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Messages - yhiaali3

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Bitcoin Forum / Re: ordinals and inscriptions
« on: May 01, 2024, 11:11:26 AM »
If that were the case, most miners would stop mining, but I think that the price is much lower and depends on the price of electricity, the rent of the space where the devices are located and their efficiency. In addition, miners who are long in this business certainly have some BTC and money that can help them in transitional times like the one we are in now.

This is a theoretical study of Bitcoin mining costs written by Halfling on APR 08, 2024
According to data from CryptoQuant CEO Ki Young Ju, the current cost of mining using Antminer S19 XPs will rise from $40,000 to $80,000 after the Bitcoin halving in mid-April.

Of course, the theoretical study remains different from reality, and there are many other factors that affect miners and vary from country to country depending on the cost of electricity, taxes, etc., so it is difficult to accurately predict the cost of mining one Bitcoin.

As I said, things are more complicated than just then, there is a provision on excess generation in which Brazil claims it would have priority on buying that, Paraguay says ok but not at the same price as the mandatory quota, Brazil says no, the same price and .....we have the current situation.
The main problem is if you're thinking long term
- unless the world goes nuclear Brazil will still be there in 100 years and be your 30x in size neighbor
- The US/EU/ bans crypto, Bitcoin switched to PoS, another currency comes out, etc and mining turns out to be a dead business returning 10 cents a day

Foreign relations are complicated, your biggest parent slapping you with some tariffs and everything you own is down the drain, things are not as easy as it might seem, in theory is simple, let's sell this for more but...
Thank you for the extensive explanation. You have extensive knowledge of international relations and the problems between the two countries, and frankly, I do not have much knowledge of the relations between Brazil and Paraguay.

International relations in general are complex and intertwined, especially when there are shared sources of energy or wealth such as water, electricity, oil and gas, etc. Unfortunately, most of the conflicts that arise between countries arise due to the conflict over shared energy resources, which each party claims is their right.

For example, recently, a war almost broke out between Venezuela and Guyana over the oil-rich Essequibo region, which Venezuela claims is part of its territory, and tension still exists to this day.


: تحديث بتاريخ 1-5-2024

مرحبا إخواني
في متابعة شارت البيتكوين: في أول يوم من الشهر الجديد شهر مايو انخفاض قوي للبيتكوين، الإغلاق الشهري كان سلبي والبيتكوين الآن يهبط تحت 60 ألف دولار ويصل تقريب 59 ألف، ربما يتواصل الهبوط حتى 57 ألف وبعدها ممكن أن نشاهد ارتفاع مجددا

رغم هذا الهبوط وهذه السلبية لكن الشيء الإيجابي أن البيتكوين خرج من منطقة التحرك الجانبي التي بقي فيها فترة طويلة وهذا يعني أننا سنشهد حركة قادمة إن شاء الله لأن كل هبوط قوي يتبعه ارتفاع قوي والعلم عند الله

Cryptocurrency Trading / Re: Don't be in a Rush
« on: April 30, 2024, 07:43:20 PM »
This is the most common mistake of traders that trading is a plan to get rich quick, due to some few cases that happened by chance to some traders through a coin rising tens of times.

This does not happen constantly, and trading is not just a stroke of luck. It requires learning, knowledge, a lot of work and patience, especially futures trading, which requires great knowledge and has high risks.

I always advise beginners to learn demo trading, then start with a little capital in spot trading and avoid future trading as much as possible.

Bitcoin Forum / Re: ordinals and inscriptions
« on: April 30, 2024, 12:57:38 PM »
20 sat/vbyte is already an acceptable figure for consolidation
Yes, 20 sat/vbyte is an acceptable number for us as users, but is it acceptable for miners?
I mean after halving and mining rewards being halved miners will seek to make up for the shortfall in rewards through fees, so I don't expect they will be happy with 20 sat/vbyte.

Because according to a study I recently read, the cost of mining 1 Bitcoin is equivalent to about 80K$. If this is true, miners will seek to make up the difference by raising fees.

The idea of the site is beautiful, but it needs a lot of work and modifications to become acceptable. There are many historical memes that must be added to enrich the site.

The problem with the site is that there are a lot of pictures that do not load, but when I click on them, it gives me a link to the X platform and I can view them from there. These pictures need to be fixed.

I expect that it will get better with time, especially if users are allowed to add their photos to the site. Perhaps there are many who have old memes that they keep.

السلام عليكم أخي ، رمضان كريم وكل عام وأنتم بألف خير

هذا الموضوع سيكون طويل نوعا ما ويشمل أكثر من موضوع  ويحتاج بعض الوقت لإكماله وأنا مشغول قليلا في الفترة الحالية ، لكن سأحاول تجهيزه بأقرب وقت إن شاء الله

بالتأكيد عندما أنتهي منه سأعلمك ونتناقش بالموضوع
رمضان كريم وينعاد عليك باليمن والكرم والبركه انا ايضا لم اكن متصلا اول يومين برمضان, الشهر الفضيل يمضي بسرعة ومن الافضل استغلال اوقاته بالعبادات او مع الاسرة.
لذلك فخذ وقتك الكل متفهم مدى كون الوقت قصير في رمضان.
hugeblack  السلام عليكم أخي

كنا قد انشغلنا برمضان وهاقد انتهى رمضان والعيد كل عام وأنتم بخير ونسينا الموضوع صراحة ربما بسبب قلة التفاعل في القسم العربي
للأسف لايوجد تفاعل أبدا في القسم العربي والأخوة لم يشاركوننا رغم أنني أرسلت لهم
على كل حال نبذل ما بوسعنا وإذا أحببت نعود لمتابعة عملنا في تنظيم ما تبقى من القسم وكنا قد توقفنا عند العملات البديلة
ما رأيك أخي؟

Theoretically,  even bitcoin code could be changed to apply a total supply change, or a halving calculation change.

