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Author Topic: Bit.Country is a decentralized world — putting community first.  (Read 10725 times)

Offline 0406Antoxa1982

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Re: Bit.Country is a decentralized world — putting community first.
« Reply #30 on: April 27, 2022, 02:46:41 PM »
What is the Metaverse?

Dear Bit.Country and Metaverse.Network Fans

Keen for an up-to-date, inside scoop on the latest and greatest developments happening behind the scenes of Bit.Country? If yes is your answer, then welcome to the Diary Inside the Metaverse Network.

I invite you to follow this blog, and come on a journey with me as we discover the creative process of Bit.Country. I will update you on design, blockchain and development all from a user’s perspective. I will be your voice for any burning questions. I will break down difficult concepts and dive deep into the company. I will be your eyes and ears in the Metaverse.Network and share with you the potential that is about to be unlocked.

Upon discovering Bit.Country, I was instantly faced with two fundamental questions; What is Bit.Country and What is the Metaverse?

Metaverse is an online social network that blends the physical and digital worlds. It is a space that creates visual experiences, connects people and can be integrated into everyday life for business and pleasure.

A metaverse can be 3D virtual reality or augmented reality.

-  3D virtual reality is best known as a computer-generated environment that is viewed by wearing a headset. Users feel immersed in the surroundings that are completely separate from the real world. They can interact through enhanced images, sounds and vibrations. The user feels like they are physically present in the virtual world.

-  Augmented reality is an integration of the physical world environment and a computer-generated digital 2D or the 3D world. In augmented reality, digital content is superimposed into the physical world to create an enhanced experience for the user where they are still present and able to see the physical environment around them.

The metaverse is the next development of the web. It creates an immersive environment for users to connect regardless of their geographic location. The metaverse can be designed to create experiences that go beyond what is currently delivered through social platforms used today. Historically, a phone call or text message was our primary method of connecting. In 2004, Facebook and Facetime introduced online voice and video calling. This advancement enhanced users’ social connectivity as users were able to share photos and videos globally for free.

The metaverse development is the latest advancement of connectivity, it creates a social multiuser environment where people can meet up in real-time to use their skills to earn income and contribute to the growth of communities. The metaverse is a new frontier of social connection.

Bit.Country is a platform that will host multi-metaverses. A metaverse will be created by the users that support each unique community.

Bit.Country’s mission is for users to be able to earn value in each metaverse. This value can be translated into value in the physical world. The focus is to develop an open economy where users can swap between online digital economies and conventional economies in their lives.

The platform has been designed to be user-friendly for all levels of interaction. At the basic level users can contribute to their chosen metaverses through play-to-earn. For example, if your profession is an event organiser you can use your skills to create and host digital events inside a metaverse. If a user wants to interact at a more advanced level they can build and sculpt the style of their chosen metaverses.

Fans and influencers have the opportunity to occupy land blocks inside a metaverse and create games or experiences for other users. Bit.Country will grow into a platform where people will come to work, socialise, play and have fun. Imagination will be the only limitation of Bit.Country’s metaverses.

Initially, Bit.Country will be accessed via traditional web services and later, as technology develops through 3D immersive experiences.

Bit.Country development has been backed by the Berkeley Blockchain Accelerator, Animoca Brands, Walsh Wealth Ventures, and Hypersphere.

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« Last Edit: April 27, 2022, 02:56:02 PM by 0406Antoxa1982 »

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Re: Bit.Country is a decentralized world — putting community first.
« Reply #30 on: April 27, 2022, 02:46:41 PM »

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Re: Bit.Country is a decentralized world — putting community first.
« Reply #31 on: May 03, 2022, 10:53:36 PM »
Bit.Country Alpha Testnet Features: What is BIT?

Bit.Country has launched its alpha testnet to Evangelists. It is the first time that the public has been granted access to interact with the platform. Feedback from the testing so far has been exceptional. Evangelists are working to test the initial features, find bugs and are giving general feedback on how the platform can be optimized. The Bit.Country team is working around the clock to execute changes that will enhance user experience to ensure a seamless public launch.

Initial features that have been deployed in the alpha testnet are;

*  Material Campaign

*  Metaverse Creation

*  Building inside the sandpit

*  Crafting NFTs

*  Avatar wearables

*  Minting NFT collections

*  Global and Local NFT Marketplaces

*  Deploying smart contracts on Metaverse.Network.

The platform can seem daunting to first time users. There are many new concepts to learn. Understanding the platform is the first step toward pure enjoyment. If you find yourself scratching your head trying to understand the general operation, please know that you are not alone. I am also discovering the wonders of the Bit.Country Platform.

Upon signing into the testnet I found that the best place to start is the Material Campaign. The Material Campaign generates the economy of Bit.Country. The platform has two currencies; BIT and NEER.

BIT is the in-game token of Bit.County. It is the fundamental material and energy source of Bit.Country. The utility of BIT is to craft NFTs and build objects for the metaverse. It cannot be purchased. Users must earn BIT through interaction with the Material Campaign.

BIT can only be mined or burnt. BIT mining can be observed in the Material Campaign. Every round 27,425 BIT is mined. A round can be likened to a day in the metaverse. A round takes 24 hours, and once the round has been completed the mined BIT is distributed to the users.

The mined BIT is distributed unevenly into four pools;

1  Staking

2  Land Commitment

3  Experience

4  TBA — Unallocated pool source to be confirmed in future development

Note: BIT earning through Land Commitment, Experience and the Unallocated pool are currently disabled in the alpha testnet.

In the alpha testnet staking is your friend. It is your key to being successful on the platform. The more NEER that you can stake, the more BIT you will be rewarded each round!

NEER is Bit.Country Pioneer’s native currency. It has multiple use cases which will be progressively launched. In the testing phase, the main use application for NEER is staking to earn BIT, and to pay for gas fees. To get NEER users can request a daily deposit from the Bit.Country & Metaverse.Network Discord channel. NEER token is sent directly to the user’s Polkadot wallet.

Daily I collect NEER from the Bit.Country & Metaverse.Network Discord channel. I stake it in the Material Campaign so that I can earn BIT. I use the BIT I have earnt to craft avatar wearables, mint activation passes and builds objects in the metaverse. Upon making a Bit.Country account, the user is given a standard avatar. The appearance of the avatar can be customised by minting wearables using BIT. I burnt BIT to mint a hoodie, beanie, pants and boots to dress my avatar.

Each round 38.42% (10,468) of the mined BIT is allocated to users that have staked NEER. The amount of BIT that a user earns per round is proportional to the amount of NEER staked relative to others users. In the example below, I have staked 797 NEER, and the entire community has staked a total of 47,314 NEER. I am ranked 14th in the staking pool, meaning that 14 other users have more NEER staked than myself. In the round displayed below, I will receive 1.29% of the total 10,468 BIT allocation which equates to 135 BIT.

