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Marketplace => Gambling & Crypto Casinos => Gambling discussion => Topic started by: Youngkhngdiddy on December 26, 2023, 05:25:05 PM

Title: Responsible gambling
Post by: Youngkhngdiddy on December 26, 2023, 05:25:05 PM
Gambling is one act that has its own consequences in certain areas of living. People gamble for their respective reasons and so it's essential and only advisable that one should have an honest reason for doing the act and at thesame learn how to be cautious and responsible in it. Too much of everything isn't good.
  Let's take an instance here, a young man with family responsibilities, maybe he's doing gambling just for the fun of it and then gets his income pushes in a part of it into gambling, his luck maybe shines and then the gamble clicks. That's definitely good news no doubt but as a family man, there's every sense of responsibility that's needed for the act. Let the purpose not go beyond fun and even if it does, don't bask too much in the act that then would cause irresponsibility in both financial and family management because at the very point that it happens, then sadly, the whole family bond will be at stake. Definitely a spouse won't want their partner to do things irresponsibly and would definitely be unhappy when irresponsibility kicks in.
  Trying not to shade the act but truly it affects relationships both positively and negatively. It all balls down to responsibility while at it.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: Altcoin1998$ on December 26, 2023, 10:19:37 PM
Gambling never brings any good to an honest man but gradually degrades a gambler economically, socially and familially to such an extent that later the gambler withdraws from personal relationships. In our society, thousands of families suffer and spend their days in turmoil due to the addiction of this harmful drug alone. Besides causing financial havoc in a family, gambling also seriously damages relationships among family members. For this gambling in our country, many wives have to face many social problems in addition to organizing heinous crimes such as beating of women, abuse of women, dowry system, divorce etc. So for now it has become really mandatory to abandon this bad habit to maintain social peace.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: Synvc on December 28, 2023, 05:46:08 PM
There are also people who often think about making instant money in gambling, which causes mental damage because they will win big
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: Altcoin1998$ on December 29, 2023, 04:46:02 AM
There are also people who often think about making instant money in gambling, which causes mental damage because they will win big
Gamblers are usually always mentally prepared to win or lose a bet. But in the case of those who are not regularly addicted to gambling, if they lose the bet after taking the bet, they become mentally broken, but in the case of those who are basically professional gamblers, they have the ability to control themselves even if they lose the bet.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: DabsPoorVersion on December 29, 2023, 03:58:47 PM
There are also people who often think about making instant money in gambling, which causes mental damage because they will win big
Gamblers are usually always mentally prepared to win or lose a bet. But in the case of those who are not regularly addicted to gambling, if they lose the bet after taking the bet, they become mentally broken, but in the case of those who are basically professional gamblers, they have the ability to control themselves even if they lose the bet.
Addicted or not to gambling, no one is mentally prepared to lose a huge bet. Once they lose often and to the point, that their mental health is at the limit, they start to feel guilt and shame. Then their mood will change becoming sad, irritability, and stress will be triggered. Especially if a certain gambler does not have any more money to make a comeback, we can expect that the stress he feels will surge sooner or later. Some people are unable to handle their mental breakdown which sometimes causes severe emotional damage.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on December 29, 2023, 07:52:59 PM
Responsible gambling is very important as long as gambling goes, for as we all know, gambling is a risky venture, even though it's mainly for recreational entertainment, the fact remains that, majority of those who are gambling today no longer see or consider gambling to be mainly for recreational entertainment or so, for today, most gamblers are gambling for nothing else but the money, even though many do claim or profess that they are gambling for fun, the truth is that, not every one who claims to be gambling for fun are actually gambling for fun, many do say this in order to make themselves feel alright.

But actually, whether a gambler is gambling solely for entertainment or doing it for the money, it's important to practise responsible gambling, for not only is gambling addictive, it could also destroy lives if done carelessly.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: Youngkhngdiddy on December 31, 2023, 09:50:03 AM
But actually, whether a gambler is gambling solely for entertainment or doing it for the money, it's important to practise responsible gambling, for not only is gambling addictive, it could also destroy lives if done carelessly.
There's truth here, because sometimes we see that people take gambling as a job especially now that it can be done online. We see that some people begin and end their day on gambling sites. In this situation, they do it with their full mind with the sole aim of making money from it. Sometimes it works and they're happy and sometimes it doesn't and they have to press on further. With this, there's definitely not a sign of responsibility there.
  At that stage, one would go through any length to keep trying and staking with hopes that he'd yield gains in return. No one is ready to take in loss and so when these gambling workers lose, they tend to get affected. It's very much safe to take gambling as a fun act and not as a money making tool. It's in record that it tends to create more loss than gains and the risk associated with it is technically not quantuble too.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: Sim_card on January 01, 2024, 01:06:40 PM
It is good for a gambler to only gamble with the amount that he can afford to lose because that amount wouldn't affect his family budget or monthly expenses, so that you don't bother your family with your gambling activities. One need to be a responsible gambler so that you will enjoy the fun in gambling and not the frustration that gamble cause to people who think that they can make profit from gambling or took gambling as a means of survival. I have a gambling budget that I do set aside immediately I get paid so that I don't use more than that amount to gamble. And when I have exhausted it for the week, I don't gamble anymore till a new pay comes in. Gamble responsible and stay healthy.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on January 01, 2024, 05:59:05 PM
Players will always do things to be able to play and win, we are the ones who will always have a lot of things to do, for that reason we must be responsible with ourselves, first of all with having the money ready to lose in a casino, that is the first thing that can and should be done, otherwise it would not be considered as the first step for a responsible player, also when you are willing to lose the money you should not put in more money, because if you break that simple rule, there it ends. Responsibility should not be considered the things of spending a lot of money, of leaving everything like that so that more is spent than normal.

When a person enters the casino it is difficult to get out of their head that it is more likely to lose and that this thing about luck in people does exist in casinos and that they should be prepared for it, but you have to know how to do it, that is only gained with experience. , and that is what we are trying to avoid here so that the eprosan fall into something so terrible that is addiction.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: JoyMarsha on January 04, 2024, 01:48:20 PM
Gamble responsible and stay healthy.
That's what every gambler should have in mind because if they fail to gamble responsibly and stay healthy, they have missed the major aspects of gambling and what follows next is frustration, which comes as a result of someone failing to gamble responsibly all because he or she has the mindset of making money out of gambling.

If every gambler should set aside 5% of their monthly income to gamble, they tend to gamble responsibly without having much tension about winning or losing their betting games.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: robelneo on January 04, 2024, 05:46:35 PM

  Trying not to shade the act but truly it affects relationships both positively and negatively. It all balls down to responsibility while at it.

Too much gambling and gambling irresponsibly will affect relationships and finances unless the gambler keeps winning but it's not possible to always win in gambling and if you are not controlling what you're allocating in gambling it will cause a rift in your relationship, so if you value your family gamble responsibly and prioritize your family, your family should be your priority.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: Agbe on January 04, 2024, 10:16:16 PM
Everyone gamble for different reasons. Many gamble for the money while few gamble for fun. A responsible Gambler can only when and how much to spend in the gambling hall or site and not all the monies are meant to spend in the casino. Irresponsible gambler has a disorder family before even coming to the out and casino halls. He is always worrisome and disturb a lot in the Gambling Centers. Irresponsible gambler loses a lot in his life time because he is not caution to play gamble.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on January 04, 2024, 10:41:31 PM
I think the reason why some people easily lose self-control in gambling is because they are more focused on chasing after their losses, and they also see gambling as a way of making income. Despite the fact that gambling gives us the opportunity to win some money, it should not be handled as a consistent means of making money. Gambling is a game of profit and loss that is based on luck, and no one can actually know the expected result of their bet until the final result is known. Although I think that losing self-control in gambling is by choice because I have actually been a gambler for more than 6 years now, I have just been gambling responsibly. I don't stake the amount I can't afford to lose, and I think that is what a responsible gambler must practice.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: Cryptsafe on January 06, 2024, 01:35:07 PM
As a gambler, before going for a day game, you should know that it is either a win or a lose game. Set your mindset that way. Although some may already have the thought of winning that's not bad as everyone wants to win but as a matter of fact, one should gamble responsibly so as to avoid having any issues that would warrant them to become an addict.

