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Messages - joniboini

Pages: 1 ... 35 36 [37] 38 39 ... 67
I am even worried that many CEXs will delist the UNI token as they did with XRP. The best-case scenario is that UniSwap Labs is seen as a brave user standing up for DeFi against the SEC's absurdity, then UNI token price will gain focus and money flow from crypto community and investors!
If the key reason why the token is considered a security is that it gives 'revenue' to its token holders, maybe Uniswap can also look for other options to make their token more interesting for the market. That being said, profit sharing through staking is the norm for the market as of now, if they judge it as security based on that alone, then the market will be affected. It feels a bit absurd though, since staking has many forms, and disallowing people to profit from that will more or less kill any incentive for the community to participate in the network. New projects will probably move away from the US if they fail to find any way to monetize their network, since running their node is probably not feasible. CMIIW.

Yang ane pahami dari deskripsi yang dipaparkan di berita di atas, sepertinya peraturan ini mendorong 'desentralisasi' bisnis kripto yang tadinya dipegang dua perusahaan saja. Kalau pemahaman ini benar maka ke depannya bisa saja ada banyak perusahaan yang berjalan dibidang penyimpanan aset kripto, kliring dst. Bisa dibilang perubahan yang oke sih daripada berpusat di satu-dua perusahaan saja, karena bakal rentan korupsi, serangan siber, atau model serangan lainnya.

Are you referring to this project[1]? Have you tried asking through their social media channels? If they are not scammers, then the reasonable way for them to send your tokens is by using a fixed price to distribute the tokens. For example, you agree to participate in the presale and the price for each token is $1, when the distribution happens they will send you tokens based on the ETH price they used to calculate your contribution. They should explain it on the sales page if they're legit, so just check them out. As of now, it seems like they price their token at 0.0045 USD, and will increase it in the next phase. CMIIW.


Actually between Imgdb or imgur have broken all image uploaded in bitcointalk forum and some user get difficult how to recovery back their image if not save it and reuploading using other website.
Right now, I use with this website talkimg for uploading image in bitcointalk or altcoin, wish this site allow permanently and not broken with our image uploading last time ago keep existing forever.
Yeah, it is quite common for third-party services to block some websites if they cache or access their resource regularly. I used to upload my images to multiple websites, the files are still there but they get blocked whenever I post them on a forum. I still believe it is risky to assume that talkimg service will last forever though, considering it is a community project. Having backups or alternatives to upload images would be better in my opinion.

I think your definition of misinformation is uncommon. What I imagine when you mention misinformation is stuff like "Bitcoin is using electricity wastefully", "Bitcoin mining cause water pollution", "Bitcoin is prone to 51% attack", and so on. Influencers hiding some information regarding the project they shilled probably belong to another category since they're different from what I've described above. Not sure which one is more commonly used though, so maybe wait for others to comment on this.

If we're referring to the misinformation I described above, the only way to solve that is by education imo. You can also involve law enforcement or simple punishment depending on the platforms. If they're doing it on Twitter, we can use community notes to provide arguments disproving the post or add more proof if that's required.

Bitcoin Forum / Re: The need for usage of Airgapped devices
« on: April 13, 2024, 02:23:51 PM »
So, using a airgapped wallet is not an easy way, a non technical person might find it difficult to setup one. Proper tutorial video might help them but still managing it a hard task. Small mistake can make your airgapped wallets a non airgape one.
I think it is a bit exaggerated to assume that you need to be a "technical person" to use airgapped wallet properly. At the very least, the term "technical person" can be a bit misleading. We don't need to know how mining works to understand that connecting an airgapped device to the internet should not be done. I also found that this term can discourage the average joe from learning how to securely manage their wallets, even if they don't intend to use airgapped devices in the future. I believe a simple commitment to follow tutorials provided by credible sources like Electrum is good enough to start and develop a habit to do this.

Cryptocurrency Trading / Re: Simple practices to improve trading.
« on: April 12, 2024, 11:56:44 PM »
But in the end, it made me even more confused. I even used VIP trading signals. However, it still can't be optimal. So it's possible that my passion is not in trading, because it's still difficult to follow the method or understand trading analysis very accurately.
I believe you need experience before you can start to make better calls. Most traders that I know of seem to stick with two or three indicators they're most familiar with when they're doing technical analysis, maybe you can try to do the same to avoid confusion and improve your sense when you use them. It is hard to know whether trading is for you or not unless you stick with it for a while, but I believe if you are not a patience person then it is difficult to do so. I'd suggest you avoid any signal group tbh, as most of them are just pump and dump groups in disguise even if you paid for the VIP service. Even if you got lucky, there's no guarantee that the owner won't make bad calls too and it will reduce your trading sense if you keep relying on their analysis to make decisions.