Each round I claim BIT and it is transferred into My Wallet. In My Wallet, I convert BIT to BIT(Spot). BIT(Spot) should be used to perform in-metaverse transactions. The BIT(Spot) is held in a transactional and on-platform account that is ideal for fast transactions such as minting NFTs and building objects. The bonus of BIT(Spot) is that no gas fees are charged when performing transactions.

BIT is perpetual and settled on blockchain making it highly secure, similar to cold storage. It will be used for future on-chain activities such as decentralised exchanges. Users should accumulate BIT on the blockchain and convert amounts into BIT(Spot) for daily transactions.

NFT Activation Passes are required for a user to gain access to certain testnet features. BIT(Spot) must be burnt to receive the Bunker Activator Pass, the 3D Marketplace Pass and a 3D Vault Pass. These are Metaverse NFTs, they are held in My Wallet and can be sold or transferred to other users.

The Bunker is an underground customizable shelter where users can build assets and invite friends to come to have a look in a multiplayer simulation. The 3D Marketplace is a metaverse game first. Here, users can walk through an NFT showroom labyrinth to browse and interact with NFTs that are for sale. The 3D Vault is a safety chamber that is used to store users' most valuable assets and in-game BIT or NEER tokens.

Understanding the Machine Campaign functionality gives insight into the Bit.Country economy. The utility of Bit.Country’s native token NEER and in-game token BIT are paramount to unlocking access and creating unique metaverses.

Now that we understand the platform’s economy, let's create and explore the capabilities of Bit.Country.

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« Last Edit: May 03, 2022, 11:02:44 PM by 0406Antoxa1982 »

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Re: Bit.Country is a decentralized world — putting community first.
« Reply #32 on: May 13, 2022, 08:19:45 PM »
Development Update May 2022

The BCMN team has been working to ensure a successful launch of the alpha testnet. Evangelists were invited as the first public to test our platform on the 21st of April. We will make the testnet accessible to a wider audience along with the rapid testnet development.

The initial engagement has been phenomenal. Simplicity and functionality of user control are commonly mentioned in the positive feedback. Customization of avatars with wearables and building structures in the Sandpit has been the most talked-about feature.

The creative power of our community and the hard work of our team are combined to build a strong platform. The sole focus of our team at the moment is the development of new release features and delivering a stable testnet to the public.

Metaverse News Update (Episode 3)

The Winner of the Design Contest

Kickstarted the Avatar Wearable Contest, and the community chose their favorite wearables via emojis.

The winning designs are ready to be used in the Metaverse.
If you submitted a design and you were an active discord user, check this file to see if you won one of the 100 limited edition wearable NFTs.

If your name appears there, please DM @Ressie on discord and provide the Polkadot Wallet address you want your wearables to be sent to once the minting and transfer of NFTs are enabled on Bit.Country Pioneer.
Congratulations to the winners!!

Metaverse.Network Team (By Justin)

*  Finalize BIT production rate, on-chain upgrade and apply all new BIT inflation and production logic.

*  Build BIT Spot and on-chain asset gateway that supports instant BIT spending and NFT crafting inside metaverse.

*  Implemented BIT spot transaction history and transaction queue of asset gateway.

*  Lead the team to release Public Alpha Testnet on Bit.Country Application, all stable features have been rolled out for an exclusive group of users. New Alpha Testnet blockchain, RPC node and faucet have been set up.

*  Enable EVM smart contract on Alpha Testnet, support EVM and Substrate wallet mapping as well as smart contract deployment on Metaverse.Network Developer Portal.

*  Setting up infrastructure monitoring to ensure the entire system is well monitored.

*  Support multi-dimension assets and thumbnail upload which is optimised for handling large volumes of NFT listing.

*  Support multi-type NFT assets which allows NFT creation in different media formats.

*  Streamline creating metaverse in a single click.

*  Roll out Royalty Fee system for NFT Creators.

*  Design and implement Multiple Metaverse Marketplace listing transaction system.

*  Preparing for another runtime upgrade on Pioneer to upgrade runtime to Polkadot 0.9.18.

Bit.Country Metaverse Team (By Shannon)

*  Bunker — a new personal space for users to build with blocks, assets and NFTs. Limited in dimensions and customizability compared to the metaverse but a great starting point for designing your own place for others to see.

*  Sandpit — the testing ground where you can try out blocks and assets without having to burn your BIT. Also, a great place to test out your own 3d creations to ensure that they are modeled correctly.

*  Tooling updates — improvements to notifications and notices when modifying, editing or placing items in the world.

*  UI/UX updates — new UI for cleaner aesthetics, and easier flow when building in the world.

*  Graphics updates — new post processes and effects to improve overall visual quality.

*  Updated infrastructure for block and asset building, improving robustness and security.

*  General bug fixes and improvements — improved edge case handling related to mesh previews, placement, tool swapping during editing and more.

Bit.Country Tech Lead Team (By Daniel)

*  Marketplace showroom

- Improved performance by merging meshes and reducing draw calls.

- Added NFT permission check for entering the showroom.

- Added a collision system to the showroom.

- Added support for showing details of the NFT items and improving the usability.

*  Avatar System

- Improved UI responsiveness and UI upgrade.

- Added thumbnail for Avatars and wearable.

- Integrated with NFT wearable and NFT avatar system.

- Enhanced avatar loading performance, and reused available resources of the scenes.

*  Multiplayer Server — Setup a base image for deploying the multiple-player server.

*  Multiple Player Server — Enabled the multi-player on the bunker.

*  Game Engine — Architect and design the current game engine to allow us to create another instance of the game engine easily.

Community & Operation

*  Creation of Inside the Metaverse.Network Blog.

*  Overall improvement on Discord. Strengthened security and added a ranking function to measure activity so we can run contests and do giveaways to the most active members.

*  Kickstarted the Avatar Wearable Contest, and the community chose their favorite wearables via emojis. The winning designs are ready to be used in the Metaverse. Congratulations to the winners!!

Creative & 3D team

*  Design a 3D visualization of the new $NEER box and BIT box,

*  Conceptualize and create a 3D visualization of the market place and vault room as well as the display assets. and personal asset value of the player

*  Redesign the web application UI for testnet to match the brand identity

*  Design the main theme concept of the image to use to communicate our avatar in the metaverse to the public

*  Improve 3d landmark building in the city of kaosland in all final steps and buildings in adjacent support groups

*  A modular system came up for use in the assembly and designing the basic building of kaosland city. The system has been completed and started to be used in the first zone of the city. and expand to the rest in order

*  Create canary bird character avatar in 3ds format to use as the icon of kaosland city.

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« Last Edit: May 13, 2022, 09:23:52 PM by 0406Antoxa1982 »

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Re: Bit.Country is a decentralized world — putting community first.
« Reply #33 on: May 25, 2022, 09:19:27 PM »
Activation Pass | Bit.Country Alpha Testnet Feature

Utility is at the core of the Bit.Country network. To grow Bit.Country into a community-owned, decentralized, multi-metaverse platform it has developed activation passes. The purpose of activation passes is to guide users through a journey to gradually unlock new features on Bit.Country.

