can someone from Indonesia confirm ?
Please wait , i'll DM Husna QA because he is active Moderator on subforum Indonesia.
It's not a bug but a typo, and the correct one is Referral. In Indonesian, there is no such term, but it is more frequently used than the translated word in Indonesian.
Source: John M. Echols & Hassan Shadily:
"Kamus Inggris-Indonesia (An English-Indonesia Dictionary)", Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta, 2018.
Looks like a typo, there is a line under the section Refferal & Kontes name: Rujukan , Thread Referral & Kontes ...
And there's the rules topic in there: (RULES) Referral Section
Admin sudah menyiapkan child Boards khusus referral,jadi kalian yang mau posting coin airdrop berbau refferal agan langsung berbagi Disni saja
He also typos by writing 'refferal'.