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Messages - Learn Bitcoin

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Basic questions about this forum / Re: My Karma Just dropped by 10
« on: June 02, 2024, 05:34:01 PM »
Before the edit and added information in the OP, I mentioned about referral link and that there was a proper board for that. It's just right below the Airdrop section that's why I can also understand the admin's frustration.

I haven't posted any referral links out side of the boards where referral links are allowed. Since I haven't posted any referral link, why should be frustrated?

Since I've been on the forum, this is the first time I've seen (at least publicly) that the admin reacted like this, but he was obviously angered by what you did and punished you with -10 karma. I'm not one of those who can or wants to judge whether it's an appropriate punishment, but if nothing else, at least you found out the reason why it happened.
The offense is that I created a thread on the wrong board (according to him). But did you notice my response in that thread? Do you think creating a thread on the wrong board is an offense? Especially when it is done once? Creating a thread on the wrong board is a common mistake. There are a lot of boards, and sometimes we get confused and unable to decide where to create the thread.

I am quoting my response below:

Well, I am sorry that I disappointed you. But I failed to understand why you were so disappointed. Just because the thread was created on the wrong board? As I can see, you have moved it to another board and the name of this board is "Cryptocurrency discussions". Now I can say, the board does not fit for airdrop discussions as well.

For your kind information, I have checked the board a couple of times before I created this thread. I thought this is the right section to discuss airdrops because the name of this board is related to airdrops. Unfortunately, this is the only board I find with the keyword "Airdrops"

As you can see, I am a teleported member who have been in this forum for no longer than six months. It takes time to navigate the forum especially when there are countless dead boards without any activity. Creating thread in a wrong board is a common mistake. This is not something I have done for any kind of benefits. This is just innocent mistakes which can be done by any human being. Does it really breaks any forum rules? Do you consider it as offense?

I think it is better to lock that topic and stop discussing using it. admin told you that board are for active airdrop only not for discussion , yet you made another reply (I'm afraid it will become -20)

Probably you haven't checked the thread again. The thread has already been moved to the cryptocurrency discussion board. So, there is no offense if anyone writes there.

Cryptocurrency discussions / Re: Airdrop updates by Learn Bitcoin
« on: June 02, 2024, 03:41:35 PM »
No you will not!
this is clearly a section for active airdrops, not discussion about airdrops
if you have looked at the section for 10 seconds you would have noticed that.

this kind of posts that land in specialised sections upset me a lot, -10 karma

Well, I am sorry that I disappointed you. But I failed to understand why you were so disappointed. Just because the thread was created on the wrong board? As I can see, you have moved it to another board and the name of this board is "Cryptocurrency discussions". Now I can say, the board does not fit for airdrop discussions as well.

For your kind information, I have checked the board a couple of times before I created this thread. I thought this is the right section to discuss airdrops because the name of this board is related to airdrops. Unfortunately, this is the only board I find with the keyword "Airdrops"

As you can see, I am a teleported member who have been in this forum for no longer than six months. It takes time to navigate the forum especially when there are countless dead boards without any activity. Creating thread in a wrong board is a common mistake. This is not something I have done for any kind of benefits. This is just innocent mistakes which can be done by any human being. Does it really breaks any forum rules? Do you consider it as offense?

Basic questions about this forum / Re: My Karma Just dropped by 10
« on: June 02, 2024, 03:20:54 PM »
Maybe I don't need to know who gave me the karma, but to which comment.

This is basically a feedback. Showing how we can improve.

Correct. I agree with this.
The logic behind not showing karma was that "it may create a conflict in the forum, and people will start using karma as a weapon." But there is no problem if I don't know who gave me negative karma. People can only fight if they know who gave them negative karma. But they cannot if they don't know who gave them the negative karma.

I need to know why I got ten negative karma. If there were stats and I could check which post is the reason of getting negative karma, I could improve myself. Removing karma from the profile and deleting a thread without informing the author is not a good idea. Bitcointalk users get a private message when their threads, posts get deleted. I guess this forum can take it as an example.