There are four activation passes;

1.  Global NFT Search Activator

2.  3D Showroom Activator

3.  NFT Authorization Activator

4.  The Bunker Activation

Each pass is purchased by burning BIT which is earnt in the Material Campaign 👇👇👇

Using Activation Passes on Bit.Country

An activation pass is a metaverse object, hence once it has been purchased you can find it in My Assets. Three of the activator passes are designed to be held by metaverse owners and the Bunker Activator should be held by all users. Holding the activator passes grants the metaverse community access to all of the features on the Bit.Country platform. Creators will gravitate towards metaverses that hold all of the passes as it allows greater exposure to their content and creations.

A metaverse owner must activate the passes in their metaverse settings. Metaverse Utility is controlled in the Metaverse Settings. Activate all of the settings to discover their features.

NFT Authorization Activator

The NFT Authorization Activator allows metaverse owners, who are holders of this pass to receive NFT listing requests from the public. Community members can request to list an NFT collection for sale on a local metaverse marketplace. Holding the pass gives a metaverse owner power to assign authority to NFT collections to be listed in their metaverse marketplace. Metaverse owners are encouraged to hold this pass as it enables community contribution and growth of their metaverse. Metaverse owners should research the NFT collection and associated utility before authorizing it to be sold in the local marketplace.

Every metaverse has a local marketplace. A unique place to buy and sell metaverse specific NFTs.

Follow along as I list my NFT Collection ‘Fantasy World’ on a local metaverse marketplace. From My Collections, I select the “Sell on other Local Marketplace” button. In the popup type in the Metaverse ID and write a message explaining your intentions to the metaverse owner.

The Metaverse owner has the authority to reject or approve listing the NFT collection. A collection is more likely to get approved by a metaverse owner if the collection has utility that adds value to the community of the metaverse. The NFT collection will appear in the 2D Metaverse marketplace. If approved the listing will appear in the local metaverse marketplace.

Local Metaverse Marketplace

The local metaverse marketplace will only feature NFTs that have been approved by the metaverse owner. The NFTs can only be discovered by the public if they are specifically browsing that specific local marketplace. The public can refine their NFT search using Keywords, filtering on collections, and listing types. All approved collections are discoverable however, users can only purchase listed NFT.

3D Showroom Activator NFT

3D Showroom Activator unlocks the ability for the 2D local metaverse marketplace to be virtually digitized. The Showroom is a virtual gallery where approved NFT collections are displayed. Each collection has its own display room within the 3D local metaverse marketplace. Avatars can walk around to browse and interact with NFTs. NFTs can be purchased using NEER.

The metaverse owner must hold the activator pass in their wallet for this function to be available for its users.

Global NFT Search Activator

Global NFT Search Activator enables metaverse holders to display their NFT collections on the global marketplace. Collections that feature on the global marketplace get exposure to a wider audience compared to only listing only on the local marketplace.

Listing an NFT collection with a metaverse owner that holds the NFT Global Search Activator will allow the collection to be found by anyone browsing the global marketplace. Listings can be filtered if a user wants to search specifically for a metaverse, listing type, or collection.

Bunker Activation NFT

Bunker Activation gives holders access to the Bunker. The Bunker is an underground personal haven for users to build with voxels, props, media and digital assets. It is limited in dimensions and customizability compared to the metaverse and the Sandpit. It is a great starting point for users to build savable assets. Users’ creations are saved in the Bunker whereas in the Sandpit they are not. Bunker multiplayer can be activated to hang out or co-create with friends (Alpha Testnet Release).

Creating and building a Bunker is simple. Navigate into the Bunker from the homepage and activate build mode to start placing objects. Upon completing your masterpiece, click to submit the creation.

In the Bunker, BIT is burnt to place and remove an object or voxels. The total estimated BIT cost for the creation is displayed in the bottom right corner.

The Vault

Hidden deep in the Bunker is the Vault. The vault is connected to your wallet and will visually show your BIT and NEER balances.

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« Last Edit: May 25, 2022, 09:47:34 PM by 0406Antoxa1982 »

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Re: Bit.Country is a decentralized world — putting community first.
« Reply #34 on: May 31, 2022, 12:38:12 AM »
Why Should You Use Bit.Country? | Looking into the Possibilities of the Metaverse

Bit.Country provides the framework for users to create a 3D world. The platform is created for all levels of online competency. From a basic interaction level, users can explore and contribute to metaverses they affiliate with. Developers, influencers, creatives, and ideologists can purchase land to build unique metaverses. Metaverses will be a focal point for community engagement and growth.

Bit.Country has been built with the ability to guide committed users from basic introduction levels through to advanced development levels. It is easy to navigate, and skills can be effortlessly learned with practice. Bit.Country metaverses will have an open architecture that will allow developers, users, businesses, and creators to participate on equal terms.

Bit.Country Land Ownership

A metaverse is a richly graphic virtual space where users can explore. To create a metaverse in Bit.Country a user must own land. Land ownership is categorized into three levels. At the macro level ownership starts with raw land blocks. For a metaverse to be accessible to the public, the creator needs to deploy one or many raw land blocks into the map. Each deployed land block comprises 100 land units. The metaverse owner can subdivide its land block into estates. An estate is a collection of neighboring land units.

The metaverse owner should guide the theme of its metaverse by selling or transferring ownership of land units or estates to community supporters to benefit the evolution of that metaverse.

The possibilities of what to create in the metaverse are endless. The same technology tools can be used in numerous different ways to create a multitude of diverse creatives. Bit.Country focuses on the fundamentals that allow users to create their own world that will give value to communities.

To create a metaverse world that develops ideas in Bit.Country requires ownership of digital land. Bit.Country is the first digital land platform that will allow owners to subdivide their land to share digital creation with community members.

Building a Metaverse on Bit.Country

Metaverses can be designed for a fathomless amount of use cases. Every metaverse will be different depending on the creator. The immersive experience will depend on 3D animated simulation. Virtual world trends can be categorized by several themes depending on what it delivers to their users.

Bit.Country allows business owners, influencers, and creatives to create metaverses tailored to their audience. Metaverse creators do not need to have to have coding, 3D design, and blockchain technology knowledge as the platform supports voxels. Bit.Country provides the tools required to bridge the development gap to make metaverse dreams come true. Metaverses will have their own economy, dedicated users, marketplace, and specialized NFTs.

Community will collectively navigate the future of each metaverse. Proposals will be voted by by the community to influence what content is shared, created, and consumed within that metaverse. Each metaverse will have its own values, ethics, and utility.

Creators of Bit.Country metaverses

The metaverse will become a place of work for creatives. Professional skills will be required to build immersive worlds for its users. Graphic designers and 3D modellers will design digital structures, in-game items, and environments. Creatives will build entire games and NFT collections that provide utility for metaverses. Wearables will be drawn by designers and animated by technical artists (NFT required governance approval for network utility). Software and blockchain developers will bring ideas and experiences to digital life.

