test) and "Max anonymity" mode the fee is 4 to 5 times higher, but personally, I'm not the kind of user who really wants to keep his fees as low as possible. For me, privacy comes at a price, and I'm ok to pay 5% if the service is reliable and efficient.
So I won't criticise you for the price of the service, but I do think that you could maybe increase the minimum deposit for 'Max' mode:

I reckon that 0.003 BTC minus (4-5% + 0.0007 BTC) can lead to unhappy begginer/new users, so why not set the minimum at 0.01 like for the "Precise" mode?
It's like with my coinjoin wallet, I know that below about 0.01, the operation isn't really profitable in any way.

Otherwise, I've tried to find the origin of the coins I've received back from the mixer, and I haven't been able to. I'm not a specialist in blockchain analysis, but I've tried several tools and explorers, and nothing has allowed me to trace my funds.

I've used several services and bots to try and check the origin of the funds (I know we shouldn't put too much trust in these services, but knowing that the big groups use them, I always find it interesting to see the results), everything seems to be fine. At least, nothing unusual:

Talking about your FAQ:
How many confirmations required? How to speed it up?

To start cleaning, your incoming transaction needs to have 1 confirmation by the network. Unfortunately we cannot speed up this process. Transactions with high fees and priority are usually confirmed in 5-20 minutes, and with very low ones - up to several days. You can wait for the transaction to be confirmed (it will not be removed from the mixer) or use a transaction accelerator (Google: "Transaction Accelerator").

I'm not sure it's wise to recommend this google search to novice users. When I do the search myself, the first result is ViaBTC so that's ok, but the others are all either scams or excessively expensive. The number of scams relating to transaction accelerators is huge. Maybe you could redirect your users directly to ViaBTC to avoid a potential scam? or tell them to "DYOR".

I like the fact that we can contact you on Jabber. SimpleX could be a good way to communicate with your users, maybe more popular?

Last suggestion: perhaps you could consider registering your service on

Next time, I will test your Telegram Bot

Hors-sujet / Bonne année les amis !
« on: January 01, 2024, 12:56:00 PM »
Bonne année à tous les francophones du forum !
On vous souhaite quoi à part la santé ?  ;D

Prediction 1: $41,910.00
LTC bech32 address: ltc1qhear9htq6ddznwv2zrmw9qgsrxzaycxzm2wm58

eXch / Re: eXch - Official Announcements and Discussion Thread
« on: December 30, 2023, 12:00:36 AM »

Very happy to see this nice service here  :D
I've been using this service for a long time and I highly recommend it: OP respects our privacy and knows what it's talking about when it comes to respecting its users.
The crypto world needs honest and transparent services that respect our data, without KYC and without registration. I also recommend the referral system, which is excellent!

OP, you will find the French translation of your ANN on the following link:

Is the refund address the same as the return address when a user is not going to send all btc? For example, I have 0.1 BTC but I was only planning to trade 0.08, the 0.02 will go to the refund address of my choosing?

No, the refund address is only used when there is an issue or not enough coins available, in order to send you back your funds (without transaction fees).

If I understood well, you are talking about your "change address", which is related to your wallet directly, not to the service your send your BTC on.

370 est un exchange de cryptos automatique, qui prend en charge.Bitcoin, Lightning, Monero, Litecoin, Ethereum,et des jetons ERC20. Nous sommes un service axé sur la protection de la vie privée qui vise à protéger nos utilisateurs de la censure et de la pression constante exercée par les autorités chargées de la lutte contre le blanchiment d'argent et le financement du terrorisme (AML/KYC). Nous proposons une politique stricte de non-conservation des logs. Toutes les opérations sont effectuées instantanément et les montants sont toujours clairs.

  • Pourquoi utiliser nos services :

➥ Pas d'inscription nécessaire
➥ JavaScript n'est pas nécessaire
➥ Nous n'utilisons pas Cloudflare
➥ Nous ne collectons pas d'adresses IP ni d'autres métadonnées.
➥ Échanges entièrement automatiques en moins d'une minute
➥ Les frais Flat (1%) et Dynamic (0.5%) sont assurés. (Pas de frais cachés)
➥ Remboursements automatiques ✔️
Programme d'affiliation généreux (Nous partageons 30% de nos bénéfices avec vous.)

  • Important :

➥ Nous n'utilisons pas de marchés/échanges tiers et ne revendons pas d'API.
➥ Nous n'utilisons pas de fournisseurs de liquidités tiers et toutes nos réserves nous appartiennent, allouées sur nos nœuds / Nous pouvons fournir des preuves de nos réserves.
➥ Tous les nœuds et portefeuilles avec lesquels nos utilisateurs interagissent nous appartiennent et nous sommes entièrement responsables des fonds des utilisateurs.
➥ Notre ancien nom de domaine (exch[point]cc) ne fonctionne plus et ne nous appartient plus.