Addiction does not just start from nowhere but as a result of indulgence in excess to what should have been curtailed by an individual. For instance as a gambler one should gamble for fun and not with the mindset of making profit or chasing loses. That is why it is advisable to gamble with funds you could afford to lose or better still you make a budget for gambling and when doing it gamble responsibly and for fun.
This would help and guide you through as a gambler.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: Litzki1990 on January 06, 2024, 05:02:38 PM
It is very difficult to be responsible in gambling because a responsible person will never make a wrong decision in gambling and he will never be a responsible person if he makes a wrong decision and makes a decision based on his emotions. Most of the gamblers lose their money in gambling only due to excessive greed or wrong decisions while there are some gamblers who lose excessive money only because of gambling addiction. When a responsible person gambles, he will never be overly greedy and he will never gamble only out of his own emotions or thinking that he has lost some amount of money and that he will gain more money in the next gamble. We can call responsible gamblers those gamblers who have control over their gambling and those who have no control over their gambling cannot be called responsible gamblers.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: Igebotz on January 08, 2024, 03:56:36 PM
Gambling responsibly is important as it will help to prevent the ills that come from gambling. However, most people don't know what is responsible gambling and so they allow their impulses to to guide them. In my thinking, to gamble responsibly means to gamble for fun and entertainment and not seeing gambling as a get-rich-quick scheme. Also, setting limits is important. In addition, only spare money and money that one can afford to lose should only be used in gambling. Furthermore, there is a need to take breaks which means gambling even if it's for fun shouldn't be an everyday activity.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: Martyns on January 08, 2024, 06:59:05 PM
 We all have different ways of definition to gambling responsibly,the way one person will see it,will be quite different from the way the next person will see it,we are all entitled to our different opinions,but what is important about gambling responsibly is that,while in the habbit of gambling,we shouldn't let the habbit overwhelme us,it shouldn't be a thing that we can't do without,the moment it looks as if we can no longer do without it,that is when addiction has set in,and if we are addicted to it,then there should be a way to stop for some period of time.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: KingsDen on January 08, 2024, 10:38:52 PM
Gambling responsibly is important as it will help to prevent the ills that come from gambling. However, most people don't know what is responsible gambling and so they allow their impulses to to guide them. In my thinking, to gamble responsibly means to gamble for fun and entertainment and not seeing gambling as a get-rich-quick scheme. Also, setting limits is important. In addition, only spare money and money that one can afford to lose should only be used in gambling. Furthermore, there is a need to take breaks which means gambling even if it's for fun shouldn't be an everyday activity.
Gambling responsibly entails many things, including those you have listed above . We need to understand and realise that it is only a responsible human being that will be able to gamble responsibly. And being responsible is not what is learnt overnight. The most important thing about gambling responsibly is the ability of the gambler to understand themselves and be moderated whenever they are going extreme in gambling. That is my definition of gambling responsibly.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: 0t3p0t on January 08, 2024, 11:00:28 PM
Responsible gambling is what we really need to avoid further problems in this industry. Being a responsible gambler prevents us from losing more than what we have and helps us enjoy gambling without any bad consequences.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: Igebotz on January 11, 2024, 12:57:58 PM
Gambling never brings any good to an honest man but gradually degrades a gambler economically, socially, and familially to such an extent that later the gambler withdraws from personal relationships.
This sounds unclear to me, thus for clarity, I want to ask certain questions. Who is an honest man in this context? What's your perception about good in this context? I can tell you that gambling hasn't affected some people economically, socially, and familiarly but then you drew a conclusion that gambling is bad in totality. I disagree because some people approach gambling for pleasure and fun. Now tell me, is that not a good reason? Or would such persons not be described as honest?  How about the few that have become rich from gambling, would you still hold the opinion that gambling has never brought any good looking at the peculiarity of their case? In my understanding, as long as gambling habit can be controlled then it is not wrong as you have condemned it.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: Igebotz on January 11, 2024, 01:32:00 PM
Gambling responsibly is important as it will help to prevent the ills that come from gambling. However, most people don't know what is responsible gambling and so they allow their impulses to to guide them. In my thinking, to gamble responsibly means to gamble for fun and entertainment and not seeing gambling as a get-rich-quick scheme. Also, setting limits is important. In addition, only spare money and money that one can afford to lose should only be used in gambling. Furthermore, there is a need to take breaks which means gambling even if it's for fun shouldn't be an everyday activity.
We need to understand and realise that it is only a responsible human being that will be able to gamble responsibly. And being responsible is not what is learnt overnight.
I disagree, being responsible is like looking at morality and so what is good for someone might not be good for another person. A responsible human depends on what you intend to measure. For instance, a man who plaits his hair or is on dread might be seen as irresponsible in Nigeria but then is it so in UK or USA? Or is responsible measured by how we dress or talk? Or does it mean that a responsible person do not have addiction? Is having addiction make someone irresponsible? In my definition, a responsible person is a person who is morally upright. Now, a person might be responsible yet addicted to gambling and also, a person might not be morally right but gamble responsibly. So, saying that only a responsible person can gamble responsibly is not true in my thinking.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: un_rank on January 11, 2024, 03:51:46 PM
As with every other thing that requires you to put in your hard earned money, you have to be responsible with it. This includes investing, trading, even as simple as indulging in a product you want to purchase.

Often, people lose track of how much money they have put in and focus and how much they can potentially get as a reward, this fuels gambling addiction. With time you go deeper and deeper in losses and just want to recover some amount of your money, leading to more losses.
Tracking and controlling how much money you invest in is the first step to responsible gambling.

- Jay -
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: MVL~$ on January 12, 2024, 06:45:10 AM
Gambling is one thing that later affects the family and society at least a little bit. It has special effects on families in particular. If a person gambles his only motive is how he can profit. At first, if he gambled for fun, later his thoughts changed to gain. And by spending money on gambling, the person gradually loses from it and at the end of the day he suffers from mental instability for money. And especially it has a good effect on the family. Many people put pressure on their wives, parents to collect gambling money and misbehave with them to collect money. Also many people lose all their wealth through gambling and suicides also occur occasionally. I personally think that those who are lucky enough to benefit from it should please not play it and stay away.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: EluguHcman on January 12, 2024, 09:32:56 AM
Responsible gambling is simple as gambling with with is affordable to lose, ability to control your emotions and setting up your gambling budgets and sticks by it.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: Litzki1990 on January 12, 2024, 04:59:07 PM
Responsible gambling is simple as gambling with with is affordable to lose, ability to control your emotions and setting up your gambling budgets and sticks by it.
As easy as you think it is to gamble responsibly, it's actually harder to gamble responsibly. Gambling is totally dependent on your money, when you lose money by gambling, your sense of responsibility will not be very useful because at that time you will be thinking about recovering money from that gambling at any cost. Thinking of recovering money, gamblers usually make irresponsible decisions at various times which lead to further loss of their money. At the time you started gambling you thought no matter how much you get greedy and don't expect too much but when you win something you feel like you should gamble more. Although this does not happen to every gambler, it does happen to most gamblers and most gamblers make wrong decisions in such situations.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: Cryptsafe on January 13, 2024, 02:25:24 PM
Responsible gambling is simple as gambling with with is affordable to lose, ability to control your emotions and setting up your gambling budgets and sticks by it.