Communities of Bit.Country

Imagine immersing into a 3D world that is unbounded by the laws of physics. The entirety of the virtual environment has been created specifically with the user in mind. Humans will interact with each other as avatars in a digital world that exists in parallel to the physical world. Each metaverse will offer the user a unique experience. As digital communities grow, the content and benefits that users intrinsically receive by interacting with them will be enhanced. Richer experiences will attract more friends, family and acquaintances.

Networking in a Bit.Country metaverse

Immersive entertainment and leisure will be one of the biggest applications of metaverses. Digital spaces will be created where friends and family can feel the realism of a connection regardless of location. People will meet in the metaverse to chat, play, shop and enjoy media in real-time together. Physical limitations can hinder people’s opportunities to travel and explore new places, meet new people and experience different cultures. The metaverse can unlock this boundary with the creation of digital doubles.

YouTubers, bloggers, and influencers can create immersive experiences with their followers. Instead of a fan reading a blog on a 2D screen, they can experience the blog. Fans’ avatars will be able to take their avatar on a visually stimulating metaverse journey. The fan would feel as if they are with the writer on their voyage. Fans will be able to connect with influencers in real-time and hang out with them in a virtual space. Like-minded people will feel truly connected and be able to share ideas. Streamers and YouTubers will create captivating 3D immersive experiences. Viewers will feel as if they are physically present with the presenter. Influencers will customize their products to benefit their communities.

E-commerce in a Bit.Country Metaverse

Brands will invest in marketing and operations in metaverses. Advertisements will be placed on virtual buildings and billboards to promote physical and digital world items. Advertising will shift away from catalogs and 2D e-commerce to be interactive in the metaverse. Brands can target metaverses that resonate with their audience for their campaigns. NFTs can also be used to give value back to their loyal consumers.

Imagine the possibility of attending a virtual farmers market in real-time anywhere in the world. Your avatar can walk the labyrinth of streets and stalls while interacting with products. Shoppers would be able to purchase goods in the metaverse that are shipped to them in the physical world.

Final Thoughts on the Future of Metaverses

Metaverse adoption is in its infancy, but they are here to stay. Metaverses will initially be disruptive, however, they will change our current expectations of online connectivity. Metaverses have ignited an inevitable shift in the digital age. They are the next generation of the internet. Users will interact with them in real-time to stimulate digital economies globally.

Communities will create, experience, and monetize content. People will collectively work together to use, vote, contribute and create virtual worlds that are truly representative of their users. Bit.Country will create a safe, usable environment for all capabilities that will unlock creativity and grow community connectivity.

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Re: Bit.Country is a decentralized world — putting community first.
« Reply #35 on: June 05, 2022, 03:27:08 PM »
Purchasing and Deploying Virtual Land in Bit.Country

Bit.Country metaverses will comprise one or more land blocks. Each raw land block is made up of 100 land units. Metaverse owners will deploy raw land block into the metaverse to build on their virtual 3D online networking worlds.

Initially, a metaverse Map will appear empty as no raw land blocks have been deployed onto it. To start building a metaverse the owner must purchase Raw Land Blocks from the Global NFT Marketplace. Purchased Raw Land will appear in your Wallet as an NFT.

To deploy a Raw Land Block into a metaverse, navigate to the Map of that metaverse. The first Raw Land Block to be deployed into a metaverse must be located at the origin. The origin is the central hub of the metaverse and can be likened to a central business district. Right-click on the map and select to deploy Raw Land Block. After confirming the transaction, you will be able to see 100 deployed land units on the Map.

In the above image I have deployed two Raw Land Blocks into the metaverse map. The land block that is located at the origin has (0,0) coordinates and is highlighted by the blue-purple perimeter. The coordinates of the other deployed land block are (2,1).

Subdividing a Land Block

Land Blocks can be subdivided into smaller Estates. An estate a collection of multiple adjacent land units.

From the metaverse Map right click on a deployed block of land and select to Divide Land Units. Subdivisions cannot be reversed, the estate creation is permanent once the transaction has been confirmed on the blockchain.

Subdivisions can take any shape and once the estate has been made it will show up as a solid colored block amongst the Land Units. The Home page of the metaverse will update to reflect the current land ownership.

This metaverse has 2 land blocks that have been subdivided into 7 estates. There are a total of 128 individual land units remaining. All of the lands are owned by one wallet.

Selling or Transferring Land Unit or an Estate

Land ownership can be broken down into Land Blocks, Estates and Land Units. Management of your land should be done in My Assets under Land.

To list or transfer ownership of a Raw Land Block or Estate click the three white dots and follow the listing process.

Users can also select to view or list land units in a map or table style. Using this tool allows you to visually select land units.

Building in the Metaverse

Once land has been deployed and subdivided users can build on it using voxels and 3D objects.

To enter into the metaverse right-click on the land unit or estate and select Enter Dimension. There are no limits in the metaverse, your avatar can wander and explore the creations. Users are only allowed to build on land if they own it. Once a structure is built and confirmed it will be saved in that metaverse for all users to observe. The red outline highlights the area that you are able to build in.

Changing the Environment Inside the Metaverse.

An environment influences mood and feel. It has the power to change your emotions. On a gloomy, dark rainy day it is common to feel not as energetic and happy when compared to a warm sunny day. Similar feelings can be conveyed in the digital world. Bit.Country is the first-ever platform to allow metaverse owners to fully customize the environment. In the digital world the sky environment is known as a Skybox. Skyboxes create a theme, set the ambience and creates the illusion of distance within each metaverse.

How does the Skybox Environment work?

Imagine that the metaverse is trapped inside a 3D cube and static images are projected onto the inside of the cube. The images will create the background or sky of the metaverse. Opening up the cube will reveal the six textures that will be stitched together to create a 3D world environment. Down texture refers to the ground, up is the sky and the left, front, right and back images form the horizon. Objects such as mountains, buildings and objects in the skybox will always be unreachable by the avatar.

Textures to form a skybox can include photographs, hand-drawn images, or rendered 2D and 3D geometries.

Every individual has a preference for their ideal environment. Our cultural, emotional and social backgrounds influence the way we react to different environments. Skyboxes can also be changed to celebrate special occasions. A metaverse should be a stress-free environment and stimulating, this is possible with skyboxes.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2022, 03:42:09 PM by 0406Antoxa1982 »

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Re: Bit.Country is a decentralized world — putting community first.
« Reply #36 on: June 07, 2022, 10:45:18 PM »
Development Update June 2022

Development Updates

A multi-metaverse project is complex and powerful. It requires a lot of concentrated development effort to enable its wonderful features. The platform will be built to handle multiple users globally and it performs to users’ complex needs. The good news is most of the technical challenges have already been addressed by the tech team, and the first version of the alpha feature set is well on the way to completion.

Through our partnership applications and community feedback, we found the narrative of user-created metaverses continues to flourish. We have an engaging community that supports our network development. We believe that user-created metaverse projects will bring greater adoption of the web3 technology stack. Bit.Country metaverses will bridge web3 adoption from web2 by educating its users within their community and will share its benefits in a fun and interactive way.

Four Phases in the Builders’ Season — AlphaTestnet


Right now, our primary focus is to continue to ship features to the alpha-testnet and onboard more users to participate in testing and feedback.

