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Messages - DrBeer

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Cryptocurrency discussions / Re: KYC bad decision?
« on: January 09, 2024, 07:12:12 PM »
There is, in my opinion, only one nuance: whether your data, which has been provided for KYC, can be used for purposes that may cause you harm or loss. For example - can your data be used for illegal activities. For example, pretending to be you - when registering a car accident, obtaining a loan, or similar actions.... If such actions, with that set of your data, cannot be performed - what are the risks?
I will say by the way - in hospital, in internet stores, in banks - there is much more information about you, and it is more accessible than KYC data

Явно какойто заговор рептилоидов ! Отсканирую глазки, лица, потом дипфейк слепили, и все ! Калоши пропадают и следов не найти, а все на вас будут пальцем тыкать потому что ваш глаз видели и лицо!

Шутка  ;D

На само деле хотелось бы понять реальный смысл и цели проекта. Мне КАЖЕТСЯ, просто "система идентификации пользователя" и "пассивный гарантированный доход" - уж сильно просто выглядит... Или хитро. Возможно они филантропы и/или альтруисты. Но зная современный мир, честно - слабо верится. Не совсем понятно также - чем в перспективе будет обеспечиваться стоимость/обеспечение токена ? Одним словом: прикольно но не очень понятно

Traders, investors and crypto people in general - like the users of this forum - can use cryptocurrencies in order to make money... Ok
Financial institutions and companies can use cryptocurrencies for quicker and cheaper transfers... Ok

But for teachers, nurses and pensioners, for the grocery store at the corner, the shoes shop, the restaurant, the car repair shop... for these people and businesses what are cryptocurrencies good for? What could cryptos be good for?

They are not night traders. They have no idea what Binance and Coinbase are and they not even think about trading cryptos.
Ordinary people.

What's the point of the existence of cryptocurrencies for them?

How can or could cryptocurrencies serve them?

I will give my personal opinion, with explanations.
Until cryptocurrencies are officially recognized as a means of payment, as we understand, there will be no direct benefit in daily use.

But there is a second "side of the coin":
1. investment instrument. High-risk, but with good potential. And like any high-risk instrument, it can bring a surprise in the form of huge "X's" to the amount of investment..... But it can also bring the same losses :)
2. Cross-border payments, e.g. using stablecoins. To parents, children, wife, friends,.....  - very fast, easy and cheap.
3. As a technology, studying which, it is possible now and with a high probability, tomorrow, to get an interesting and highly paid job.
4. Permanent additional income - airdrop, reward for promotion, signature campaigns at the end of the day :)

Economics , Sociology & Politics / Re: Gold and Bitcoin
« on: January 09, 2024, 10:33:11 AM »
Having both gold and bitcoin is good when you are rich but for a pleb like myself, bitcoin is the best because it is open for both the poor and the rich to invest. Unlike gold that is only the rich that can invest in it because of the cost to buy gold. Bitcoin can be bought in fraction with a small as $5 or$10, and bitcoin gives more profit than gold over time. I believe that as time passes by bitcoin will be known by many and the rate of adoption will increase which will also make the price of bitcoin to increase significantly.

First of all you should never belittle and underestimate yourself !
In the second - tell us how much it will cost you a transaction when you buy and transfer to your wallet for example bitcoins bought for 5,10,25, 50, 100 dollars. And now look at bank bullion, even if it weighs 1 gram ? Look at the costs, look at the graphs of value. I think such diversification is quite an acceptable option, even if you do not have huge reserves of "extra" money !

Cryptocurrency discussions / Re: Will banks use privacy coins ?
« on: January 09, 2024, 10:29:44 AM »
Probably not.
The reason is banal - any anonymity, or rather non-transparency of money flows, is a "violation" for the state. The banking system strictly complies with the regulatory norms of central banks, and cannot afford such violations, as it is essentially tantamount to revocation of the banking license. In today's world, even the "last aplot of anonymity of money" - Swiss Banks, actually canceled this "feature". And the culprits of all this are ... the people themselves! Because we tend to use GOOD solutions for bad things. I think in the modern world this trend (deanonymization) will gain strength

If we look back at recent history, we can see many examples where banks have done (and continue to do) what they want, because they know it will not have major consequences or problems with states or governments. How many banks have protected money from traffickers (of all kinds) or laundered those fortunes?. There are many examples, and this has not only happened in Swiss or European banks, it has happened anywhere in the world. And what have been the consequences? At most, the resignation of some intermediate position, they have never wanted to reach the top.

Banks and governments have always done what they wanted, it would not seem strange to me if they used privacy coins. Transparency laws are for others, the people.