Ethereum Forum / Re: Will we really see an Ethereum ETF?
« on: April 12, 2024, 11:26:41 PM »
I think the only valid reason for them to disapprove of ETH ETF is the security accusation, which is arguably weak and would make their judgment feel inconsistent if they suddenly said ETH is a security after years of quiet approval that they are not. Then again Bitcoin ETF has been delayed many times without any new reasoning so I'd not be surprised if they hinged on this angle and used it as a reason to postpone ETH ETF many times in the future. I'm curious if they approve this on a bear market, whether there will be a significant impact, or will ETH still follow BTC price action.

Although looking at some of those policies and the amount displayed as protection funds, it gives a kind of assurance or some form of peace of mind using those CEX with such provisions.
But can you verify that the numbers they show are correct though? What if they meant that valuation depends on various things which in the worst-case scenario brings the value down and won't cover everyone in case some accidents happen? I believe it is wiser if you use an exchange as an exchange, by withdrawing funds you don't use for trading as quickly as possible regardless of their insurance policy. Personally, I always do this and assume that all my funds will be gone when a hack happens so I'm always cautious about sending money that I can't afford to lose.

Namun untuk harganya sendiri tentu memiliki dampak positif dan harga Ethereum bisa naik sampai harga tinggi, tetap butuh proses seperti bitcoin hampir satu bulan setelah ETF bitcoin disetujui baru harga naik secara cukup signifikan.
Belum lagi momennya juga mendekati waktu halving, jadi kemungkinan narasi yang mempengaruhi pergerakan harga Bitcoin ga terbatas pada ETF saja. Ane sendiri merasa kalau ETF ETH diapprove tapi momennya pas bearish, kemungkinan dump terus sideway justru bakal lebih panjang. Entah SEC ini meng-approve ETF lihat kondisi market atau tidak, yang jelas kecil kemungkinan mereka menyetujui ETF ETH dalam waktu singkat. Malah kemaren kan sempat ada isu kalau mereka bisa saja menganggap ETH sebagai security, yang kalau beneran kejadian pasti bakal makan waktu lebih lama lagi buat diperdebatkan sebagai dasar menolak atau menerima ETF.

Forum related / Re: Is it possible to check ?
« on: April 12, 2024, 04:24:08 PM »
Based on my experience, users/participants of a signature campaign are quite proactive in reporting a cheater in a campaign that they're participating in. At least I remember one case where a forum member reported another member changing his signature but claimed they didn't do that. Cases like this one are pretty rare though, and judging from how most campaign managers conduct their campaign on Bitcointalk, they may not feel the urgency to have a tool like this. If there are plans to make one and integrate it into this forum, maybe we can shorten the logs to 7-8 days so the resources to manage it are not that big.

Diluar Topik / Re: Curhat: Selalu Gagal Nabung/Invest Saat Hari Raya
« on: April 11, 2024, 11:53:06 PM »
Wah apa ga bisa dibujuk ga beli baru gitu om? Ane belum ngerasain sih, walau bisa dibilang termasuk udah jadi salah satu tulang punggung keluarga. Kadang lebih sering pengeluaran mendadak yang bikin ane jual sebagian kripto yang ane tabung daripada hari-hari besar gini, mungkin ga kerasa karena ortu juga punya penghasilan sendiri kali ya. Tapi dari planning ane sendiri udah mengalokasikan uang untuk kebutuhan kaya gini dari jauh hari sih, walau ga banyak" juga. Kelebihan biasanya ane stop atau nyari alternatifnya. Beli baju baru misalnya ane budgetin 200 ribu aja per orang, dst. Mungkin terbantu juga karena hobi ane ga terlalu banyak jadi pengeluaran tersier kaya gitu ga banyak.

