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Messages - JamalAmal99

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Kripto Baru / Re: [ICO][BOUNTY]K-starkoin...koinnya para k-popers
« on: April 12, 2018, 07:57:07 AM »
Ini menggunakan link refferal kan? Seharusnya tidak di upload disini tapi di childboard Refferal  & Kontes
Mohon agar ikuti aturan dari forum ini :)

« on: April 12, 2018, 06:54:45 AM »
Semakin banyak anggota di altcoin maka forum ini akan maju dan lebih maju lagi gan
Tambahan.. semakin banyak anggota yang join memang sangat bagus, tapi alangkah sangat bagusnya kalo anggotanya itu tidak melakukan spamming di sembarang tempat yang membuat thread tidak enak dibaca, sehingga berdampak pada kurangnya anggota yang berkualitas yang ikut dikarenakan spam tersebut. Jadi saya harap kepada anggota2 sekalian untuk menjaga citra forum ini, kejar postingan it's ok tapi usahakan untuk tetap menjaga kualitas, Karena kualitas lebih penting daripada kuantitas. :)

Pemula / Re: Newbie bertanya Senior menjawab.
« on: April 12, 2018, 06:35:49 AM »
Untuk om mederator saya sarankan untuk lock saja thread ini, karena sudah disediakan thread khusus untuk tanya jawab!
Silahkan bertanya pada tempat yg telah disediakan.
Tapi berhubung OP tidak aktif jadi saya minta untuk moderator melakukannya :)

Pemula / Re: [Tanya-Jawab] Apa Altcoin itu?
« on: April 12, 2018, 06:29:02 AM »
Kepada OP yang terhormat, tolong di lock saja threadnya karena pertanyaannya sudah terjawab. Dan thread ini tidak seharusnya ada!  sudah dijelaskan oleh om pandu:
Silahkan bertanya pada tempat yg telah disediakan.

Jadi untuk menghindari spamming dithreadnya saya sarankan untuk dilock.

Dan yang paling penting tidak melakukan spamming di sembarang thread yang membuat thread tidak enak untuk dibaca. Menurut ku itu sih yang membuat orang betah tinggal di suatu forum.

memang benar di tahun ini harga crypto terjun bebas,  banyak tang terjebak di angka tinggi, untuk para bitcoiner saat ini hanya bisa menunggu harga naik dan menunggu dana untuk back up.

Kalau isu mulai meredah pasti akan naik kok, biarpun perlahan yang jelas ada perubahan
Berdasarkan siklus dari tahun ketahun memang seperti ini gan saat awal tahun. tapi di tahun ini diperparah dengan siklus 4 tahun sekali. Jadi kita tunggu saja sampai normal lagi. Saya sih berharapnya di akhir bulan ini bitcoin sudah naik dan kalau bisa normal kembali. :)

Ethereum Forum / Re: Which Is the best wallet for Eth?
« on: April 12, 2018, 05:06:23 AM »
I think hardware wallet is the best. But if you want a free wallet MetaMask is no.1. :)
For me  ;D

Refferal & Kontes / Re: Apakah Refferal sama dengan MLM?
« on: April 12, 2018, 04:56:58 AM »
Kalau menurut saya tergantung platformnya gan. Kalo membentuk sistem piramida (seperti bitconnect, dan crypto leading lainnya) bisa dikatakan MLM karena orang yang paling diatas yang bisa mendapat untung yang banyak. Sedangkan sistem refferal yang dipakai di Indodax tidak termasuk MLM karena refferalnya tidak memiliki level2 yang hanya menguntungkan pihak teratas, mungkin bisa dibilang 1 level saja (tidak multi level).

Diluar Topik / Re: regulasi cripto currency?
« on: April 12, 2018, 03:13:24 AM »
Pemerintah Indonesia menyatakan bahwa bahwa bitcoin bukan merupakan mata uang atau alat pembayaran yang sah di Indonesia berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 2011 tentang Mata Uang. Selain itu, Pemerintah Indonesia juga melarang Penyelenggara Jasa Sistem Pembayaran untuk melakukan pemrosesan transaksi pembayaran dengan menggunakan virtual currency (termasuk bitcoin & altcoins).
Sebenarnya bitcoin itu bukan uang seperti mata uang fiat, tetapi sejenis asset, lebih tepatnya asset digital. Jadi walau menuggu selama apapun bitcoin tidak akan bisa digunakan untuk jual beli di Indonesia, tapi lain halnya kalau digital asset, Yang bisa kita perdagangkan kapan pun (seperti barang).


German Camelot Consulting Group has developed a Blockchain-based solution for the management of sensitive medical data, Cointelegraph auf Deutsch reported Monday, April 9.