I think self control is very much important because all the things that you have mentioned in here someworth connected. Most gamblers do not have self control while gambling. They feel it is something they could just do once and be able to get rid of but forgetting that it is also a game that would interest them up on first attempt.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: Papusha20 on January 13, 2024, 03:57:17 PM
Responsible gambling is simple as gambling with with is affordable to lose, ability to control your emotions and setting up your gambling budgets and sticks by it.

I think self control is very much important because all the things that you have mentioned in here someworth connected. Most gamblers do not have self control while gambling. They feel it is something they could just do once and be able to get rid of but forgetting that it is also a game that would interest them up on first attempt.

A gambler faces losses only when he becomes addicted to gambling. A regular and experienced gambler never faces loss as if he follows the standard gambling practice. For example, I stop gambling two days a week, and gamble the rest of the days. Whenever I experience a loss, I put gambling on hold for a while. So by remembering the gambling strategies, gambling can always be won through the ideal principles.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: Cryptsafe on January 17, 2024, 07:31:48 PM
Responsible gambling is simple as gambling with with is affordable to lose, ability to control your emotions and setting up your gambling budgets and sticks by it.

I think self control is very much important because all the things that you have mentioned in here someworth connected. Most gamblers do not have self control while gambling. They feel it is something they could just do once and be able to get rid of but forgetting that it is also a game that would interest them up on first attempt.

A gambler faces losses only when he becomes addicted to gambling. A regular and experienced gambler never faces loss as if he follows the standard gambling practice. For example, I stop gambling two days a week, and gamble the rest of the days. Whenever I experience a loss, I put gambling on hold for a while. So by remembering the gambling strategies, gambling can always be won through the ideal principles.

Gambling addiction some times occurs as a result of one's greed. When you are not satisfied with what you have won or you lost and you want to recover your loss or to win more,  this leads to addiction because that quest to recover lost funds would always be there and that is how a gambler becomes addicted to gambling.
Following the gambling principles just as you have said, saves you the stress of wanting to gambling always. As a gambler it is expedient of you to follow up with the gambling principles so as not to get taken unawares while gambling. Most times, gamblers see's their situation as sudden because they fail to ply by the gambling principles which have cost them alot of things that they can never forget quick in their lifetime.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: Igebotz on January 19, 2024, 02:28:19 PM
A gambler faces losses only when he becomes addicted to gambling.

This is not correct. Whether addicted or not, a gambler is a gambler and a gambler is always a loser. The difference is that an addictive gambler tends to lose more and that is why addictive gambling is always advised against. 

I think self-control is very much important

Yeah, very important and a value that every gambler should seek to get. The problems resulting from gambling manifest in people who do not have self-control. Self-control takes different forms like taking a break when it's not working, having a budget and specified days for gambling and the most important for me is betting with only an amount a gambler can afford to lose. If these are practiced, then a lot of things can be corrected.

Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: famososMuertos on February 17, 2024, 01:27:53 AM
Gambling never brings any good to an honest man but gradually degrades a gambler economically, socially and familially to such an extent that later the gambler withdraws from personal relationships. In our society, thousands of families suffer and spend their days in turmoil due to the addiction of this harmful drug alone. Besides causing financial havoc in a family, gambling also seriously damages relationships among family members. For this gambling in our country, many wives have to face many social problems in addition to organizing heinous crimes such as beating of women, abuse of women, dowry system, divorce etc. So for now it has become really mandatory to abandon this bad habit to maintain social peace.

It doesn't just have to be said, the words are easy, you have to do something for society, sometimes things as simple as not giving your opinion on a gambling board to earn money for it. right?

I have been betting for over 20 years, and I have been fortunate enough to tell anyone who bets, but it is your responsibility.

Nothing you mention is "attributing" it to the gambling exclusively, I am sorry that you have such an unfortunate life to live in a perverse society like the one you mention.

There are so many drugs associated with what you mention, there are so many social and moral decadence with what you mention, that if we give a hierarchical position to the world of betting, I don't think it is even in the Top 10 of social evils, perhaps in your culture yes or the country to which you belong, but fortunately this is not the case all over the world.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: aiviaa485 on February 17, 2024, 01:05:16 PM
Every word, all the actions must be accounted for, including I make this post must also be held accountable by me because in this post I give an opinion that suits my own situation.
In the case of gambling maybe what is called responsibility is something that is rarely seen by my own head because as I said my mother's neighbor gambled and might have a lot of debt to others and had not had time to pay it even though it was over.
If the one who gambles a husband who has a child and wife must be responsible for what has been done in gambling, whether it wins or loses in gambling whose names for family funds must be there, do not let nothing result in damage to the household.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: $crypto$ on February 17, 2024, 01:11:21 PM
Responsible gambling is simple as gambling with with is affordable to lose, ability to control your emotions and setting up your gambling budgets and sticks by it.

I think self control is very much important because all the things that you have mentioned in here someworth connected. Most gamblers do not have self control while gambling. They feel it is something they could just do once and be able to get rid of but forgetting that it is also a game that would interest them up on first attempt.

A gambler faces losses only when he becomes addicted to gambling. A regular and experienced gambler never faces loss as if he follows the standard gambling practice. For example, I stop gambling two days a week, and gamble the rest of the days. Whenever I experience a loss, I put gambling on hold for a while. So by remembering the gambling strategies, gambling can always be won through the ideal principles.
We must know the limits in gambling, even though we have a lot of money to allocate for gambling, but still limits are the main thing that must be put forward.

I also do the same thing when gambling, I usually stop when I can't win or I think at that time it's not my lucky day, even I will come back a week, two weeks or more to play again.

Never pursue gambling to return the loss is something wrong. and when we win, then do not be greedy, quickly withdraw because we do not know in the next few moments whether we are lucky enough or not.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: 0t3p0t on February 17, 2024, 04:46:40 PM
We must know the limits in gambling, even though we have a lot of money to allocate for gambling, but still limits are the main thing that must be put forward.

I also do the same thing when gambling, I usually stop when I can't win or I think at that time it's not my lucky day, even I will come back a week, two weeks or more to play again.

Never pursue gambling to return the loss is something wrong. and when we win, then do not be greedy, quickly withdraw because we do not know in the next few moments whether we are lucky enough or not.
Same here mate, I did the same thing as well. Putting limits is very important to me as it lessen the chances of losing more than what we have. Discipline makes us a tough guy especially in gambling as it resembles how responsible we are with the activity. Things should be balanced in gambling.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: $crypto$ on February 18, 2024, 10:27:02 AM
We must know the limits in gambling, even though we have a lot of money to allocate for gambling, but still limits are the main thing that must be put forward.

I also do the same thing when gambling, I usually stop when I can't win or I think at that time it's not my lucky day, even I will come back a week, two weeks or more to play again.

Never pursue gambling to return the loss is something wrong. and when we win, then do not be greedy, quickly withdraw because we do not know in the next few moments whether we are lucky enough or not.
Same here mate, I did the same thing as well. Putting limits is very important to me as it lessen the chances of losing more than what we have. Discipline makes us a tough guy especially in gambling as it resembles how responsible we are with the activity. Things should be balanced in gambling.
Yes, everyone may be able to realize that, but not everyone can apply it in gambling to be more organized, because when playing, emotions can take over us and we become uncontrollable.