Edit: well, guys, I found my thread in another board and here is the response from admin.

No you will not!
this is clearly a section for active airdrops, not discussion about airdrops
if you have looked at the section for 10 seconds you would have noticed that.

this kind of posts that land in specialised sections upset me a lot, -10 karma

Link to that thread:
Feel free to write your thoughts. Was it justified?

Basic questions about this forum / Re: My Karma Just dropped by 10
« on: June 02, 2024, 02:47:25 PM »
It's too bad is down, because I think it offers karma tracking by day/week/month ranges.
I'm curious to know what could have cost you -10 karma.

For your deleted thread, are you sure it's not just a mod error? It can happen, have you contacted the mod?

I am curious as well. I want to know what could be the reason for minus ten karma. It's not easy to earn 10 karma here. I have been earning karma naturally and by doing anything abusive. So, it's a big disappointment for me. I remember I reported the plagiarism of a mod, and he got punished as well. But I don't remember deducting karma for that.

When the last time the admin deleted one of my posts in his thread, he sent me a PM saying that your post was deleted. If you want to discuss it, please create a dedicated thread. It was about a forum feature.

I don't know if it's a mod error or not. If so, I would like the mod to fix it if possible. I don't think deleting a thread and deducting ten karma at once could be an error. I am expecting replies from mods.

Forum related / Re: Altcoinstalks Archive (topics, posts, username)
« on: June 02, 2024, 02:41:39 PM »

Your website seems to be down. I cannot access the website for some reason. Are you aware of it, or are you already working on fixing it? Here is what it looks like for now;

I haven't received any notification since 30th May. Probably no one mentioned me. But I did not received the notification of my karma drop as well. My karma dropped from 73 to 63 for some reason and I have created a thread to discuss this. I wanted to check which posts were deleted. I think you have a backup on your website. Right?

Basic questions about this forum / My Karma Just dropped by 10
« on: June 02, 2024, 02:26:40 PM »
I don't know if this is the right board to create this thread. But I am creating it here, and I hope the moderators will move it to the board where it fits most.

If I remember correctly, I had 73 karma until yesterday. This morning, I woke up and noticed that my karma had been reduced by ten, and it's 63 now. I did not get any notifications, and I don't think I have ever broken any forum rules. I would love to know more about the issue. Was it done by the admin or by a moderator? What could be the possible reason?

I created a thread in Airdrops and Giveaways, but it is no longer available. I assume this is related to that thread. Could you please explain why it was removed?

If I have created the thread on the wrong board, they can simply move it somewhere else. This is a common mistake. But what is the point of deleting it unless it does not violate any forum rules? I always thought it was a friendly forum. I am totally disappointed.

Edit: well, guys, I found my thread in another board and here is the response from admin.

No you will not!
this is clearly a section for active airdrops, not discussion about airdrops
if you have looked at the section for 10 seconds you would have noticed that.

this kind of posts that land in specialised sections upset me a lot, -10 karma

Link to that thread:
Feel free to write your thoughts. Was it justified?

Cryptocurrency Trading / Re: Trading is not same thing as Gambling
« on: June 01, 2024, 02:31:55 PM »
I think I agree with you, Binary options type of trading seems a gamble.   Maybe we can't make truly accurate analysis and many people say it's like gambling that relies on luck... What type of analysis do we want to use?  It doesn't seem to have much of an effect there.  I'm not a professional trader, just a holder who has learned a little about trading.

I can give you a perfect example of why it should called gambling. if you go to, you will notice that this web3 casino is different than others. You have to bet on the Bitcoin movement. There will be 10 sec period and you will have to predict if the price will go up or down. Which is the same as binary trading.

I always have been saying that binary trading is pure gambling and now a casino bitwinup proved that I was right. So, whoever was saying that binary trading is not gambling, you should check this website.