It's silly to deny that banks, not infrequently, do very bad things.
I can't speak for all banks in the world, but two examples are enough for me:
- In my country, Ukraine, the banking sector was restructured in 2014 -2018. The reason is banal - high corruption, illegal schemes, and other things that the corrupt government has created. At first, the banks and their "patrons" tried to "solve the issue" at the highest level, but were rejected. It came to sabotage of the banking sector, which could have a very negative impact on the whole country. An example is the forced nationalization of the major bank PrivatBank. Its owner, after the schemes of embezzlement of millions of dollars from the state were revealed, began to threaten that "tomorrow he would stop the work of the bank", which meant millions of pension accounts and tens of millions of accounts of citizens. In the morning, the bank was handed over to the state, and the owner was put on trial.
- Switzerland, after dialogs with FinCEN (Financial Crimes Enforcement Network), decided not to bring the situation to a conflict and started to fulfill their demands. This was a smart move, otherwise we would have heard about the closure of many Swiss banks.

The war is taking long but the people of Ukraine is still fighting for their rights , Russia have shown their power yet the opposing country is standing strong .
the effect in crypto is just a short period because looking in to it now? the war is still on but the crypto market is showing strong movement specially now 2024 that the climbing is continuing opposite for what we expect that may dump in the early month.

"It is not great men who do evil, but lowlifes who try to be great." (с) John Robert Fowles

Russia is not "strong" - it is mean, criminal, breaking always and everywhere all agreements and promises ! And the only "advantage" of Russia in the current situation is its huge population, which is worthless to the ruler. Now 90% of all offensives of the "second army of the world" are conducted by primitive throwing "cannon fodder" at AFU positions. Ukraine's problem is limited stockpiles of weapons, otherwise "Tryzub" on the yellow and blue flag would have been developing over the Kremlin long ago :).

Regarding the main topic - I have already said - this war has no noticeable impact on the crypto market, for several reasons:
- the demand for cryptocurrency has not increased, because even mutual settlements between pariah countries, has limited demand, due to the tightening of rules on exchanges, to withdraw assets in dollars or euros has become very and very difficult, or through "unofficial channels" - very expensive.
- The rest of the world, in such situations, chooses more "stable" objects to save money - for example, gold, or for example, investments in shares of military-industrial companies, in this situation it is much safer and more profitable.

Maybe currently cryptocurrencies are prohibited in Russia, but it is normal for a country to ban cryptocurrencies because if cryptocurrencies are allowed in a country it will reduce that country's currency, but if that country makes an agreement with cryptocurrencies or a technology discussion, maybe the country This will allow crypto development in the country.
I think cryptocurrencies are good if they develop in countries because they have sophisticated technology and even transactions using crypto are very fast.

The Russian ruble is already one of the "leaders" in terms of depreciation in 2023, if I may say so. And this is not a manifestation of the influence of cryptocurrency, it is a matter of politics and psychiatry :)

But bans in Russia are of a completely different nature - it is an attempt to minimize the risks of financing the opposition, as well as stifling the financial freedoms of Russian citizens, because the state has built a purely totalitarian state of kleptomaniacs in power. Therefore, bans on any freedoms, including financial ones, have been, are and will be. At least the population will not be given the opportunity to be at least a little independent and uncontrolled by the state.

At the same time, for attempts to circumvent sanctions - yes, it may be used, but only at the level of the state, and only for the closest circle of the "club of kleptomaniacs"

In the world of cryptocurrency, security is a paramount concern due to the irreversible nature of transactions. However, iBolt Cyber Hacker system aims to provide a solution for those who have fallen victim to theft or loss of their digital assets.

With its advanced technology and expertise in cyber security, iBolt Cyber Hacker offers a ray of hope for individuals and organizations who have experienced the misfortune of having their cryptocurrency stolen or lost. Their innovative approach and cutting-edge tools enable them to track and recover stolen funds, providing a sense of relief for those affected.

Through their diligent efforts and commitment to restoring trust in the cryptocurrency ecosystem, iBolt Cyber Hacker stands as a beacon of integrity and reliability in the fight against cybercrime. With their assistance, victims of cryptocurrency theft can find solace in the possibility of reclaiming what was once lost, thereby contributing to a safer and more secure digital financial landscape.

Given the technological features of blockchain technology, I can say one thing - it is impossible to RETURN the funds somehow "disappeared" from the wallet! The only option is to find the owner of the wallet where the funds were transferred and force him to return them. But this is definitely beyond the scope of technological solutions. Why? It's simple - without having a private key to access the wallet - you can not make any transaction. I think you should rewrite the announcement, so as not to mislead people...

Economics , Sociology & Politics / Re: Gold and Bitcoin
« on: January 08, 2024, 09:57:47 AM »
Real estate is a great option!  And it is not necessary to buy a whole "residential complex" at once - it is enough to buy 1-2 apartments, normal layout, at the very beginning of the development and after commissioning - to sell!