I see a lot of people who feel a big loss because they try to catch up and return their money that has been lost. For example, if they lose $100, they will then play another $100 to make up for their previous loss. Now this is something that is wrong, because instead of winning or getting our money back, we will lose even more, which is $200.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: vegasus on February 18, 2024, 11:18:30 PM
In fact, gambling is a very extraordinary test. Because from gambling, we can become different people. Gambling has a very big negative side, but actually it also has a positive side. it's just that what often happens is the negative risk.

Well here, being a responsible gambler is something that is sometimes quite difficult to do, especially for addicted gamblers. But actually, if we are just starting out in the world of gambling, we can do it as long as we don't expect much from gambling, we can be more mature in making attitudes [in gambling, and we can control our emotions and mentality in gambling. Gambling is high risk, there is more risk of losing money. So don't let us go all in and in the end become poor because of gambling.

Here, we must be fully aware that by implementing responsible gambling, we can recognize ourselves so that we know when to start and stop wisely.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on February 23, 2024, 06:18:24 PM
Responsible gambling is simple as gambling with with is affordable to lose, ability to control your emotions and setting up your gambling budgets and sticks by it.

I think self control is very much important because all the things that you have mentioned in here someworth connected. Most gamblers do not have self control while gambling. They feel it is something they could just do once and be able to get rid of but forgetting that it is also a game that would interest them up on first attempt.

A gambler faces losses only when he becomes addicted to gambling. A regular and experienced gambler never faces loss as if he follows the standard gambling practice. For example, I stop gambling two days a week, and gamble the rest of the days. Whenever I experience a loss, I put gambling on hold for a while. So by remembering the gambling strategies, gambling can always be won through the ideal principles.

Gambling addiction some times occurs as a result of one's greed. When you are not satisfied with what you have won or you lost and you want to recover your loss or to win more,  this leads to addiction because that quest to recover lost funds would always be there and that is how a gambler becomes addicted to gambling.
Following the gambling principles just as you have said, saves you the stress of wanting to gambling always. As a gambler it is expedient of you to follow up with the gambling principles so as not to get taken unawares while gambling. Most times, gamblers see's their situation as sudden because they fail to ply by the gambling principles which have cost them alot of things that they can never forget quick in their lifetime.

Sometimes treatment is very difficult for a person addicted to gambling, because they cannot stop doing it, greed is one reason why the addiction appears, but the lack of money to play is also the same, and I think both when mixed It is the worst of the situations because the affected people will only think about looking for money to satisfy their needs, and that is something very bad, very harmful, sometimes a person who is addicted needs a lot of words, advice, even if they do not give them much importance. , but I am one of those who believe that sometimes a touch can be healing, so when we are seeing someone who plays in an uncontrolled and desperate way, if we can approach it with some tact and it is good.

We don't know if we can stop that person from doing another crazy thing, an addict is known to be decapitalized with very low morale, low self-esteem, sometimes if we have the opportunity some advice wouldn't go amiss.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: Cryptsafe on February 24, 2024, 12:23:35 AM
Responsible gambling is simple as gambling with with is affordable to lose, ability to control your emotions and setting up your gambling budgets and sticks by it.

I think self control is very much important because all the things that you have mentioned in here someworth connected. Most gamblers do not have self control while gambling. They feel it is something they could just do once and be able to get rid of but forgetting that it is also a game that would interest them up on first attempt.

A gambler faces losses only when he becomes addicted to gambling. A regular and experienced gambler never faces loss as if he follows the standard gambling practice. For example, I stop gambling two days a week, and gamble the rest of the days. Whenever I experience a loss, I put gambling on hold for a while. So by remembering the gambling strategies, gambling can always be won through the ideal principles.

Gambling addiction some times occurs as a result of one's greed. When you are not satisfied with what you have won or you lost and you want to recover your loss or to win more,  this leads to addiction because that quest to recover lost funds would always be there and that is how a gambler becomes addicted to gambling.
Following the gambling principles just as you have said, saves you the stress of wanting to gambling always. As a gambler it is expedient of you to follow up with the gambling principles so as not to get taken unawares while gambling. Most times, gamblers see's their situation as sudden because they fail to ply by the gambling principles which have cost them alot of things that they can never forget quick in their lifetime.

Sometimes treatment is very difficult for a person addicted to gambling, because they cannot stop doing it, greed is one reason why the addiction appears, but the lack of money to play is also the same, and I think both when mixed It is the worst of the situations because the affected people will only think about looking for money to satisfy their needs, and that is something very bad, very harmful, sometimes a person who is addicted needs a lot of words, advice, even if they do not give them much importance. , but I am one of those who believe that sometimes a touch can be healing, so when we are seeing someone who plays in an uncontrolled and desperate way, if we can approach it with some tact and it is good.

We don't know if we can stop that person from doing another crazy thing, an addict is known to be decapitalized with very low morale, low self-esteem, sometimes if we have the opportunity some advice wouldn't go amiss.
An addicted gambler was once a normal and regular gambler who desires to play for fun and then gradually the thought and mindset of gambling to earn begin to come in and then the thought of chasing loses which is the last straw to addiction is in full force.
 You see all these stages or phases were gradually developed by the gambler and would also need such step to gradually stop the gambling addiction as the case may be.
I believe for every transformation to do take place the gambler must be on ground and willing to stop gambling as he or she has made up their mind to do so. To stop addiction, it would require a proper reorientation of the mindset from gambling and making the gambler see the reasons why he or she should quit gambling entirely. It would not be an easy task for the addicted gambler but with the commitment and determination, I think it would be possible to achieve.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: Rubel007 on February 24, 2024, 11:11:05 AM
Responsible gambling sounds easy but it is a difficult task that not everyone can master. A gambler may be able to engage in responsible gambling for a while in the beginning but fails to sustain it for long. I think this is where a gambler's destiny comes into play. The gambler can control himself in the beginning but after a few days he loses that control. He may become more interested in gambling due to recovering his losses or spending more money on gambling to get more, which eventually turns into an addiction. A gambler is not a loser even if he loses money until he is addicted.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: 0t3p0t on February 24, 2024, 02:15:39 PM
Yes, everyone may be able to realize that, but not everyone can apply it in gambling to be more organized, because when playing, emotions can take over us and we become uncontrollable.

I see a lot of people who feel a big loss because they try to catch up and return their money that has been lost. For example, if they lose $100, they will then play another $100 to make up for their previous loss. Now this is something that is wrong, because instead of winning or getting our money back, we will lose even more, which is $200.
Unfortunately the highlighted phrase is very accurate. This actually happened to my friend as he keeps on chasing loses until got liquidated and ends badly for him and his partner because both of them did the same thing with cards games. They had a heated argument right after getting all their funds exhausted and the drawback is that the money they used to gamble is intended for the upcoming delivery of their parcel. 😅
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: Stompix on February 24, 2024, 03:20:48 PM
Addicted or not to gambling, no one is mentally prepared to lose a huge bet.

Why not?
I've been losing bets on horses that were going on the exchange at 1.05 to 1, I've seen favorites under 2.5 losing 4 times in a row at the same festival by falling at the last and 3rd last fence , if someone really knows what to gamble on he must be prepared for the worse, you could simply have really really bad days, and you can keep your cool and play it safe like I did right now and I bagged already two small trifectas.

This is not correct. Whether addicted or not, a gambler is a gambler and a gambler is always a loser.

And why are you so sure about that?
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: $crypto$ on February 25, 2024, 02:46:42 PM
Yes, everyone may be able to realize that, but not everyone can apply it in gambling to be more organized, because when playing, emotions can take over us and we become uncontrollable.