প্রতিদিন চারা গাছের মতো নতুন নতুন প্রজেক্ট গজাচ্ছে। তবে প্রতিদিন এভাবে নতুন নতুন এয়ারড্রপে জয়েন করার পর আর মনেই থাকে না যে কোন প্রজেক্ট এ জয়েন করেছি। অন্য কারো ভরসায় এয়ারড্রপে জয়েন করা বোকামি। যেমন আমি মাস দুই আগে টেলিগ্রাম চ্যানেলের এক এডমিনের কথায় ডিষ্ট্রিক্টওয়ানে জয়েন করি এবং তখন আমার ১৮-১৯ ডলারের মতো খরচ হয়েছিলো। প্রথম ইপো তে ১৫ হাজারের মতো জেমস কালেক্ট করেছি। কিন্তু ২য় ইপোতে কাজের ধরন পাল্টে গেলো। কিন্তু সেই টেলিগ্রাম চ্যনেলে কোনো আপডেট আসলো না। এতে করে কিন্ত আমার এই ১৮ ডলার লস প্রজেক্ট।

কিন্তু কয়েকদিন আগে অন্য একটা গ্রুপে জয়েন করার পর দেখলাম যে কিভাবে কি করতে হবে, কিভাবে বেশি জেমস কালেক্ট করা যাবে আর জেমস কালেক্ট করলে কি লাভ হবে। তারপর আমি এখানে অলরেডি ১৮০ ডলারের মতো ইনভেষ্ট করেছি, আর কাজ করে যাচ্ছি। এই সিজনে ব্লাষ্ট ইকোসিষ্টেমের এয়ারড্রপ মিস করা মানেই বোকামি। তাই আমিও মিস করতে চাচ্ছি না।

যাই হোক, এগুলো লেখার কারন হলো, আমি অন্যান্য চ্যানেলের মতো প্রতিদিন ১০ টা করে এয়ারড্রপ আপডেট দেবো না। এগুলো শুধু শুধু টাইম নষ্ট। বেশিরভাগ প্রজেক্ট পেমেন্ট করে ১০-১৫ ডলার। মাসের পর মাস সময় ব্যায় করে ১০ ডলার পেলে কাজ করতে কারোই ভালো লাগে না। লাভ মূলত টেলিগ্রাম চ্যানেলের এডমিনদের। ফ্রি প্রজেক্ট থেকে খুব বেশি টাকা ইনকামের আশা করবেন না। তাহলে মন খারাপ হবে। এক প্রজেক্ট থেকে ইনকাম করে, সেটা খরচ না করে অন্য প্রজেক্টে ইনভেষ্ট করুন। সেখান থেকে প্রফিট করে আপনার মূলধন বাড়াতে থাকুন। আর যদি সব সময় ফ্রি প্রজেক্টে কাজ করে ইনকাম করতে চান, তাহলে বছরে ২০ হাজার টাকাও ইনকাম করা কষ্ট হয়ে যাবে।

তবে সব কিছুর পরে, নো ফাইনান্সিয়্যাল এডভাইস!

আমি নিজেও এর আগে অলরেডি  একটা সিগনেচার ক্যাম্পেইন ম্যানেজমেন্ট করেছিলাম বলতে গেলে ওই প্রজেক্ট এর জন্য এই ফোরাম থেকে একদমই ট্রাফিক হয়েছিল না। আর এর জন্য সিগনেচার ক্যাম্পেইন রানিং রাখা শুধু মিক্সার প্রজেক্ট গুলোর ক্ষেত্রেই আমরা দেখছি। তারপরও দেখলাম কয়েকটা মিক্সার প্রোজেক্ট অলরেডি তাদের ক্যাম্পেইন পজ করে দিয়েছে।

আপনি যেহেতু ক্যাম্পেইন ম্যানেজ করেন, আপনার জন্য আমার কিছু উপদেশ আছে।
কখনোই আপনার ক্লাই্টকে বলবেন না যে সিগন্যাচার ক্যাম্পেইন লন্ঞ করলে তারা ফোরাম থেকে হিউজ ট্রাফিক পাবে বা ইনভেষ্টমেন্ট পাবে। কারন ফোরাম কখনোই ট্রাফিক পাওয়ার সোর্স হিসেবে কাজ করে না। বিটকয়েনটকের কথা যদি বলি, অনেক ক্যাম্পেইন আছে কয়েক বছর ধরে চলেছে। আপনার কি মনে হয় তারা ট্রাফিক পাওয়ার জন্য ক্যাম্পেইন চালিয়েছে? উত্তর হচ্ছে না!