Looking forward here is a sequence of events that we envision will take place with the rationale behind this being to ensure the product’s readiness. Given the recent incident happening in the web3 space, the team is more conscious about security checks, and testing while the market dynamics and users’ behaviors are also under our close observation.

Phase 1 — Alpha-testnet Exclusive Access (Late Apr 2022 & Now)

In this phase, the goal is to test the initial infrastructure and features of the platform. The team has built the minimal viable product of Bit.Country to test functionality. Evangelists were given access to initial public testing. They excelled in the testing of the building feature. Testers were confidently creating interesting structures using voxels, 3D props and importing 3D models in the Sandpit and Bunker. They were able to mint NFTs collections, customize their avatars with different skin colors and try on wearables. Evangelists also confidently created their own metaverse and were able to carry out NFT trading transactions on the local metaverse marketplaces.

If you like to participate in the next slot of test user recruitment. Please check out how to get involved in the alpha-testnet release log.

Phase 2 — Alpha- testnet (Public Access Testing — July)

Once the #DevelopmentTeam  is confident that all of the features of phase 1 have been evaluated and tested, we will make it open to the public. Everyone will be invited to log in to Bit.Country to join our journey. Users can enjoy launching their own metaverse or creating a personal space in the Bunker. With more active users it will be a great opportunity for the team to do more stress tests.

With wider alpha-testnet adoption, the team will get a chance to gather more user feedback, execute enhancements and iron out potential bugs. We will continue to push updates within this phase as we optimize the platform.

*Token transfers will be enabled on mainnet once the alpha-testnet is fully released and accessible to everyone.

Phase 3 — Go live on Pioneer Network

In this phase, we will push alpha-testnet stable features to Metaverse.Network pioneer which is currently running as a parachain on Kusama Relaychain. Users would be able to use tokens to perform interesting activities on the live app.

Phase 4 — Polkadot Crowdloan

The continuum narrative starts here, given most of the feature competition, once we will participate in the Crowdloan followed by its cousin pioneer going live. There will be a great set of the utility of token NUUM after the launch.

More land blocks will be deployed and metaverse capacities will be enhanced on this network. Existing metaverses on Pioneer would have a chance to be among the greater capacities on the Continuum.

Here are the recent development updates from various teams

Metaverse.Network Team (By Justin)

Multiple Metaverse Marketplace

Rolled out the Metaverse Marketplace Listing Fee, which allows metaverse to earn transaction fees for trading activity in their marketplace.

Allow Metaverse owners to set up the transaction commission on their metaverse setting.

Support Bundle listing, users can create and buy/sell NFT items as a bundle.

Support Trading Activity on Metaverse, users can track the activeness of every metaverse marketplace.

Update and optimize Marketplace robustness on the blockchain.

Metaverse Marketplace UI revamp to ensure a great user experience.

Implement a Network fee and reserved mechanism when new listing on the marketplace.

Support total supply limit on NFT collection, max supply will stop new NFT token minting.

Allows NFT owners to transfer “Bound to address NFT” to other wallets.

Support NFT class fund withdrawal, NFT collection owner can withdraw the Royalty fee earned from trading activity.

Raw Land Block

Revamp the raw land block logic on the blockchain, support a flexible number of land units under each raw land block

Allow displaying raw land block on user’s wallet with multiple utility e.g sell, transfer.

Allow raw land block listing on the Global Section of the Global Search, and support multiple raw land block listings in a single view.

Implemented deploying raw land block on Bit.Country map system.

Land Unit and Estate.

Redesigned and implemented the latest version of the Estate system on Metaverse.Network blockchain

Support Land unit verification process on blockchain and forming estate.

Revamp the Estate Map feature that allows creating Estate from the user’s own land unit within some simple clicks on the map.

Implemented network fee for Estate minting and Raw land block deployment.

Notification System

Designed and implemented the first version of the notification system for Bit.Country application.

The system can send notifications to wallets, metaverse or global when subscribed event triggers.

Bit.Country Metaverse Team (By Shannon)

Physics and movement — improved experience when travelling upstairs/ramps, or blocks.

Rendering — improve HDR experience, exposure changes more steadily, performance improvements.

Device Compatibility — new settings menu and initial set up to increase the supported range of devices with a variety of graphical settings that can be configured.

Tooling updates

Better environment customisation, ability to configure sun color, intensity and direction.

UI/UX improvements

Ability to close tooling while building to return to block building.

Better BIT calculation while building with blocks and assets.

Updated menu for accessing UI and leaving the world.

Brightness controls for devices with dim screens.

Advanced placement of assets keeps the previous position for rapid building of scenes.

More notifications and visual cues during tool usage.

Fixes and improvements

Resolved rare edge cases with asset previews, placements and more that could lead to unexpected behavior.

CPU usage improvement related to some post processes.

Robustness of tooling in specific cases could prevent their correct functioning.

API improvements — better throughput, simplified logic and faster responses.

Bit.Country Tech Lead Team (By Daniel)

Avatar customizer

Allow Avatar to change the skin color of the whole body.

Added validation on avatar customizer to check if they own a particular NFT wearable.

Bug fixed for not loading the wearable if only changed 1 wearable.

UX improvement — showing a list of wearables that are not saved because of not owning them.

Land distribution

Research and develop a way to distribute lands for Crownload participants.

Map enhancement

Implemented an estate layer on a map to show the data for the different estates.

Integrated map engine with blockchain, and updated the map engine to support new data structure.

Improved the drawing performance on the land block level.

UX improvement — Pack the estate on the map into groups and differentiate itself from other land units.

UX improvement — Updated map menu, show different menu items based on the selected land unit/ block.

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« Last Edit: June 07, 2022, 11:45:43 PM by 0406Antoxa1982 »

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Re: Bit.Country is a decentralized world — putting community first.
« Reply #36 on: June 07, 2022, 10:45:18 PM »

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Re: Bit.Country is a decentralized world — putting community first.
« Reply #37 on: June 16, 2022, 11:35:16 PM »
How do Royalty Fees on Bit.Country Work?

Bit.Country focuses on content that is created by the users for the users. NFTs have reformed digital ownership, and royalty fees will implement a new standard for monetizing creative work. NFT artists and collection creators now have the opportunity to receive and control royalties on their work.

What are Royalty Fees?

An NFT royalty fee is a payment that is made to a creator every time that the asset is sold from one wallet to another wallet. It is a fee set by the creator as a percent of the sale price. Every time the NFT is sold on the marketplace, a smart contract will be executed, and royalty fees are paid directly to the creator’s wallet address.

Royalty fees are commonly associated with the music industry. Artists receive a royalty as payment for the right to use their assets. However, it is not uncommon for the artist to experience fraud and theft as tracking usage can be very complex. NFTs royalties will protect the artists. Smart contracts do not allow for fraud and will seamlessly execute every time. Musicians can release songs, albums, and concert tickets as NFTs with royalties embedded into a smart contract to regain control over the value of their work.