I see a lot of people who feel a big loss because they try to catch up and return their money that has been lost. For example, if they lose $100, they will then play another $100 to make up for their previous loss. Now this is something that is wrong, because instead of winning or getting our money back, we will lose even more, which is $200.
Unfortunately the highlighted phrase is very accurate. This actually happened to my friend as he keeps on chasing loses until got liquidated and ends badly for him and his partner because both of them did the same thing with cards games. They had a heated argument right after getting all their funds exhausted and the drawback is that the money they used to gamble is intended for the upcoming delivery of their parcel. 😅
That's the stupid thing your friends do, they use money for other purposes to gamble and when they lose, they get confused.

But this is indeed found in everyday life, they try their luck with the intention of doubling the money they have even though it is money that they will use for other needs. I think many people have experienced or seen events like this. Especially if their environment is in a gambling environment, which makes them unable to escape this activity.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: 0t3p0t on February 25, 2024, 08:46:04 PM
Yes, everyone may be able to realize that, but not everyone can apply it in gambling to be more organized, because when playing, emotions can take over us and we become uncontrollable.

I see a lot of people who feel a big loss because they try to catch up and return their money that has been lost. For example, if they lose $100, they will then play another $100 to make up for their previous loss. Now this is something that is wrong, because instead of winning or getting our money back, we will lose even more, which is $200.
Unfortunately the highlighted phrase is very accurate. This actually happened to my friend as he keeps on chasing loses until got liquidated and ends badly for him and his partner because both of them did the same thing with cards games. They had a heated argument right after getting all their funds exhausted and the drawback is that the money they used to gamble is intended for the upcoming delivery of their parcel. 😅
That's the stupid thing your friends do, they use money for other purposes to gamble and when they lose, they get confused.

But this is indeed found in everyday life, they try their luck with the intention of doubling the money they have even though it is money that they will use for other needs. I think many people have experienced or seen events like this. Especially if their environment is in a gambling environment, which makes them unable to escape this activity.
True. Most of my friends here are gamblers and I can see it to them. I can even see them cheating each other and then resulted in something they don't like like argument and the like. They are into card games maybe their favorite though it is illegal here in my place but they still insist to play even with the high possibility of having risk of a raid by law enforcers. Very irresponsible gamblers I would say that is why I started to stay away from them because incase there is a raid I am not involved. Much better to play safe than sorry.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: $crypto$ on February 27, 2024, 02:22:14 PM
That's the stupid thing your friends do, they use money for other purposes to gamble and when they lose, they get confused.

But this is indeed found in everyday life, they try their luck with the intention of doubling the money they have even though it is money that they will use for other needs. I think many people have experienced or seen events like this. Especially if their environment is in a gambling environment, which makes them unable to escape this activity.
True. Most of my friends here are gamblers and I can see it to them. I can even see them cheating each other and then resulted in something they don't like like argument and the like. They are into card games maybe their favorite though it is illegal here in my place but they still insist to play even with the high possibility of having risk of a raid by law enforcers. Very irresponsible gamblers I would say that is why I started to stay away from them because incase there is a raid I am not involved. Much better to play safe than sorry.
Your decision is the right one, but don't let it offend your friend that you suddenly move away, because it might make your friend hate you.

Have you tried to give them advice so as not to overdo it in gambling? if yes, that's good and your decision is correct. But if not, in my opinion, it would be better if you slowly approach them to advise them not to overdo it. But that's just a suggestion, all decisions are yours.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: sampoerna on February 27, 2024, 11:55:58 PM
In fact, you could say this is quite difficult. Especially for addicted gamblers. But basically, being responsible in gambling is not as easy as we say. Not only in particular but also in how we manage ourselves so that we can control ourselves in gambling. and Java's toughness in everything we do in gambling decisions,
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: DragonF on February 28, 2024, 03:49:56 PM
That's the stupid thing your friends do, they use money for other purposes to gamble and when they lose, they get confused.

But this is indeed found in everyday life, they try their luck with the intention of doubling the money they have even though it is money that they will use for other needs. I think many people have experienced or seen events like this. Especially if their environment is in a gambling environment, which makes them unable to escape this activity.

Yeah, it's stupid but before it is done a gambler doesn’t see it as stupid. Gambling always tricks gamblers into believing that they can make extra income from gambling but this turns out to be a regrettable decision after the game has been lost. I have been in a position where I used money meant for something else to gamble because the fixtures appeared juicy and I felt I could win extra money, pay the bills the money was meant for and then have money to spend. When I lost, I regretted it due to the realization that my decision did not yield the desired results.

Let me share some of my bad experiences here. I was the treasurer of a wedding committee of friends. I was gambling with the money that was contributed when the hope that I would get a refund before the money would be needed but the day I was called to send the money, I ended up lying to save myself from shame. Though, I refunded but not when it was needed.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: LogitechMouse on February 28, 2024, 04:33:07 PM
Re: Responsible gambling
These 2 words are very powerful when it comes to gambling, but the reality is not everyone can apply it especially when they're winning in gambling already.

I, myself most of the time can't apply this as well when I'm still gambling. There are times when I'm gambling for the first time when I get more money when I lost my initial funds just to recover those losses. I forgot to be responsible but luckily, I have some relatives that know that I'm into gambling at that time, and they said that I must stop or I might get addicted. To cut the story short, I stopped at that time.

It's easy to say "I'm responsible whenever I'm gambling" but the reality is, this is very hard to do. Greed most of the time will eat you. The desire to have more money will be the main reason why you will lose your money in the end. As for gamblers out there who really know how to be a responsible gambler, congratulations to you.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: $crypto$ on February 29, 2024, 11:29:19 AM
Let me share some of my bad experiences here. I was the treasurer of a wedding committee of friends. I was gambling with the money that was contributed when the hope that I would get a refund before the money would be needed but the day I was called to send the money, I ended up lying to save myself from shame. Though, I refunded but not when it was needed.
Oh man, I hope you can learn from the mistakes you made back then, especially when you used money that wasn't rightfully yours, that's something you should never do again.

Although in the end you returned the money with the full amount, it was still a mistake, because maybe the money was needed at the time of the event. Once again, hopefully you can learn a lot from this bad experience and in the future you will never do it again, even if you use money that is completely yours.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: 0t3p0t on February 29, 2024, 05:32:04 PM
Let me share some of my bad experiences here. I was the treasurer of a wedding committee of friends. I was gambling with the money that was contributed when the hope that I would get a refund before the money would be needed but the day I was called to send the money, I ended up lying to save myself from shame. Though, I refunded but not when it was needed.
Oh man, I hope you can learn from the mistakes you made back then, especially when you used money that wasn't rightfully yours, that's something you should never do again.

Although in the end you returned the money with the full amount, it was still a mistake, because maybe the money was needed at the time of the event. Once again, hopefully you can learn a lot from this bad experience and in the future you will never do it again, even if you use money that is completely yours.
Yeah that still count as irresponsible gambling in my opinion but we need to control ourselves as long as we can to lessen the possible bad consequences in gambling. I know how hard it is to control when the urge to gamble is as strong as addition but we need to try and it is better than doing nothing.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: rojan on March 01, 2024, 03:54:02 AM
Let me share some of my bad experiences here. I was the treasurer of a wedding committee of friends. I was gambling with the money that was contributed when the hope that I would get a refund before the money would be needed but the day I was called to send the money, I ended up lying to save myself from shame. Though, I refunded but not when it was needed.
Oh man, I hope you can learn from the mistakes you made back then, especially when you used money that wasn't rightfully yours, that's something you should never do again.