তাহলে কেনো ক্যাম্পেইন রান করে?
ক্যাম্পেইন রান করার উদ্দেশ্য হলো সব সময় ইউজারদের সামনে ভিজিবল থাকা। প্রোডাক্ট কোনটা ভালো, পাবলিক কিন্তু সেভাবে যাচাই করে না। আপনার মার্কেটিং যতো বেশি হবে, মার্কেটে আপনার আস্থা ততো বেশি হবে। চেষ্টা করতে হবে লং রানে থাকার জন্য। ফোরামে মূলত সব গুলো ওয়েবসাইট তাদের রেপুটেশন বিল্ড করে চলেছে। এটা হচ্ছে তাদের একটা পোর্টফোলিওর মতো। একাট কোম্পানির বাজেট যদি ১ হাজার ডলার হয়, তারা চাইলে সেটা ১ সপ্তাহেও খরচ করতে পারে, আবার ১ মাসেও করতে পারে। আপনি বেশি মেম্বার নিলে ১ সপ্তাহে বাজেট শেষ। কিন্তু কম মেম্বার নিয়ে ১ মাস রান করেন, এক্সপোজারের জন্য ১ মাসের রান টাইম বেশি ইফেক্টিভ হবে।

Crypto Wallets / Rabby Wallet Discussion thread
« on: May 31, 2024, 02:50:16 PM »
I have searched if there are any threads here about Rabby Wallet and it seems there are none. I was using a metamask for my daily use. But for me, the meta mask works too slowly. Recently, I found out about Rabby wallet which works exactly like a meta mask but faster, and it has some extra features as well.

The Rabby wallet shows your balance across all the blockchains, which is not possible in metamask. Moreover, if you lock your balance on a website, it will be deducted from your wallet, and if you forget the website's URL, you cannot find where you staked your balance. However, the Rabby wallet has a unique feature. It will show where you have staked/locked your money. Check the screenshots below.

For example, these 700 dollars are not in a single chain but in all chains.

This is where I staked/locked my ETH

Website link of Rabby Wallet:

If I didn't look at your reply here, I will not know that the schedule is at 26th of June. More than 3 weeks from now. Thanks for sharing.

I also did not know the exact date. But I knew that the TGE was at the end of June. Meanwhile, people gathering as much as blast points and gold as they can. I made some mistakes in the early days by focusing on gathering blast points. But then I realized that I should focus on gathering blast gold instead. A single blast gold worth more than 100K blast points. So, I should farm gold.

It is strange that did not listed any blast ecosystems dapps on their website. I have picked Districtone, Blastr and Thruster finance to farm blast gold. I believe Blast chain and the Base chain is hot Cake in this bull run. I am expecting a good return!

হ্যা শুনতেছি যে HoT এর খুব বেশি সময় নেই শেষ হয়ে যাবে। আমার প্রায় ২৮-৩০ টার মতো হয়েছে  ৫ টা টেলিগ্রাম একাউন্টে। মাইন করে খুব বেশি আগানো যায় না। মাঝে মাঝে Firedrop আসে সেগুলো থেকে ০.২৫ করে HoT ক্লেইম করে নেওয়া যায়। আজকেও আসছিলো এগুলো ক্লেইম করে কিছুটা আগানো যায়। তবে বেশিরভাগ Firedrop দিচ্ছে CIS Region এর জন্য। এ ক্ষেত্রে vpn ব্যবহার করে রাশিয়ার লোকেশন ব্যবহার করে ক্লেইম করে নিতে পারেন। আমি এরকম করে ক্লেইম করে যাচ্ছি।
আপাতত আমি ভিপিএন ইউজ করি না। এমনিতেই ১২ ঘন্টা পর পর ক্লেইম করি। আমার অলরেডি ১০ হট এর মতো হয়েছে। সেদিন অনেক চেষ্টা করলাম এনএফটি টা নিতে, কিন্তু সারভার সমস্যার কারনে নিতে পারিনি। হতে পারে আমার নেট সমস্যা ছিলো। গত কয়েকদিন ধরে নেট এর সার্ভিস যা পাচ্ছি, তাতে আগে থেকে কিছু বলতে পারছি না।