For a creative artist, NFT royalties are revolutionary. Traditionally, the creator of physical art such as a painting or sculpture can only benefit from their creation once. As soon as it is sold, the creator is no longer financially affiliated with the piece. If the art is turned into an NFT it will authenticate the art and also allow the creator to apply royalties and benefit from any downstream secondary sales.

Blockchain technology has streamlined the collection of royalty fees. The fee is automatically paid out to the creator as soon as the transaction is executed regardless of any prior usage. Embedded into the smart contract can be the accounting, usage rights, and creator credit information. As soon as the digital asset is sold the creating artist will benefit from their original work.

How Do Royalty Fees Work on Bit.Country?

NFT royalty fees are set the same for every NFT in a Collection. The creator sets the fee to be a percent amount of the sale price. The fee cannot be altered post-collection creation. The maximum allowable royalty fee is 25%. By default, royalties are set to be 0% unless a specific royalty is specified.

To start earning royalties, an artist must list an NFT for sale on either their own metaverse or another user’s metaverse.

Marketplace Authorization protocol

NFTs can be listed on a local metaverse marketplace and on the global metaverse marketplace. To be able to list on the local marketplace the metaverse owner must hold the NFT Authorization Activator pass. For the NFT to be found on the global marketplace teh metaverse owner must hold the Global NFT Search pass. If the metaverse owner also holds the 3D Showroom pass then users can use their avatars to interact with the NFTs. Find out more about activation passes here.

1. List a Collection on your Own Metaverse

To list an NFT for sale in your own metaverse navigate to the Collection and select ‘Approve this collection on your metaverse marketplace’.

If you have created multiple metaverses select which one you would like to sell the NFTs on. Once the transaction is confirmed the collection will appear on that metaverse’s local marketplace. If you hold a Global NFT Search activator pass then the NFT will be searchable on the Global NFT Marketplace.

2. List a Collection on another Users Metaverse

To list an NFT on another user’s metaverse the NFT creator must request permission from the metaverse owner. Permission can only be requested if that metaverse owner holds the NFT Authorization Activator pass.

To request permission to list, navigate to the NFT collection, and select ‘Sell on other local Marketplaces’. Choose the metaverse and write a message to the metaverse owner. Once your collection has been approved you will be able to list an NFT asset for sale on the local metaverse marketplace.

Once the collection has been approved the NFT will be discoverable on that metaverse’s local marketplace. If the metaverse owner holds a Global NFT Search activation pass it will also be found on the Global NFT Marketplace.

To check if the owner holds the activation passes navigate to that metaverses Homepage and check what Enabled Features are present.

NFT collections can be approved to be sold on multiple local metaverse marketplaces at the same time. However, each unique NFT can only be deployed into a metaverse at a time. If you want to move the NFT into another metaverse, it must be removed from metaverse A before it can be placed into metaverse B.

Listing an NFT Asset for Sale

To list an NFT navigate to My Assets and find the individual NFT asset that you would like to list. Click on the three white dots and follow the sell pop-up process. Select the metaverse that you want to list the item on and choose the method of sale, either by auction or as a buy now. The maximum duration for a listing to be live on the marketplace is 14 days. If it has not sold within 14 days the item will be automatically removed.

A listing fee, royalty fee, and network fee will only be charged upon a successful sale.

Metaverse Listing Fee

The Metaverse Listing Fee is the fee that is set by metaverse owner for any items sold on their metaverse marketplace.

Example Sale breakdown of listing an NFT for sale on another users Metaverse

In the below example, a user lists their NFT for 5 NEER, they will receive 4.3885 NEER after all fees have been paid. If they are the original creator of the NFT they will also receive the 0.5 NEER royalty fee.

List price of NFT: 5 NEER

NFT Collection Royalty fee: 10% ~ 0.5 NEER

Metaverse Listing fee: 1.23% ~0.0615 NEER

Network fee: 1% (TBC) ~0.05 NEER

Transaction fee: (TBC)

Seller Receives: 4.3885

Note: The fee structure is yet to be finalized in future development.

Creating an NFT Bundle

A bundle is a collection of NFTs that are sold as a package. To create a bundle click on the three white dots on the NFT asset or under the My Assets, NFT tab there is an option to select Bundles. Once the bundle has been created, you need to add in the NFT assets. To add an asset click on the three white dots and Add it to the bundle.

Selling a Bundle

A Bundle is sold the same way as a single NFT listing. The Royalty fees applied will be to each NFT asset and its sale price. Each asset can have a set buy now or auction starting bid price.

Final Say on Royalty Fees

NFT royalties will revolutionize the monetization of content creation. NFT royalties are an excellent revenue model and give creators credit for their work. NFT creators will benefit from their work perpetually. There are no intermediaries to complicate the transaction, the smart contract will execute the fee collection every time a transaction takes place. One NFT creation can offer endless earnings. Bit.Country ensures that the creator will perpetually benefit from their assets.

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« Last Edit: June 16, 2022, 11:50:11 PM by 0406Antoxa1982 »

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Re: Bit.Country is a decentralized world — putting community first.
« Reply #38 on: June 30, 2022, 06:29:12 AM »
Alpha Testnet is Live & Ready for Public Testing. Join the 100 Metaverse Projects Competition (Prizes)

It is year one— the era of laying the foundation. We are turning the vision from 0 to 1 and completed the majority of development within the last 6 months.

Many years are ahead of us. We will continue to build and innovate together to elevate Bit.Country & Metaverse.Network into the next era of virtual connectivity, as we grow the vision from 1 to 10.


Everyone can create a project and add value to the ecosystem without code. The future is in the hands of the communities’

Take your community to a different dimension among the blocks.

Everyone can turn their communities into a 3D representation within the metaverse context without any technical skills. We envisaged 100s of metaverse representations to emerge on the platform, and it will be exciting to see the variety and scope of creation within the different communities.

Bit.Country is a unique project built on the Metaverse.Network, that allows social groups to interact using a whole new way of collaborating in the virtual world that reflects their culture and ethos. The only limitation is the community’s imagination.

Fellow friends of the Bit.Country community, our alpha-testnet is public and live for testing and competition campaign.

Welcome to the Bit.Country Alpha Testnet. Come join us as we launch the Bit.Country 100 Metaverse Projects Competition and opens the Alpha Testnet to the public!

Together, we can iron out the bugs and collect valuable feedback to ready Bit.Country Pioneer to launch in the near future. Your contribution and support of creating a metaverse project on testnet will add It is year 1 — the era of laying the foundation. We are turning the vision from 0 to 1. Many years are ahead of us. We will continue to build and innovate together to elevate Bit.Country into the next era of virtual connectivity, as we grow the vision from 1 to 10.

We are calling out to all Bit.Country enthusiasts, voxel builders, NFT creators, 3D artists, and pioneer Web3.0 influencers. Do you want to be a part of Bit.Country and Web3.0 history? We invite you to join us now.