The point is that those huge changed in the code could have a very big negative price impact.
Yes, you are correct, but this needs the consensus of the entire Bitcoin community to change the code, otherwise a hard fork will occur on Bitcoin if there is no consensus on the change.

As for Ripple, it is a central company that owns XRP and can make the changes it wants without requiring approval or consensus.

Is there a problem when transferring directly to these exchanges or is it better to send to a Non-custodial wallet first?
Are you planning to use coinjoin after that? I don't think sending to a non-custodial wallet and then exchanging directly is going to solve the issue of exchanges identifying where your money comes from. I remember reading that some exchanges track the previous 5 transactions or so to decide whether the transaction is directly connected to a malicious transaction or not. CMIIW.

Yes, large exchanges have the ability to track such transactions, but I do not expect that they do this except for large transactions because tracking all transactions costs a lot of money.

In any case, I prefer to follow the advice of
If you want 100% security, choose our Exchanger funds, with which you can deposit to any wallet.

Then finally, for more security, I can transfer the funds to a new wallet using Coinjoin.

This is understandable for Bitcoin, but what surprised me was XRP. I didn't expect it to have maximum supply being a centralized coin!!

Given that XRP is centralized, has no halving, and is not produced by mining in the first place, how does it have maximum supply? Even if this is in the coin code, can't the central company change this number later?

I mean couldn't they modify the code in the future to increase the number of XRP if they wanted?

I want to ask, is there a problem when sending Bitcoin from the mixer to one of the large exchanges such as Binance, OKX, Kucoin...etc?

Is there a problem when transferring directly to these exchanges or is it better to send to a Non-custodial wallet first?


لا ارى ان مثل هذه الخدمات ستحدث فرقا فالدرهم الاماراتي مربوط بالدولار بقيمة ثابته وبالتالي طالما هناك امكانية للتحويل من دولار الي بيتكوين فهي مثل تحويل الدرهم الي دولار.
يمكن شراء البيتكوين في الخليج ولكن علي حسب علمي فهناك منصة واحدة مرخصة وباقي الخدمات يستخدمون تداول الند للند لتحويل الدرهم الي عملات مستقرة عن طريق تحويل بنكي لشخص آخر ومن ثم استخدام العملات المستقرة لشراء البيتكوين
كلامك صحيح طبعا أخي هيوج لكن برأيي تبقى خطوة جيدة في كل الأحوال وخاصة في الدول التي تكون عملتها مستقرة نوعا ما واقتصادها قوي مثل الإمارات مثلا فأتوقع أنها مبادرة جيدة بدلا من تحويل العملات المشفرة إلى دولار ثم إلى عملة محلية ، طبعا هذه الميزة مفيدة بالنسبة للأشخاص الذين يرغبون بتحويل عملاتهم إلى عملة محلية وأما ومن يريد تحويل عملاته إلى دولار فبإمكانه ذلك أيضا بطبيعة الحال

أما الدول التي يكون اقتصادها متدهور وعملتها تنخفض باستمرار فالأفضل طبعا في مثل هذه الحالات تبديل العملات المشفرة إلى دولار بدل العملة المحلية للحفاظ على قيمتها من الانهيار

Cryptocurrency Trading / Re: Opt for the safest exchange?
« on: April 28, 2024, 09:28:54 PM »
I have used many centralized and decentralized exchanges, and I believe that Binance is the best in terms of reliability, liquidity, and daily exchange volume, but of course there are many other good exchanges that are not much less than Binance.

It is better to have several accounts on several exchanges and not put all your money in one place. Currently, I work on more than one exchange, such as OKX, Kucoin, and CoinEx. I also have accounts on some other small exchanges that I use sometimes when necessary.

Cryptocurrency discussions / Re: Anonymity - good or bad?
« on: April 28, 2024, 09:18:10 PM »
And I think that the majority don’t really want to maintain confidentiality. You just have to go to profiles on any social network, you can find everything there. I’m already silent about the same Google account. Confidentiality is more of a concern for public people, or those who are a little friendly. About anonymity This is generally some kind of fake, it is impossible to save it in the current conditions, you have already been verified 100,500 times, you are just flattering yourself with the hope that this is not so.
Yes, this is somewhat true. There is no 100% privacy. All the sites you browse on the Internet have information about you. Social media, Google accounts, and even decentralized services obtain your IP address and some other private information.

Even in the crypto world, centralized and decentralized third-party services are turning to force users to complete KYC and people are forced to use these services, so they are eventually forced to give up their privacy or anonymity.

And the way I am seeing it is that there are two big factors here: the people behind the platform specifically in question and the continuing push of the government to retain control and influence everything its eyes lay on. The first factor is very unfortunate as it is nuking the very fabric of the platform and the level of trust and confidence the users bestowed on them. Decentralization is at the central of all things cryptocurrency and of the blockchain...without decentralization then we are just dealing with the usual stuffs. I am really wondering if there can a time when decentralization is something that we could not anymore enjoy and that people will be forced to accept that reality, otherwise be on the path of the government and its legal overreach.
Yes, unfortunately, this is what we are heading towards. I fear that we are losing decentralization little by little. Look at the successive attacks launched by governments on centralized and decentralized services related to cryptocurrencies. They are seeking to encircle it in the end to become under their complete control.

The only way that can save centralization is to use Bitcoin the way Satoshi created it, I mean P2P without the need for a third party. The government cannot attack Bitcoin so it attacks third party services.

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