Diluar Topik / Re: Berbagi Pengalaman di India
« on: April 11, 2024, 10:24:37 PM »
Ya, betul sekali bahwa kita mendapatkan informasi dari media sosial jelas memang rasisme sering terjadi disana terutama terhadap perempuan, tetapi kalau saya lihat juga dari youtuber indonesia yang kuliah disana sepertinya aman saja, mungkin yang membedakan adalah wilayah saja.
Agak susah juga sih kalau menilai lewat video YouTube menurut ane gan, kan bisa saja YouTuber sudah riset duluan nyari tempat yang risikonya lebih rendah, atau kontennya sudah difilter biar nanti dia ga kena masalah karena expose hal yang dianggap negatif, dst. Mungkin lebih baik lihat gimana opini dari orang Indianya itu sendiri, cuma balik lagi kayaknya butuh kemampuan berbahasa kalau agan ga pengen bias. Pemberitaan di media kan juga kadang terlalu selektif dan hanya menampilkan isu bombastis saja, jadi bisa juga ga mewakili kondisi riilnya. Ane lebih sepakat sama om rico di atas sih, mau stigmanya kaya gimana namanya manusia pasti bakal ada yang jahat dan baik mau dia orang manapun juga.

tetapi sudah ngikutin pergerakannya lambat gak kayak bitcoin jadi susah untuk diikutin
rencana mau coba ethereum gan, gunakan dari simpanan USDT yang ada, siapa tau sama bagusnya kyak bitcoin.
Altcoin kalau Bitcoin lagi bullish emang biasanya lebih suka sideway gan, kalau mau nunggu pergerakan harga yang besar nunggu Bitcoin pump besar juga terus sideway, biasanya bakal ada trickle down effect ke alts. Di sisi lain marketcap dan supply bisa berpengaruh juga ke pergerakan harga token yang agan pilih, kalau udah gedhe dan liquidity market tinggi banget emang biasanya susah lihat pump atau dump gedhe dalam waktu singkat. Kalau itu yang jadi target agan spekulasi alts dengan marketcap lebih kecil mungkin lebih tepat. Tapi kalau Bitcoin dump besar-besaran dampaknya juga gedhe banget sih sepengalaman ane.

benar saya lebih berani invest BTC jika harganya turun di 50 juta
cuma itu sangat mustahil.
Apa ga terlalu ekstrim itu gan? Kalau misalnya harga BTC turun sejauh itu, atas dasar apa nanti agan percaya harganya bakal balik lagi? Kalau ane lihat di sosmed sih banyak yang bilang bakal beli BTC saat harga nyentuh $20k dan sekitarnya ketika BTC masih di rentang $40k, eh tapi ketika dump ke harga $29k malah sentimen negatif yang menguat.

Saya lakukan ini karena saya yakin saya benar , karena sedikit banyak saya telah memahami apa itu trading cryptocurreny. Sehingga MLM yang berkedok Trading cryptocurreny ini nyata adalah penipuan, sebelumnya saya sudah cek Market crypto yang di pakai dan koin crypto yang di perdagangkan. Dan semua adalah palsu.
Walau ga peduli sama orang lain emang harusnya kita aktif mengedukasi masalah kaya gini sih karena secara ga langsung bakal berimbas ke nama baik kripto juga. Kalau sudah tertanam pikiran kripto itu scam malah lebih susah lagi buat mengubah persepsi mereka. Pernah baca berita ada yang beranggapan Bitcoin itu ponzi gara-gara salah nerima informasi dan baca berita, tapi sampai sekarang masih kekeuh dengan opininya meskipun diajak diskusi baik-baik dia sendiri susah memberikan argumentasinya dengan runtut.

Jika dipikirkan investasi MLM sangat lucu, bayangin uang diinvestasi misalnya 100 jta dengan pemasuan harian sekitar 300k hingga 500k, padahal kalau ditabung di bank dan ditarik sehari-hari segitu juga sama karena pada akhirnya MLM juga bakal scam sebelum balik modal apalagi berbicara tentang profit.
Setahu ane rata-rata mereka ngasih 'bukti' lebih dulu diawal jadi korban ga bakal merasa was-was. Fleksibilitas narik duit kalau memang bener diterapin emang menguntungkan sih daripada nyimpan di bank, kecuali agan nyari produk investasi yang returnnya kecil lewat apps kaya BTPN Jenius misalnya. Yang lebih umum kan penarikan atau withdrawal butuh proses yang cukup lama sethau ane. Setidaknya ga seinstan WD setelah trading di exchange tertentu.

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