Read on below to find out how to enter and win a prize in the Bit.Country 100 Metaverse Projects Competition. If you want to check out the alpha testnet first, click here 👉

The 100 Metaverse Projects Competition

The 100 Metaverse Project Competition will be run by Bit.Country to celebrate the launch of the Alpha Testnet to the public. The aim is to create 100 unique metaverses on Bit.Country. Each metaverse will be co-created by its community.

A metaverse can be anything you imagine.

This is your opportunity to show us what your version of a metaverse looks like. What utility can you create in your metaverse? How many people can you invite to co-create?

We encourage users to be bold and co-create statement structures. Create art, build digital replicas or try something completely new. Be the loudest digital voice on Bit.Country and build a metaverse that is renowned.

Challenge Objective

Create and build the best co-created metaverses on Bit.Country and collect user feedback for the greater future.

Are you an influencer who wants to take your following to the next level? Do you want to integrate the concept of metaverse with your brand? Invite your followers to join you in the metaverse to co-create an exclusive metaverse for your fans that screams your community brand.

Can you build using voxels? Are you a 3D artist, or do you just want to create with friends? Use Bit.Country to showcase your skills on a global platform. Build a metaverse that makes noise on the web. Get creative, and pave your way in a virtual world. Design NFT collections that will create bidding wars and see your NFTs deployed in multiple metaverses! Embed royalties into NFTs to earn while you sleep. Now is your chance to build a metaverse on Bit.Country.

Collectively we are all Metaverse Enthusiasts. Bit.Country is prepared to propel social connectivity, expand brand audiences and be the host for the imaginative process of co-creation.


👑👑👑1st Place Metaverse receives 12 Raw land block units on the Canary Network on Kusama (Metaverse.Network Pioneer)

🏆🏆🏆2nd Place Metaverse receives 8 Raw land block units on the Canary Network on Kusama (Metaverse.Network Pioneer)

🏆🏆3rd Place Metaverse receives 4 raw land block units on the Canary Network on Kusama (Metaverse.Network Pioneer)

🏆4–10th Placed Metaverses receive 1 raw land block on the Canary Network on Kusama (Metaverse.Network Pioneer)

10–100th Placed Metaverses receive a limited edition Pioneer-themed NFT that will boost their staking rewards by 10% for 14 days. (As long as they meet certain criteria).

Share your metaverse with friends and followers. Invite them to join you in a bid to win the best co-created metaverse.

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« Last Edit: June 30, 2022, 06:53:14 AM by 0406Antoxa1982 »

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Re: Bit.Country is a decentralized world — putting community first.
« Reply #39 on: July 03, 2022, 09:28:55 PM »
Judging Criteria

Best Metaverse — Overall best-presented metaverse.

Winners will be decided by a community vote on Discord. Voting will be open for 1 week after the competition closes.

To be eligible for a prize, you must follow

1.  MetaverseNW 👉

2.  Bitdotcountry 👉

Important Dates

Competition Start Date: June 30th, 2022 (Now)
Competition Closing Date: July 28th, 2022

How to Get Started

*  Login and join Bit.Country Alpha Testnet

*  Collect AlphaNEER token from Bit.Country Discord channel Faucet.

*  Stake AlphaNEER to get building material BIT

*  Create a metaverse. And set it up on the setting page after the creation.

*  Purchase Raw Land Blocks from the Global Marketplace

*  Deploy Raw Land into your metaverse. (Click an empty spot on the map)

*  Subdivide Raw Land Blocks into Estates.

*  List Estate for sale on your local metaverse marketplace and let your community member buy your estate, the new estate owner can build on top of their land.

*  Enter the metaverse and start to build and create.

*  Secure a spot on the Pioneer Map by joining the spot auction.

*  Create NFT collections and deploy NFTs into your metaverse.

*  Customize your avatar’s skin color and wearables.

*  Customize your metaverse sky environment.

*  (Optional) List your NFT in other metaverses. If your metaverse like to enable listing NFTs from other users, you will need to have NFT Authorization Activator which you can craft one using BIT under Craft NFT menu.

Don’t Forget to Tweet Your Creation

Show your creatives on Twitter, we believe any arts created by human minds are great for our world.

Tag @BitDotCountry, and we will acknowledge it.

How To Report Bug

We developed a bug reporting tool that allows users to take a screenshot and record a video on the screen without additional software. You can find the Report Bug button on the right-hand side of the screen across the pages.

The issue will be logged into our bug tracking management system.


Thank you to everyone who has supported us on our journey this far. As promised, we have built the Bit.Country alpha testnet with pace and precision. We have stabilized major features and have built the minimal viable product of Bit.Country. Users have consistently been at the front of mind throughout development, and we are excited to deliver our alpha testnet.

Remember, this is year 1… we are just getting started and continuing the build and innovation for the future.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2022, 10:08:54 PM by 0406Antoxa1982 »

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Re: Bit.Country is a decentralized world — putting community first.
« Reply #40 on: July 09, 2022, 12:53:23 AM »
Giving away 30 FREE Raw Land Blocks

Hey Bit.Country Fan,

It’s competition time on the Alpha testnet!

The building is simple. Anyone can create a metaverse project. To date, 2169 metaverses have been created by our community.

Why buy virtual land when you can win it? We are giving away 30 FREE Raw Land Blocks on the Canary Network on Kusama! Do you want one?

Want to know how to enter? It's easy. Join our testnet, and create your own metaverse. Quick Start Guide.

Bit.Country’s vision is to be at the forefront of community co-creation in Web3.0. Don’t miss the opportunity; invest in yourself and come on the journey with us. That journey can start today by test building a metaverse.

Share an image of your metaverse and tag @BitDotCountry and #100Metaverses on Twitter. You could become a virtual land developer tycoon.

User Manual 👉

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« Last Edit: July 09, 2022, 01:08:23 AM by 0406Antoxa1982 »

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Re: Bit.Country is a decentralized world — putting community first.
« Reply #41 on: July 11, 2022, 12:54:29 PM »
Bit.Country, Launch Your Own Metaverse has about 1100 daily active users.

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« Last Edit: July 11, 2022, 12:57:09 PM by 0406Antoxa1982 »

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Re: Bit.Country is a decentralized world — putting community first.
« Reply #42 on: August 03, 2022, 12:46:51 AM »
Development Update August 2022

BCMN team has continued to roll out new features post public launch. The main focus is to stabilize all existing and new features, improve UI according to user feedback and optimize the performance to ensure that the Bit.Country application is ready for mainnet launch.

Throughout the past month Bit.Country alpha testnet has been successfully stress tested by the public. The diversity of creation has been phenomenal. Over 3753 unique metaverses have been created. Users have built dinosaurs, futuristic, tropical, ancient, and sci-fi-influenced metaverses. Communities have collaborated to co-create in a single metaverse, deployed animated 3D models, and built metaverses that link back to our NFT marketplace. The economy of user creation is still in its infancy.

The Bit.Country application has been built by the BCMN team to provide metaverse as a service (MaaS). The value proposition of Bit.Country is to give users of all abilities the tools that they require to create their unique metaverse. On the testnet users have been able to easily create and build their own metaverse without technical coding or modeling skills.