Although in the end you returned the money with the full amount, it was still a mistake, because maybe the money was needed at the time of the event. Once again, hopefully you can learn a lot from this bad experience and in the future you will never do it again, even if you use money that is completely yours.
Yeah that still count as irresponsible gambling in my opinion but we need to control ourselves as long as we can to lessen the possible bad consequences in gambling. I know how hard it is to control when the urge to gamble is as strong as addition but we need to try and it is better than doing nothing.
The more we can stay away from gambling, the better. If we become addicted to gambling, we may gradually indulge in bad deeds, so we will always try to stay away from gambling. Gambling is a human being.  It doesn't take time to waste a life.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: $crypto$ on March 01, 2024, 12:39:46 PM
Oh man, I hope you can learn from the mistakes you made back then, especially when you used money that wasn't rightfully yours, that's something you should never do again.

Although in the end you returned the money with the full amount, it was still a mistake, because maybe the money was needed at the time of the event. Once again, hopefully you can learn a lot from this bad experience and in the future you will never do it again, even if you use money that is completely yours.
Yeah that still count as irresponsible gambling in my opinion but we need to control ourselves as long as we can to lessen the possible bad consequences in gambling. I know how hard it is to control when the urge to gamble is as strong as addition but we need to try and it is better than doing nothing.
Of course it was part of irresponsible gambling, because he was gambling with money that was not his own and moreover it would be used in the near future.

We must avoid thoughts that make us wish, in this case I see that he is also wishing and hoping for a return that can make him profitable if he wins in the gambling. But instead of profit he got something bad. It starts from thinking or expectations that are too high so that they make the wrong trip.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: DragonF on March 01, 2024, 01:05:30 PM
Let me share some of my bad experiences here. I was the treasurer of a wedding committee of friends. I was gambling with the money that was contributed when the hope that I would get a refund before the money would be needed but the day I was called to send the money, I ended up lying to save myself from shame. Though, I refunded but not when it was needed.
Oh man, I hope you can learn from the mistakes you made back then, especially when you used money that wasn't rightfully yours, that's something you should never do again.

Although in the end you returned the money with the full amount, it was still a mistake, because maybe the money was needed at the time of the event. Once again, hopefully you can learn a lot from this bad experience and in the future you will never do it again, even if you use money that is completely yours.
Yeah that still count as irresponsible gambling in my opinion but we need to control ourselves as long as we can to lessen the possible bad consequences in gambling. I know how hard it is to control when the urge to gamble is as strong as addition but we need to try and it is better than doing nothing.

I have learned the hard way and I accept that it was an irresponsible act on my part. The fact that I refunded the money is immaterial and even if the money was mine as long as I have gambled above my means it is also irresponsible gambling. I hope others learn from my experience. As long as gambling is concern, self-control shouldn’t be taken for granted. When you neglect self-control, it can lead to negative consequences. Individuals who lack self-control may continue to gamble even when they cannot afford it, leading to significant financial ruin.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: Thyplaymaker on March 01, 2024, 04:07:02 PM
Most time most gamblers always decieve themselves that they are gambling responsibly mean while they don't, to me if you want to avoid more losses and make more wins is to have some principles in gambling or to gamble responsibly. At first they keep saying use funds you could afford to lose but most people still continue to use money important to them or even go further using money borrowed to gamble which is wrong . Because using such money and at the end you loss such funds it may lead to you gambling without any proper thinking. Going all in hoping you could hit the jackpot, so that you can gain All you have loss back.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on March 02, 2024, 05:32:42 AM
Well, this season it looks like the trophy will belong to Real Madrid. Girona, which was initially expected to create fiercer competition in Laliga, is now starting to decline. And this will only make Real Madrid even more comfortable. But Real Madrid itself is starting to appear to be experiencing a decline in performance and this is not a good thing at all for Real Madrid. because it could be that Girona is slowly returning to its top position. because there are still quite a lot of games left in this season.

Real Madrid is playing very well, they are doing things excellently and I think they can be the champions, until now the one that had done well was Girona, as you have said, but I think that they when Madrid put them Those 4 goals demoralized them, and that is something that we see, of course I don't know how much it affected them but they shouldn't lower their level, they can finish 2nd and still go to a UCL where they can do things very well.

All the world's soccer teams have suffered big, humiliating defeats, but they have to get out of that because the only way they can raise their morale again, they were fighting for first place, they cannot decline, I think that now more They should never raise the level, of course I know that it is essential that they do not decline so much, it is the first time that they are in a position like that, but I consider that things should be better in terms of morality, I hope they can recover from that crisis.
In their last 3 matches, namely Girona. Girona has suffered 2 defeats and 1 draw. And yes, of course this indicates a decline in confidence and performance in the Girona squad. But actually the bad results in those 3 weeks are also understandable. Because the 3 opponents that Girona faced in the last 3 weeks were tough opponents. Bilbao, Real Sociedad and Real Madrid are the 3 giant teams in Laliga. So it is very understandable if Girona weakened in this match.

But for the next matches against Rayo, Mallorca and Osasuna I hope Girona will get full points again. Because to be honest, I'm really curious about Girona next season when they can qualify for the UCL. I want to see Girona appear in the UCL.

Well, let there be no doubt in your mind that Girona will secure their position, in fact they have to be very focused on winning, I see that from one moment to the next they have lowered their level, I am very excited by the fact that the things with this team are doing well, but they have a slight advantage of 2 points, I think that now Girona cannot forgive any team because Bareclona is breathing down their neck, and that Barceolan has had a very bad performance and they have caused a lot disappointment among the fans, in fact it surprises me because the one that has always fought the hardest against Madrid has been Barcelona.

Now instead of Barcelona there is Girona, what I think about this is that things can be seen differently when we are looking for the best team, for me personally Barcelona lacks a lot to reach the level, and this Honestly, it is one of the things that all the fans have a bad time about, I really see the effort they make, but I think that Xavi is to blame for the team's decline.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on March 02, 2024, 05:45:03 AM
Responsible gambling is simple as gambling with with is affordable to lose, ability to control your emotions and setting up your gambling budgets and sticks by it.

I think self control is very much important because all the things that you have mentioned in here someworth connected. Most gamblers do not have self control while gambling. They feel it is something they could just do once and be able to get rid of but forgetting that it is also a game that would interest them up on first attempt.

A gambler faces losses only when he becomes addicted to gambling. A regular and experienced gambler never faces loss as if he follows the standard gambling practice. For example, I stop gambling two days a week, and gamble the rest of the days. Whenever I experience a loss, I put gambling on hold for a while. So by remembering the gambling strategies, gambling can always be won through the ideal principles.

Gambling addiction some times occurs as a result of one's greed. When you are not satisfied with what you have won or you lost and you want to recover your loss or to win more,  this leads to addiction because that quest to recover lost funds would always be there and that is how a gambler becomes addicted to gambling.
Following the gambling principles just as you have said, saves you the stress of wanting to gambling always. As a gambler it is expedient of you to follow up with the gambling principles so as not to get taken unawares while gambling. Most times, gamblers see's their situation as sudden because they fail to ply by the gambling principles which have cost them alot of things that they can never forget quick in their lifetime.

Sometimes treatment is very difficult for a person addicted to gambling, because they cannot stop doing it, greed is one reason why the addiction appears, but the lack of money to play is also the same, and I think both when mixed It is the worst of the situations because the affected people will only think about looking for money to satisfy their needs, and that is something very bad, very harmful, sometimes a person who is addicted needs a lot of words, advice, even if they do not give them much importance. , but I am one of those who believe that sometimes a touch can be healing, so when we are seeing someone who plays in an uncontrolled and desperate way, if we can approach it with some tact and it is good.

