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Messages - bayu7adi

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Basic Questions about Cryptos / Re: Binance, the best crypto exchange?
« on: February 22, 2024, 12:56:28 AM »
Yeah..everyone feels secure with Binance because it's widely used. So, users expect all the staff and owners of Binance to take responsibility if there's ever a problem. As long as they hold the top position and remain the most popular, I think they should also commit to providing top-notch service as the number one exchange.

The business ecosystem has been well-established, which should reassure users because Binance's finances should be sufficient to enhance their security and offer better service to users.

But unfortunately, this is a centralized exchange, so there's no guarantee it will remain safe indefinitely. There are things they know that we don't. So, it's important to stay cautious even though Binance is currently the best.

Someone said... not your key, not your coin.

Bitcoin Forum / Re: How is Bitcoin ATM machine help in most countries
« on: February 21, 2024, 10:35:32 AM »
In my country, Bitcoin ATMs can be the best solution to avoid direct BTC transactions since cryptocurrency transactions are banned in stores nationwide. With Bitcoin ATMs, one can convert BTC into cash first and then use it for transactions.

However, a few weeks ago, the public was shocked by a scam incident involving Bitcoin ATMs. So, it's advised that anyone looking to transact BTC at ATM machines should still be cautious. Because scams and thefts are always evolving with methods that weren't even thought of before.

Bitcoin Forum / Re: wanna invest in Bitcoin, the best time is now
« on: February 21, 2024, 10:30:46 AM »
We should spread our investment in real live and crypto. Buy property is profitable and safer. Buy Bitcoin is more profitable but we should buy at the right time, I think If we buy now, we aren't trapped at the high price because before Bitcoin halving. I  believe Bitcoin price will more high again.
Since it's already at $50k now, buying at this point still makes sense and we can still catch the bullish vibes when the halving happens. Even if there's a correction and things go a bit red, we can gradually do DCA. This strategy is still valid and great for improving our average buy-in point. But it takes a lot of confidence to pull it off.

Between Bitcoin and other assets, I'd suggest long-term stocks as a backup investment alongside BTC. We all know the crypto market can be pretty wild, so having something with less risk to back up our finances is smart. Stocks and property aren't bad options.

I reckon only admins or moderators can dish out more than 1 karma at a time. I've also stumbled upon chats where mods can send a bunch of karma, so it's likely a special perk for the bigwigs of the forum.

For regular users like us, it's still capped at giving just 1 karma to 1 user within a 10-hour window. But the cool part is, we can karma anybody without limits. So, it's pretty comfy since we're not restricted in spreading the karma love.

Basic Questions about Cryptos / Re: Bounty hunting is a full time job?
« on: February 21, 2024, 10:17:50 AM »
Between 2016 and 2018, bounty hunting could rake in a lot of cash, even turning it into a full-time gig could make one even richer. But by 2019, the bounty scene soured as more folks jumped in, pulling shady moves. This might've also cooled off investor interest in ICOs.

Nowadays, making a living solely from bounty hunting is a tad tougher. Loads of projects don't pay off at all. Out of a thousand bounties, maybe just one hits the jackpot. Luck plays a big role here.

So, my advice for now is to treat bounty hunting as a side hustle.

Because everyone has different personalities and financial strengths, it really depends on those two factors.

Personally, I prefer long-term investments in top coins, as they promise more profits in the future even though their fluctuations aren't that significant. I see it as saving for the future that grows with price increases, which is easier than having to monitor prices daily and conduct technical analysis every day. I'm not suited for that kind of analysis, as understanding long-term trends is easier for me than predicting short-term ones, which can be quite unpredictable.

Jika agan bertransaksi dan ternyata untuk change address lupa agan setting secara manual dikembalikan ke address yang di backup private key nya, maka ada potensi agan kesulitan mengakses aset yang masuk ke change address.

Sementara itu, untuk file wallet yang di backup, terkadang ketika dibuka harus dengan versi Electrum yang masih mensupportnya.

Untuk itulah (selain untuk menambah privasi juga), saya pribadi lebih menyarankan sebaiknya backup seed phrase untuk keseluruhan address di wallet, alih-alih hanya mem-backup private key untuk satu address saja.

Ga disarankan setahu ane, karena ga ada alasan juga kenapa harus milih satu alamat khusus itu. Apalagi kalau agan cukup peka dengan privasi dan pengen menggunakan change address dst. Belum juga private key kan tidak semudah itu untuk disimpan, dibandingkan seed yang bisa agan backup dengan berbagai model tapa harus ketahuan itu seed wallet agan. Untuk alasan yang lebih teknikal mungkin member lain bisa menambahkan.

Terimakasih gan @Husna dan gan @joni . Sebenernya sebelum saran ini ane nyimpen private key untuk salah satu wallet saja yang biasa ane gunakan untuk menerima pembayaran. Tetapi kalau emang menyimpan seed lebih baik, fokus ane untuk mengamankan seed akan lebih mudah. Dan untuk backupan file private keynya sudah ane hapus untuk jaga-jaga agar tidak terekspos secara tidak sengaja.