With its Hypertrust X-Chain data management system, the company aims to offer the healthcare industry a secure digital platform for the exchange of patient data. It aims to provide all actors that are authorized to participate in the therapy process with decentralized data storage based on Blockchain technology.
All data transactions are encrypted and stored on an unchangeable Blockchain and will be carried out directly between the authorized participants, the company says. It will also allow the "integration of partner systems", "real-time temperature, location and quality control as well as reliable proof of origin".
To illustrate the advantages of the new system compared to conventional methods, Camelot Consulting Group uses the example of extracorporeal cell therapies in which patients' cells are removed and processed in a complex, multistage process.
"Many different actors are involved in this process, such as the treating clinic, the cell removal center, logistics service providers and pharmaceutical companies. Today, most important data is still transmitted by analog means in order to be recorded again in the course of the further process. The risk of erroneous data and data misuse is therefore immensely high."
According to the company, Hypertrust X-Chain's closed-loop supply chain approach prevents any confusion or misuse of samples and data during therapy.
The system developed by Camelot Consulting Group is just one of an even longer list of Blockchain projects for data management. Chile's national energy regulatory organization announced a few days ago that it will manage national energy sector data via an Ethereum-based platform.
The major Polish bank PKO Bank Polski recently announced its intention to introduce a Blockchain-based storage and verification system for the management of the documents of its customers. As Cointelegraph reported in March, Audi is currently testing its own Blockchain technology for handling physical and financial distribution processes in international logistics.



The Nano Foundation has announced it will sponsor a legal fund to provide all victims of the hack of cryptocurrency exchange BitGrail with equal access to representation and pursue their legal interests associated with BitGrail’s insolvency, according to a Nano Foundation blog post April 9.

In February, the Italy-based digital currency exchange BitGrail suffered a loss of one of its hosted tokens, Nano, and afterwards froze trading. The trading platform claimed that 17 mln Nano had been stolen in the hack, amounting to about $187 mln at the time the losses were detected.
To ensure all victims would receive proper legal support and have a chance to recover their assets, the Nano team reportedly contacted Espen Enger at the end of February to launch a legal fund. At the time Enger represented the interests of almost 600 BitGrail hack victims . Shortly after, the Nano team also contacted the Italian law firm of Bonelli Erede, which collaborated with Mr. Enger. Nano Foundation stated in the announcement:
“As a result, we are announcing today that Nano will be matching the contributions of the victims to the legal fund established by Mr. Enger — including both past and future donations, for up to $1 mln — with a goal of establishing a total legal fund valued at $2 mln.”
According to the blog post, the victims represented by Espen Enger have managed to raise more than $300,000 in different currencies, including over 53,000 Nano, on their own. With the donation from the Nano Foundation, the sum will double to a value of over $600,000. The company claims that outside of making donations, the foundation will not have any access to or control over the funds.
The Nano Foundation stated in the announcement that all reliable evidence they had reviewed “continues to point to a bug in BitGrail’s exchange software as the reason for the loss of funds.” Meanwhile, BitGrail denies the responsibility for the security breach, insisting the fault lies in Nano’s software.



Canadian online trading and barter platform Bunz Trading Zone is launching its own cryptocurrency, BTZ, local paper The Globe and Mail reports April 9.

BTZ  (pronounced “bitz”) is reported to be “the first Canadian cryptocurrency to launch to an already-established community – its own members.”
Bunz was launched in 2013 as a private Facebook group by fashion designer Emily Bitze to exchange unused items with friends. The community grew quickly and soon expanded beyond Facebook and Toronto. The Bunz app and website were launched in 2016.
The Globe and Mail reports that the platform grew rapidly due to it simplicity and the absence of cash. However, the absence of currency on a barter-based platform has also presented the biggest challenge to Bunz. Without an exchange of currency, there is no “obvious income stream.”
According to the project’s blog, each Bunz user will receive 1,000 BTZ that can be exchanged for goods and services or simply exchanged between members. Initially, the 1,000 BTZ will be worth “enough for about three coffees.” BTZ will become available to the platform’s 200,000 users starting April 9.
CEO Sascha Mojtahedi says the company has designed a revenue model, but declined to comment on what it is or when it will be introduced. Mojtahedi said that the launch of BTZ is intended to attract more users to the platform:
“You have to be able to reward people with cryptocurrency that they’ve earned as a result of their passive involvement in the network and then enable them to use it with their peers and merchants. It gives us the room to create new models that people may not have thought of.”
Earlier this year Japanese e-commerce giant Rakuten announced plans to release its own cryptocurrency. CEO and founder Hiroshi Mikitani said that it will be a “borderless currency.”


Pemula / Re: 6 Modal Dasar Sukses di forum altcoins
« on: April 09, 2018, 06:08:10 PM »
Saya punya pertanyaan untuk OP!
Sukses diforum itu maksudnya apa? Rangking tinggi? Aktif di forum? Atau apa? Mungkin bisa diperjelas lagi, karena kata "sukses" ini menurut saya cukup ambigu.

Pemula / Re: [POOLING]Sanksi bagi SPAM POST
« on: April 09, 2018, 05:58:04 PM »

Masih bisa koq, tidak ada batasan rank untuk melihat. Barusan saya liat kesana.

Sudah saya coba Buka gan, keluar kayak ini

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Pengen masukkan gambar hasil screenshotnya tapi gak tau caranya padahal udah klik Insert Image tapi gak keluar pilihan untuk milih gambar di laptop, jadi saya tulis aja...hehe
Masih bisa ko gan. saya baru saja buka lancar, gak error.
Coba buka lagi
Kalo memang tidak bisa, mungkin terlarang untuk rangking newbie.

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