Param এ আমার ২৩ হাজার পয়েন্ট হলেও টোকেন ক্লেইম করতে গেলে লেখা আসতেছে আমার ওয়ালেট ইলিজেবল না। আমি টোকেন ক্লেইম করতে পারতেছি না। বিষয়টা দু:খজনক আমার জন্য। অনেকে বলছিলো যে রিফ্রেশ করতে থাকলে এক সময় ক্লেইম অপশন আসে তবে আমার জন্য কাজ হলো না।
আপনি আবার ট্রাই করে দেখেন। আমাকেও অনেক সময় ধরে নট এলিজিবল দেখাচ্ছিলো। কিন্তু পরে আবার ক্লেইম করে নিয়েছি। একটানা রিফ্রেশ করে লাভ নাই। কয়েক ঘন্টা পর পর ট্রাই করে দেইখেন।

যারা gameon প্রজেক্ট এ কাজ করেছেন, আপনারা আপনাদের এলোকেশন চেক করতে পারেন এই লিংক থেকে

Crypto Exchanges / Re: is out of business - exit scam
« on: May 31, 2024, 01:37:31 PM »
I try to opening the cointiger website but looking privacy with my local IP address and tracking their twitter official hidden all tweet, not doubt this exchange got problem and become over but little disappointed if any one has fund in cointiger wallet because not way left to get back their fund.

As you can see, stompix already mentioned that their website has been down since 2nd February. No legit websites take that long to upgrade their system. It's been four months since no one was able to access their website (If I am not wrong). So, it is pretty much sure that they are not going to continue their business and they scam their users.

I am sorry for their users who have funds there. It it understandable why people use these exchanges. Because maybe they have listed some coins that is not listed anywhere else. This is the most popular way exchanges get new users.

Cryptocurrency Trading / Re: Trading is not same thing as Gambling
« on: May 30, 2024, 04:23:39 PM »
I think I agree with you, Binary options type of trading seems a gamble.   Maybe we can't make truly accurate analysis and many people say it's like gambling that relies on luck... What type of analysis do we want to use?  It doesn't seem to have much of an effect there.  I'm not a professional trader, just a holder who has learned a little about trading.

I don't think any kind of analysis works in binary trading. It's pure gambling bro. You cannot really predict what will happen in the next one minute or in the next five minutes. If the market moves a very little like 0.0000001 USD, you still loss the trade which is 100% pure gambling. You lose the entire stake and not the part of it.

On the other side, when you trade on the spot, you may have some bad predictions, yet you won't loss the whole amount of money. You may lose a portion of it. But still, you have a chance to recover the loss if you hold it. But binary trades does not gives you a single second.

Cryptocurrency discussions / Airdrop updates by Learn Bitcoin
« on: May 30, 2024, 04:13:33 PM »
Well, unfortunately, I am unable to post referral links on this board. But, I still think the people who visit this section want to participate in free airdrops. How about discussing the latest airdrops coming on the market so we all can participate in it?

As we know, the bull run is ahead and there are a lot of airdrop opportunities at this moment. The hot chain is Blast and Base in this bull run. There are a couple of platforms where you can farm Blast points and Gold at this moment. The blast network TGE at the end of June. So, we have only one month. Head over to and check the dapps. Districtone and Thruster finance are the easiest way to farm points and gold at this moment.

Note: I will use this thread to update about the latest updates!

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