Bitcoin Forum / Re: When will Michael Saylor and MicroStrategy sell BTC?
« on: February 20, 2024, 04:52:41 PM »
I would like to know your opinion on this issue:
  • What are your thoughts on the possibility of Michael Saylor and MicroStrategy selling Bitcoin during the current bull cycle's distribution phase?
  • If such a sale were to occur, how do you anticipate it affecting the price of Bitcoin and the broader cryptocurrency market?
  • Do you consider the actions of individual entities, such as MicroStrategy, when making investment decisions?
1 - Who knows, that could happen, or maybe they're still holding because it's their only investment. But we all understand that MS still needs money, so there might come a time when they sell at an unpredictable moment.

2 - Hopefully, I'll get that news first so I can sell at a better price. Even though it's tough, maybe the only way is to DCA again by buying gradually at lower prices.

3 - Nope. Right now, I'm using the DCA method, where my buying price will average out better. Even if MS makes a big purchase, I'm still sticking to accumulating it according to schedule.

Binance Smart Chain + Ecosystem / Re: Does BNB Reached To $1000
« on: February 20, 2024, 04:47:32 PM »
Binance is still the best for now, and for the next few years, despite the change in CEO.  Some people say it seems like finance is not improving.  In fact, Binance is still a favorite of many people.
 But I'm not sure BNB coin price will reach until $1000 at this season.
It's too high of an expectation for Binance Coin to reach $1000 within the next year (this season), and I even think breaking the $500 level would be very challenging for BNB. This coin has its own fanbase, especially among Binance platform users and fans of centralized systems.
One of BNB's advantages is its limited supply, which tends to decrease with each coin burn. While the scarcity of this coin often triggers price surges, BNB seems to struggle to build high green candles (pumps).

Cryptocurrency discussions / Re: How does a coin increase in value?
« on: February 20, 2024, 04:41:56 PM »
The amount of demand has a more significant impact on a coin, so even if a coin has a huge supply or even an unlimited one like Ethereum, as long as there's high demand, the coin's price will keep rising. I'm sure some strong reasons that boost demand include new technological innovations or specific events that make people interested in buying the related coin or token.

Even if your total supply is small or even extremely limited, if there's zero demand, the coin won't rise. Once again, the most crucial factor is demand. The parameters you mentioned are just supporting elements.

Pemula / Re: Pengalaman Pertama Kalian Mengikuti Bounty?
« on: February 20, 2024, 04:36:37 PM »
Hasil dari usaha memang tidak bisa kita tentukan, tapi sumber rejeki bisa kita tentukan. Misalnya mau rejeki dari investasi, kita pasti memfokuskan usaha ke investasi. Tapi berapa hasil dari investasinya, itu diluar batas kemampuan kita. Usaha bisa kita tentukan, tapi hasilnya tergantung Tuhan.  ;)

Ane setuju jika jangan hanya bergantung pada koin bounty karena memang rata-rata koin bounty itu potensinya tidak sebagus koin lain yang fundamentalnya kuat. Lebih baik nyicil beli top koin seperti ETH, BNB, ADA, dsbb.
Konsep semacam ini banyak diterapkan oleh bounty hunter untuk level yang lebih baik, dimana mereka yang memiliki insight bagus dalam dunia investasi tentu saja berpotensi mendapatkan hasil ganda selain dari bounty. Tetapi, ane sangat yakin, bahwa karakter setiap manusia itu berbeda-beda, ada yang suka investasi dari hasil earning, ada juga yang sudah puas dengan hasil earningnya dan langsung berbelanja barang impian.

Ane sendiri mulai menerapkan skema investasi dari hasil earning kampanye sejak 1 tahun lalu. Dan ini ternyata lebih memberikan dampak bagus pada perekonomian. Beberapa top coin yang ane hold sejak tahun lalu, sekarang ini mengalami peningkatan harga yang secara tidak langsung juga meningkatkan nilai aset yang ane miliki dalam cryptocurrency.

It's a big risk when you put a chunk of your money into a new coin that hasn't proven its performance yet. Especially since most new altcoin projects these days end up badly, like scams. It's not wrong to invest in new coins, but always understand that the future of such coins remains unpredictable and hard to foresee.

The cryptocurrency market is already volatile for strong coins, and it's even crazier for new ones that haven't gained enough trust from people widely.

Back then, a lot of people used to ask about karma, including me. But as time went on, I just got used to the different system of this forum. The admins here are still around, and I'm sure they'll announce something about this in the near future.
Since some suggestions like this come from teleportation users, including me, it's a good idea for you to check out the forum first. Read some other posts and become an active member.

Bitcoin Forum / Re: Invest & Hodl Bitcoin!!
« on: February 19, 2024, 05:51:35 PM »
This is the same as my prediction, I also predict bitcoin will touch ATH 2025 around $150K.  There's no need to predict higher, if you don't achieve it you will be disappointed.  Looking at Bitcoin's performance at the last week before the halving, I think $150K is not difficult to achieve.
And for those looking to cash out at this point, they could set their take-profit at 150k. Meanwhile, those who still believe in Bitcoin's journey a few years down the line, like myself, might opt for another round of holding, waiting for the next halving in four years. There's no rule against any decision made, and I see this as completely legitimate.

150k isn't too extreme, and in my opinion, it still makes sense.

The more people get into halving, the more diverse high predictions pop up. We're free to express anything related to personal predictions, but 288k is a really high number. Even though I don't deny that, it'll take quite a while to reach that point.

In looking ahead and reacting to this halving, I lean towards predictions around 100k. It might seem modest compared to the extreme ones, but I'm aiming not to get too greedy in the end.

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