We don't know if we can stop that person from doing another crazy thing, an addict is known to be decapitalized with very low morale, low self-esteem, sometimes if we have the opportunity some advice wouldn't go amiss.
An addicted gambler was once a normal and regular gambler who desires to play for fun and then gradually the thought and mindset of gambling to earn begin to come in and then the thought of chasing loses which is the last straw to addiction is in full force.
 You see all these stages or phases were gradually developed by the gambler and would also need such step to gradually stop the gambling addiction as the case may be.
I believe for every transformation to do take place the gambler must be on ground and willing to stop gambling as he or she has made up their mind to do so. To stop addiction, it would require a proper reorientation of the mindset from gambling and making the gambler see the reasons why he or she should quit gambling entirely. It would not be an easy task for the addicted gambler but with the commitment and determination, I think it would be possible to achieve.

Personally, I have always believed that a person can heal alone, but they have to have the Determination to do it and against all odds they must do it , Otherwise I believe that things can be seen in a very different way, it is often necessary to help professional and it can trigger many things, for example, if a person is sure but does not have the confidence to do it, then they will falter and will not be able to do much, they will always have a way of failing and that is what they do not want, if they get involved In this it is because he wants to and because he can, so every time a desire to do things better is being generated, it also depends on the personality of the person, if it is a person who is temporarily strong it will be easier for him to overcome it, but they are not all like that.

In view of this, it is believed that sometimes it is better to go to a psychologist or a psychiatrist alone so that you can have the appropriate treatment for that person.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: Oasisman on March 02, 2024, 06:49:32 AM

Personally, I have always believed that a person can heal alone, but they have to have the Determination to do it and against all odds they must do it , Otherwise I believe that things can be seen in a very different way,

In view of this, it is believed that sometimes it is better to go to a psychologist or a psychiatrist alone so that you can have the appropriate treatment for that person.

Well, overcoming gambling addiction will always start with the addiction person first. One must need to be determined to eagerly get rid of gambling addiction himself rather being forced to go to any person or facilities that offers gambling rehabilitation.

Gambling addicts who's being forced to consult to a psychologist will still have a higher chance of coming back to gambling than to a person who is willingly to overcome compulsive behaviour towards gambling.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: DragonF on March 02, 2024, 07:32:40 AM
Well, overcoming gambling addiction will always start with the addiction person first. One must need to be determined to eagerly get rid of gambling addiction himself rather being forced to go to any person or facilities that offers gambling rehabilitation.

Admitting that you have a gambling problem is very important. Without a problem, there cannot be a solution and that is how it is with addiction. It is when the gambler understands that he is addicted that he can give in to any advice or strategy that can help him. This is likened to a person who is sick but yet believes that he is healthy. Such a person will not agree to take any medication since he feels that there is nothing wrong with his health but then when he notices that he is truly sick he will run around to get treated. This is the same with addiction, except the addict owns up that he is addicted he cannot be assisted. This knowledge can help the individual recognize their problematic behaviours and take steps to change them.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: ajiz138 on March 03, 2024, 01:10:50 PM
Well, overcoming gambling addiction will always start with the addiction person first. One must need to be determined to eagerly get rid of gambling addiction himself rather being forced to go to any person or facilities that offers gambling rehabilitation.

Gambling addicts who's being forced to consult to a psychologist will still have a higher chance of coming back to gambling than to a person who is willingly to overcome compulsive behaviour towards gambling.
The inner drive to quit is actually the best way for addicts. But the problem is that they also usually don't realize that they are an addict, and even they tend to get angry when someone tells them that their gambling activities are beyond reasonable limits.

If they are already aware and want to quit, I think it will be easier in the process rather than getting pressure from others. But the thing is they have to realize it first.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: DragonF on March 04, 2024, 02:19:48 PM
The inner drive to quit is actually the best way for addicts. But the problem is that they also usually don't realize that they are an addict, and even they tend to get angry when someone tells them that their gambling activities are beyond reasonable limits.

If they are already aware and want to quit, I think it will be easier in the process rather than getting pressure from others. But the thing is they have to realize it first.

The inner drive to quit is a powerful force for gamblers struggling with addiction, but as you mentioned, the challenge often lies in recognizing and acknowledging the addiction in the first place. Some gamblers deny that they are addicted and so become defensive when told about their gambling activities. This makes it challenging for them to accept help or seek treatment.

However, once a gambler becomes aware of his addiction and genuinely desires to quit, he is more likely to succeed in the recovery process. At this stage, the gambler will be more receptive to support from friends, family, or professional counsellors. The gambler may also be open to therapy, support groups, or rehabilitation programs.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on March 04, 2024, 11:21:16 PM
The inner drive to quit is actually the best way for addicts. But the problem is that they also usually don't realize that they are an addict, and even they tend to get angry when someone tells them that their gambling activities are beyond reasonable limits.

If they are already aware and want to quit, I think it will be easier in the process rather than getting pressure from others. But the thing is they have to realize it first.

The inner drive to quit is a powerful force for gamblers struggling with addiction, but as you mentioned, the challenge often lies in recognizing and acknowledging the addiction in the first place. Some gamblers deny that they are addicted and so become defensive when told about their gambling activities. This makes it challenging for them to accept help or seek treatment.

However, once a gambler becomes aware of his addiction and genuinely desires to quit, he is more likely to succeed in the recovery process. At this stage, the gambler will be more receptive to support from friends, family, or professional counsellors. The gambler may also be open to therapy, support groups, or rehabilitation programs.
Well, it should be noted that when a person realizes their risk, their suffering, and wants to get better, it is one of the best things that can happen, because they want to get out of it, then that is when they should support that person the most, because they still have that desire to get out, but you have to support yourself right away because this can get very complicated if you don't do it, if you continue with your addiction and don't recognize that huge problems are coming, because ordinarily a addicted person wants to get money no matter what, It doesn't matter how, some people are left without options, no one lends them, they can't get credit , then some get so Desperate that they even beg, or steal, that's what you should avoid reaching a moment like that, because it's already anxiety.

Apart from that anxiety, there is this overwhelming need to always play and win and win, they are not satisfied with winning something but a lot, and that is also thanks to greed when Problems begin and become more acute over time.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: ajiz138 on March 05, 2024, 03:33:39 PM
The inner drive to quit is actually the best way for addicts. But the problem is that they also usually don't realize that they are an addict, and even they tend to get angry when someone tells them that their gambling activities are beyond reasonable limits.

If they are already aware and want to quit, I think it will be easier in the process rather than getting pressure from others. But the thing is they have to realize it first.

The inner drive to quit is a powerful force for gamblers struggling with addiction, but as you mentioned, the challenge often lies in recognizing and acknowledging the addiction in the first place. Some gamblers deny that they are addicted and so become defensive when told about their gambling activities. This makes it challenging for them to accept help or seek treatment.

However, once a gambler becomes aware of his addiction and genuinely desires to quit, he is more likely to succeed in the recovery process. At this stage, the gambler will be more receptive to support from friends, family, or professional counsellors. The gambler may also be open to therapy, support groups, or rehabilitation programs.
Well, they will be more likely to defend themselves and still say they are ordinary gamblers within reasonable limits, even though sometimes something can only be judged by other people, because if they judge themselves they will be more inclined to just justify it.

The process of realizing that they are a gambler who is beyond reasonable limits will take a very long time. And maybe they will really realize that everything they had was lost because of the gambling activities they carried out.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: JISAN on March 05, 2024, 06:59:01 PM
Let me share some of my bad experiences here. I was the treasurer of a wedding committee of friends. I was gambling with the money that was contributed when the hope that I would get a refund before the money would be needed but the day I was called to send the money, I ended up lying to save myself from shame. Though, I refunded but not when it was needed.
Oh man, I hope you can learn from the mistakes you made back then, especially when you used money that wasn't rightfully yours, that's something you should never do again.