This is interesting
Usually at investing in real estate one think of buying already finished, ready-to-get-used objects. It's rare to think of buying an object at the beginning of the construction work and selling it before it gets occupied.
Me, I would buy objects from distressed owners. You know, public auctions following insolvency proceedings.
Usually not many people participate to those auctions, and if you are lucky and have the chance of inform yourself about the object before the auction - which isn't easy - you can catch some good bargain.

There is a small nuance, I do not know how it is in other countries, but in my country, if you buy from the company-developer, conditionally when they are just beginning to prepare the foundation of the house, the square of which I buy an apartment, it is cheaper than when the "box" is already built on all floors. This is the main option to reduce investments in the primary market. After the box of the house is built, the price of the same apartment is already higher by about 20-30%. After 3 years, when selling such an apartment, gives a total profit of about 100-120%. That, to me, looks quite good even in comparison with gold and bitcoin.

But again I note - so works this scheme in my country, with our legislation and our real estate market. I assume that in other countries it may work differently

835 and julerz12 - bravo! Great start on a new site ! Success of the subscription campaign!


2. Относительно отсутствия другой формы денег - это уже один из возможных сценариев развития, причем самый плохой. Т.е. это вариант надо расценивать как наихудший вариант, или риск, с некой, не нулевой вероятностью, и критическим влиянием, согласно классической модели оценки рисков. И наверное можно к этому подготовиться, т.к. иначе зто звучит как безысходнях лютый :)
А как к нему подготовиться, если они заранее за нас все решили? Если это реализуют, то я не вижу ничего, как играть по их правилам, так как других правил просто не существует. Единственная отрада для нас - крипта, но в таком случае будем надеяться, что ее вообще не запретят. Пусть будут некоторые ограничения, налог на прибыль с крипты - с этим еще можно мириться, но полный запрет, как мне кажется, еще больше подтолкнет народ на этот путь.

Ну вариантов достаточно - сменить гражданство, вывести ликвидные активы в другую юрисдикцию, открыть счет в нормальном банке нормальной страны,... Одним словом - вариантов всегда найдется, если поставить себе цель. Просто мне концепция сидеть и ждать пи..еца, не предпринимая никаких действий, очень не нравится :) Я например во времена мутных типочков у власти в моей стране, вывел бизнес в ЕС. Нет не было цели не платить налоги, меня не устраивала концепция постоянных поборов и надуманной "богоподобности" некоторых. Немного напрягся и получилась красота, налоги плачу, но по схеме где нельзя отжать бизнес или попробовать потребовать "дополнительных выплат"... Если что - деньги не вывожу, а они у меня спокойно лежат на счету в ЕС, и я ими могу воспользоваться там

Economics , Sociology & Politics / Re: Females in Cryptocurrency
« on: January 07, 2024, 11:40:07 PM »
A rather strange topic... I feel like women are not the same people as men :)
I can't say about the whole world, but in my country - women have the same rights, the same opportunities as men. I know great business owners - women, great top managers - women, great IT specialists (my native, I know the market well) - women. I know some very active women in the crypto segment, and participants in crypto projects.
At the same time, I also know many unsuccessful specialists - men, unsuccessful crypto investors - men, unsuccessful and not trying to achieve something - men. I think this "separation" by gender is a bit "outdated", to put it mildly :)
What I know - yes, there are countries where women's rights and freedoms are limited, and only there are really problems of women's participation in public life, business....

It looks like the dream ""cryptocurrency will replace fiat money"" is about to be realized. But not as we expected, but rather much worse.
It's not cryptocurrencies like bitcoin or ethereum that will replace fiat money. Notice their "ugly heir" of cryptocurrencies - CBDC ! But when it arrives, there will be no more joy.....
Total control, total management, we will all cease to be the real owners of our money.

Может реально зародилось сознание и реальный ИИ ? Постарайся его не провоцировать, и пиши о его поведеднии с другого утсройства   ;D ;D ;D

До "сознания и реального ИИ", имхо, еще очень далеко. Но прогресс точно есть - нынешние ИИ очень быстро обучаются: у них просто горы информации, постоянное общение с людьми, которые тоже им наливают инфу - ИИ способен обрабатывать все это за доли секунды. Поэтому вопрос времени, когда машини осознают себя, как личность.

Само собой. Поэтому я всегда говорю   - то что нам сейчас выдаю з а ИИ, это совсем не ИИ. Это огромная база знаний, с интеллектуальной и быстрой выдачей информации, используя хорошую лингвистическую модель. Но не более.
Относительно осознания реальности и самого себя - ту все сложно.. Хотя бы потому что мы даже о самих себе не можем дать четкого описания и не имеем понимания что такое сознание ? Как работает мышление. ? И этих вопросов очень много. А как можно построить то, чего мы сами не понимаем  и не можем даже дать формального описания ?!


Thanks for the reply + !
I would love to hear your detailed opinion !

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