To access the Bit.Country Alpha Testnet please click here 👉

Metaverse News Update (Episode 6)

Links to previous episodes:

Metaverse News (Episode 5)

Metaverse News (Episode 4)

Metaverse News (Episode 3)

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100 Metaverse Project Competition

The 100 Metaverse Project Competition has been extended to finish on the 14th of August. The fundamentals of the competition were to encourage users to build in the metaverse which would endeavour to push the testnet to its technical limits and uncover bugs.

Testnet launched on the 27th of July. The competition has been extended to encourage users to continue to stress test the latest features while also allowing for more time for users to continue to build and expand their metaverse. User feedback is paramount to further improving the UI.

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« Last Edit: August 03, 2022, 12:57:01 AM by 0406Antoxa1982 »

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Re: Bit.Country is a decentralized world — putting community first.
« Reply #43 on: August 24, 2022, 04:30:14 PM »
The New Era of Bit.Country and Metaverse.Network

Dear Friends and Metaverse Enthusiasts,

July and August 2022 were monumental for the Bit.Country and Metaverse.Network team. We successfully launched the alpha testnet to the public delivering the minimal viable product of Bit.Country features. Community fans have been learning our protocol and exhaustively testing all features. To date 3,917 metaverses and 243,118 NFTS have been minted by users on our testnet.

Our team and community has extensively tested and iterated our product. We have made over 1,600 code commits to fine-tune and stabilize our infrastructure and blockchain protocol. Without our community’s fantastic support and feedback, the first metaverse pioneers, it wouldn’t be possible.

On 12.08.2022, Bit.Country alpha version was released. This is the first feature-complete version of Bit.Country testnet and final features to be released before transferring across to our mainnet.

Key Bit.Country alpha testnet features include;

*  Create a metaverse

*  Build in a metaverse, the sandpit or bunker using voxels and 3D assets

*  Create NFT collection

*  Deploy and subdivide virtual land

*  List and buy NFTs on local and global marketplaces

*  Customize metaverse environment

*  Customize avatar appearance

Check out the above mentioned features on Bit.Country’s official trailer:

NEER Token Transfer

Our Pioneer Blockchain Runtime upgrade has been scheduled to enable NEER Token Transfers on 30th August 2022.

After runtime upgrades, token holders can transfer NEER. NEER is the native utility token of Metaverse.Network Pioneer and Bit.Country Pioneer. Its primary purpose is to service platform purchases, governance and staking rewards. Check out the diagram below for more details.

Together we will begin the new era of multi-metaverses journey on our Canary Network — Metaverse.Network & Bit.Country Pioneer.

A complete features launch on our Canary Network — Metaverse.Network & Bit.Country Pioneer

Initial Bit.Country Pioneer features to be launched in the coming week include $NEER staking in the Material Campaign to receive BIT rewards, NFT Minting, Metaverse project creation, customization of metaverse settings, and the Global and Local NFT Marketplaces. All announcements will be made on our official @Bitdotcountry Twitter page.

Stay tuned for an official Medium post explaining the next release phase, which includes, the sale of Raw Land blocks, ability to build in the Metaverse, auctions to secure a spot on the Pioneer Map, and claiming of Kaosland land rewards.

In the meantime, you can familiarize yourself with all the features on our AlphaTestnet at

The Future

Metaverse.Network is a multi-metaverse blockchain protocol that provides scalable infrastructure for metaverses and dApps to build upon. Bit.Country is the first dApp to be built on Metaverse.Network blockchain. The first development phase of Metaverse.Network & Bit.Country has been completed. The foundations for multi-metaverse growth have been built. It’s time to go wild and create chaos on our canary network.

Monitoring and stabilizing our infrastructure and blockchain network is a priority. The next step for Metaverse.Network and Bit.Country is to advance from our canary network and prepare for our mainnet launch on Polkadot.

With a tremendous amount of support from our community and the Metaverse.Nework ecosystem, we have successfully turned the platform from 0 to 1; we turned inception into a product. We assure you that this is only the beginning of the journey for metaverse pioneers. We strongly believe that anyone can create their own virtual world, apply economic layers and have fun.

Justin Pham as the CEO

We are excited to announce Justin Pham as our new Chief Executive Officer. Justin’s industry experience, technical knowledge, high caliber work ethic, ambition, resilience, and energy will continue to lead our team to deliver meaningful results. Previously, in his CTO role, Justin took lead in the development and integration of our platform. He successfully proved his capability to lead, push and educate our team to collectively deliver our Alpha Testnet which will soon be released as our Pioneer network to the public.

“I’ve worked with Justin for almost a decade, with him starting as my student, then progressing to a developer, then CTO, and business management person. He has always demonstrated an eagerness to succeed, carrying a great vision for our project.

Honoring his effort and continuing his growth, this executive role will be a great step for him and the project. I believe his operation will take the project to a new level with the team. I am excited to see the impact he will make while I remain as the chairperson, providing support to the founding team, and co-developing strategies and channels.” — Ray Lu (Chairperson)

“It’s a big honor to be the new CEO, and I want to thank Ray for having faith in me and for his continued support in leading a fantastic team with amazing souls like Shannon, Daniel, Chris and the rest of the team to a new era.

I am truly humbled by this opportunity to continue innovating and fulfilling the great multi-metaverse vision that Metaverse.Network and Bit.Country carry. Our recent successful Alpha Testnet launch has proven our commitment, constant innovation, and ability to get things done. It will only get better.

As a Vietnamese living in English-speaking countries for almost 2 decades, I am looking forward to bringing not only a great mix of rapid execution and innovation but also my worldwide connection.” — Justin Pham (CEO)

« Last Edit: August 24, 2022, 04:52:07 PM by 0406Antoxa1982 »

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Re: Bit.Country is a decentralized world — putting community first.
« Reply #44 on: August 28, 2022, 11:00:01 PM »
What will we deliver next?

*  Metaverse.Network Smart Contracts

- Bit.Country’s backbone is Metaverse.Network, which is a Layer-1 multi-metaverses protocol.
- Metaverse.Network will enable the deployment of smart contracts, allowing dApp developers to build play2earn, learn2earn, GameFi and dApps to tap into any metaverse across the network.

*  Bit.Country Code Engine

- Our code engine will enable custom logic to run inside individual metaverses. Creating new possibilities for developers to author minigames, campaigns and experiences on the Bit.Country platform.

*  Bring Your Own Infrastructure

- To efficiently run a high performing metaverse requires resources. To align the benefit of having the best performing metaverse and flexibility, we will allow metaverse owners to choose their own desired infrastructure e.g computational resources.
- Creating an open economy for infrastructure providers to provide the computational resources for metaverse owners.

*  Community Development and Grants

- We will work with and announce community development grants, hackathons, partnerships, and other incentives to continue to build Metaverse.Network to be the go-to blockchain for metaverse utility and dApps for games.

Need more information about Bit.Country & Metaverse Network?

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« Last Edit: August 28, 2022, 11:06:14 PM by 0406Antoxa1982 »


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