  • Nous contacter

Email : [email protected]
Support par ticket :
SimpleX Chat ( Connection link

Auteur du topic officiel : eXch: eXch
Topic officiel :

Pour ceux qui ont un Trezor et qui veulent signer un message avec leur adresse BTC, ce tuto est pas mal :

Pour débutants / [tuto] Signer un message avec son adresse BTC et Electrum
« on: December 29, 2023, 01:17:31 PM »
Il n'y a pas longtemps j'ai eu une discussion avec l'une de nos consoeurs du forum, et elle n'avait pas l'air très au clair sur comment signer un message avec son adresse.

Du coup je fais ce topic, au cas où ça puisse être utile pour quelqu'un d'autre à l'avenir, même si je me doute que la plupart des membres actifs francophones le savent déjà, d'autres personnes non-inscrites sur le forum nous lisent surement..

-Première étape, faut aller sur et télécharger Electrum (Vérifiez la signature du fichier si vous avez des doutes sur sa provenance, mais c'est pas obligatoire). Puis faut se créer un wallet si vous en avez pas déjà un, rien de bien compliqué, comme d'hab pensez à protéger votre seed et à la stocker hors-ligne loin des yeux des autres. J'ai pris Electrum pour l'exemple car c'est super simple et intuitif comme wallet, mais c'est aussi faisable avec Bitcoin Core et d'autres portefeuilles bien sur.

-Ensuite : "Outils" > "Signer / Vérifier un message"

-Là il va falloir rentrer les infos voulues: le message que vous voulez signer + l'adresse de votre portefeuille avec laquelle vous voulez le signer.
Dans notre exemple :
Message : Donne moi juste un SMIC, au black.
Adresse : 1SMiCj5LV69GTQf1vVuJwJ4n5e8oPr22y

Ensuite vous cliquez sur "Signer". La signature apparait à l'écran, cela vous donne donc :

Code: [Select]
Donne moi juste un SMIC, au black.

Si quelqu'un rentre le message, l'adresse et la signature, et qu'il clique sur "Vérifier", il aura donc le message de confirmation que tout est bon. Vous pouvez faire le test avec ce message exemple dans votre Electrum si vous le voulez :

PS : Je sais que pas mal de tutoriels existent déjà sur le sujet, mais je n'en ai pas trouvé en français sur le forum, et en me mettant à la place de quelqu'un qui n'est pas à l'aise avec tout ça, je trouvais les tutos francophones dispos sur le net plutôt excessivement lourds pour des débutants

Well, this is the same question from me. Namely, it is in the Smart Contracts which have definitely been validated by people who are well-known among cryptocurrency enthusiasts. Will the famous person who handles Smarcontracts be responsible for any suspicious transactions??

For example, for Ethereum, every transaction on TORNADO must round off the transaction number, such as 0.1 - 0.2 - 0.3 - 0.4 - 0.5 - 1, 2, 3, 4 ETH and so on from Ethereum for transactions so that can be Anonymous with the numbers.

But for USDT, does it have to be rounded up or not for each transaction??
For example, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 1000, 10000 USDT and so on so you can be anonymous. Let's discuss mate  :)

Yeah I hope that Unijoin will join us on this forum. I'm also extremely curious about altcoins mixing, as it's something I've never used before.
In any case, once the service will be available to users, I'm sure they'll talk about it, and explain how it works and give more details

Forum Crypto-Monnaies / Re: [META] Suggestions et idées bienvenues !
« on: December 29, 2023, 01:24:19 AM »
Bonjour à l'assemblée de altcoiners,

Que diriez vous d'une revue de presse audio ? Bon en même temps ça prend du temps, c'est sûr. A l'époque (2018) j'aimais beaucoup cryptobref

Si tu es motivée à la produire, je serai heureux de l'écouter ! (même si pour le moment la clope ne m'a pas encore rendu aveugle  :D)

Sinon, on pourrait aussi créer un topic "revue de presse crypto", et le maintenir à jour autant que possible (je suis partant), si ça peut t'aider à gagner du temps pour trouver des articles.
J'imagine que créer un sous-forum "Revue de presse" serait contre-productif, avec beaucoup de topics sans grande activité... Il vaut mieux peut-être avoir un seul topic dédié à ça

Forum Warriors / Re: We need you ....
« on: December 29, 2023, 12:30:14 AM »
Ok this post is 2 years old (sorry for necrobumping), but we can all agree with your statement:

We are in 2021 ... forums are no longer a thing, forums have not been a thing for the last 10 years ...
that's why we need your help to maintain a minimal amount of active members, and replace those that are no longer active.

Same issue everywhere..

But I have the impression that your appeal has been heard, and that recent events has done well for you!  :)

It looks like the forum will be getting busier and busier in the next few days. We will see, I'm curious to see how things will turn here

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