Although in the end you returned the money with the full amount, it was still a mistake, because maybe the money was needed at the time of the event. Once again, hopefully you can learn a lot from this bad experience and in the future you will never do it again, even if you use money that is completely yours.
Yeah that still count as irresponsible gambling in my opinion but we need to control ourselves as long as we can to lessen the possible bad consequences in gambling. I know how hard it is to control when the urge to gamble is as strong as addition but we need to try and it is better than doing nothing.
The more we can stay away from gambling, the better. If we become addicted to gambling, we may gradually indulge in bad deeds, so we will always try to stay away from gambling. Gambling is a human being.  It doesn't take time to waste a life.
It is true that gambling is a bad addiction but at the same time gambling can be enjoyed in leisure time. But since gambling involves both loss and win, one cannot only win here and neither lose. and even if someone loses his entire life in gambling, he cannot blame the gambling site or anyone else for it. you have to take the responsibility of your own profit loss  so always control yourself. As if you are able to take responsibility for the amount of loss that you will lose
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: Penlex_Writer on March 11, 2024, 10:21:25 AM
You can only enjoy gambling when you gamble responsibly. Reckless gambling does not only affect the gambler but also his friends and family. I remember when one of my friends stole in a gambling shop after losing so much and was arrested. His friends came together to raise money just to bail him. Some gamblers can transfer aggression to a family member after losing.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on March 11, 2024, 10:17:38 PM

Personally, I have always believed that a person can heal alone, but they have to have the Determination to do it and against all odds they must do it , Otherwise I believe that things can be seen in a very different way,

In view of this, it is believed that sometimes it is better to go to a psychologist or a psychiatrist alone so that you can have the appropriate treatment for that person.

Well, overcoming gambling addiction will always start with the addiction person first. One must need to be determined to eagerly get rid of gambling addiction himself rather being forced to go to any person or facilities that offers gambling rehabilitation.

Gambling addicts who's being forced to consult to a psychologist will still have a higher chance of coming back to gambling than to a person who is willingly to overcome compulsive behaviour towards gambling.

Yes, although that is not a bad thing, the fact that someone needs help and goes to a psychologist does not mean that they are sick in the head or something similar , I have seen that when a person is told to go to the psychologist they become They offend, and they should not feel that way because it is a misconception that is held about the people who can help, psychiatrists also already have the power to medicate a patient, so based on this we all have to see that these types of preodictions They exist is to help human beings, not to see them as a mockery or something.

If the person has enough willpower to overcome Addiction quickly with their own Methods, then it is the greatest thing, but if there is a person who Does not have the tools to be able to overcome it, only professional help is better, if there is no money , It is always good to try to find someone who can advise you, there is very good advice in this thread.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: DragonF on March 12, 2024, 04:23:33 PM
Let me share some of my bad experiences here. I was the treasurer of a wedding committee of friends. I was gambling with the money that was contributed when the hope that I would get a refund before the money would be needed but the day I was called to send the money, I ended up lying to save myself from shame. Though, I refunded but not when it was needed.
Oh man, I hope you can learn from the mistakes you made back then, especially when you used money that wasn't rightfully yours, that's something you should never do again.

Although in the end you returned the money with the full amount, it was still a mistake, because maybe the money was needed at the time of the event. Once again, hopefully you can learn a lot from this bad experience and in the future you will never do it again, even if you use money that is completely yours.
Yeah that still count as irresponsible gambling in my opinion but we need to control ourselves as long as we can to lessen the possible bad consequences in gambling. I know how hard it is to control when the urge to gamble is as strong as addition but we need to try and it is better than doing nothing.
The more we can stay away from gambling, the better. If we become addicted to gambling, we may gradually indulge in bad deeds, so we will always try to stay away from gambling. Gambling is a human being.  It doesn't take time to waste a life.
It is true that gambling is a bad addiction but at the same time gambling can be enjoyed in leisure time. But since gambling involves both loss and win, one cannot only win here and neither lose. and even if someone loses his entire life in gambling, he cannot blame the gambling site or anyone else for it. you have to take the responsibility of your own profit loss  so always control yourself. As if you are able to take responsibility for the amount of loss that you will lose

Whenever I hear people blaming gambling or someone else for their loss I laugh because all gamblers must take responsibility for their actions when it comes to gambling. Blaming external factors for losses incurred through gambling is irrational.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on March 19, 2024, 09:14:44 PM
Gambling is one act that has its own consequences in certain areas of living. People gamble for their respective reasons and so it's essential and only advisable that one should have an honest reason for doing the act and at thesame learn how to be cautious and responsible in it. Too much of everything isn't good.
  Let's take an instance here, a young man with family responsibilities, maybe he's doing gambling just for the fun of it and then gets his income pushes in a part of it into gambling, his luck maybe shines and then the gamble clicks. That's definitely good news no doubt but as a family man, there's every sense of responsibility that's needed for the act. Let the purpose not go beyond fun and even if it does, don't bask too much in the act that then would cause irresponsibility in both financial and family management because at the very point that it happens, then sadly, the whole family bond will be at stake. Definitely a spouse won't want their partner to do things irresponsibly and would definitely be unhappy when irresponsibility kicks in.
  Trying not to shade the act but truly it affects relationships both positively and negatively. It all balls down to responsibility while at it.

Another aspect to consider is the importance of discipline in responsible gaming. Betting can be a dangerous pastime, so it's crucial to be conscious of your own habits and avoid allowing it take over your life. Self-control is the ability to say "no" to yourself and resist desires that may have harmful effects. Also, be mindful of the dangers involved and make steps to minimize them, such as developing and adhering to a plan and ensuring that your activities match with your beliefs and objectives.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: damsix on March 20, 2024, 02:59:10 AM
Gambling is one act that has its own consequences in certain areas of living. People gamble for their respective reasons and so it's essential and only advisable that one should have an honest reason for doing the act and at thesame learn how to be cautious and responsible in it. Too much of everything isn't good.
In this world, in social life, everything we do is definitely responsible for what we do.
For example:
-We work in a company, of course we have responsibility for this work.
-We study on campus so we also have a responsibility to study on campus.
-We must be responsible for what we gamble on so that it does not have a negative effect on the environment we live in.

Moreover, you have explained to the young man that he is gambling for his family because he is married and there is something he is waiting for every day, namely his family.
So the young man's gambling is that if he wins at gambling then the money goes to his family and if he loses at gambling then there is no money for his family, this is very risky but that is his choice.
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: Mr. Allcrypto on March 21, 2024, 01:08:27 PM
This is what a gambler needs to be able to do in order to maintain good financial stability. Most people tend to loose their money that has been budgeted for other reasonable things because they fail to gamble responsibly.
Responsible gambling in my own idea is simply setting up your own restrictions in gambling to avoid too much loss. Gamble for fun only and also do not gamble money you can't afford to loose...
Title: Re: Responsible gambling
Post by: $crypto$ on March 21, 2024, 04:13:02 PM
This is what a gambler needs to be able to do in order to maintain good financial stability. Most people tend to loose their money that has been budgeted for other reasonable things because they fail to gamble responsibly.
Responsible gambling in my own idea is simply setting up your own restrictions in gambling to avoid too much loss. Gamble for fun only and also do not gamble money you can't afford to loose...
That's the point and actually many people have said this, but in reality there are still many people who gamble because they think they will be able to get big profits or wins from gambling, they don't realize that what they are doing is wrong.

Gambling when we are not ready to lose money is something we must really avoid, because the risk of gambling itself is that there is a greater risk of losing than winning.