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Messages - taufik123

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Pemula / Re: Pengalaman Pertama Kalian Mengikuti Bounty?
« on: January 18, 2024, 10:37:30 PM »
Banyak sekali kecurangan yang dilakukan pihak proyek koin yang bersangkutan jika tidak menggunakan escrow,
Kalo udah kayak gini berarti dev proyeknya emang rada-rada, masalah pembayaran saja sampai  dicungai begitu.
Lebih baik gak usah anjut ngikut kampanyenya dan BM juga perlu tegas agar mereka tidak menyalahi rules yang sudah dibuat.

kalau bounty berbayar altcoins ini tergantung keberuntungan om, kalau dapat ya syukur kalau gak ya berdiam diri

terkadang yang sudah riset saja bisa kena bounty scam om apalagi yang gak
jadi sulit untuk diprediksi

Dulu saya juga banyak ngerjai task bounty altcoin dan emang banyak yang berakhir scam, gak dibayar, proyek ditinggalkan dan tidak mencapai Hard Cap ( Waktu jamannya ICO ).
Riset emang gak menjamin, tapi paling tidak sudah tahu siapa di balik proyek tersebut.

Bounty-bounty scam biasanya cuman modal foto orang dll dan pakek dokumen proyek lain yang sudah di edit.
Sekarang Bounty altcoin gak terlalu diminati kalo rewardnya gak gede.
Sekarang lebih banyak Airdrop tesnet incentive dll karena lebih menjanjikan.

Saya sudah mengecek hampir semua spreadsheet mixer signature para peserta membuat lebih dari 20 hingga 30 postingan per minggu dan dipastikan hampir 500 postingan harian bisa bertambah di forum altcointalk, mungkin jika semua mixer mengikuti jejak coinomize memberikan tambahan sampai 45 peserta bisa dibayangkan meledaknya traffik forum altcointalk.
Ini hanya masalah waktu saja, jika kondisi forum tetap konsisten ramai seperti saat ini atau semakin meningkat terus.
Trafik forum akan semakin tinggi dan banyak proyek yang mulai masuk untuk beriklan di forum, sehingga forum akan berkembang pesat.

gak juga sih om, kalau yang ikutan orangnya itu-itu juga dalam artian ada kemungkinan menggunakan multi akun saat mendaftar. toh yang membuat traffik meningkat bukan berapa banyak orang yang posting tiap hari, tetapi berapa banyak member yang online dan kontribusinya nyata selama di forum. kuantity bukan jaminan
Trafik memang dihitung dari setiap perangkat yang online, bukan dari berapa banyaknya member yang online.
Di forum ini setiap yang online akan terdeteksi IP.nya.
Tapi terkait Multi-akun saat mendaftar, ini sudah jadi tugas BM buat ngecek mereka, karena Multi akun digunakan untuk mengikuti kampanye bounty yang sama adalah sebuah pelanggaran.

Cryptocurrency Trading / Re: How do you like AI for trading crypto?
« on: January 17, 2024, 11:24:11 PM »
I believe that if AI is utilized responsibly and effectively it can be a game changer.
I just appealed because I was afraid of me of AI's failure in trading cryptocurrency was high and this was very dangerous.
There is nothing perfect human creation, surely there are always mistakes and failures, moreover this AI technology has just been created.
There will be no changes to trading cryptocurrency if you use AI, which will only add to the burden of our minds because surely every human being is more introspective to the robot.
Obviously there should be strict controls on the use of AI, indeed no one is perfect, But this can be put to good use to help trade easier.

It would be better if combined with manual trading because we as traders must have full control over all actions performed by AI Bots.
Make the most of technology, but don't lose to it, learn the details and how AI works.

So far SOL have a great run recently and there's still a huge potential for more pump for this coin. Although I already secure my profit from SOL but still I'm monitoring how the market goes with this coin and want to buy again if there's a dump happen.

Also looking more forward for XRP in future since this is one of the best coin have great potential for a huge pump. Also have BNB but my top coin to have since I always accumulate when I have extra fund is bitcoin since there's no question about that this is the best coin to have.
Bitcoin is undoubtedly and indeed the main asset in the portfolio.
But for SOL and BNB also quite improved on significant price increases, especially SOL which is getting crowded because of quite hype in recent months.

The SOL ecosystem is growing well and SOL even proved that it will rise drastically and be able to break $100 again after dropping deep enough when it was in trouble with Alameda, which is also related to FTX.

In addition to these two Altcoins, why don't you mention ETH as the second Altcoin that will provide tremendous upside potential when Bitcoin reaches the new ATH later, I even hold ETH until now continue to buy it when the price drops.

Pemerintah hanya mengatur regulasi untuk investasi atau trading crypto, bukan mengatur industri crypto.  ;)
Campur tangan pemerintah saat ini hanya bisa mengatur untuk investasi atau trading crypto, kalau sampai industri kelihatannya belum bisa karena belum ada regulasi yang mengaturnya.
Industri Kripto yang saya maksud disini adalah industri yang berbasis teknologi yang menawarkan berbagai produk dan layanan keuangan digital, seperti mata uang kripto, token kripto, dan DeFi (decentralized finance).
Sudah banyak proyek-proyek kripto indonesia yang muncul Tapi pada akhirnya gak berkembang.

Regulasi pada industri kripto seperti ini memang hanya sebagai komoditas ( investasi dan perdagangan ) bukan dijadikan sebagai Alat pembayaran yang sah dan pastinya dilarang.

Kripto di indonesia itu masih dalam Zona abu-abu, Tidak dilarang sepenuhnya Tapi tidak di izinkan sepenuhnya ( Terbatas ).

lumayan juga ya pajaknya pertransaksi, ini pajaknya langsung masuk ke kas negara, melalui individu (si maker) atau si binance yang bayar ke pemerintah? saya kurang paham bagaimana mekanismenya

apakah setiap exchange juga berbeda-beda bagaimana bayar pajaknya, jadi dipotong dari biaya trading terus pihak exchange yang setor ke pemerintah?

Kalo untuk Binance gak dibawah naungan pemerintah indonesia, mereka gak bayar pajak di indo karena pajaknya emang mahal. aja masih di blokir, jadi yang bayar pajak 0.35% di P2P itu langsung masuk ke binance dan ke pemerintah yang memberikan regulasi.

Nah kalo Exchange lokal kayak indodax, Pintu, Tokocrypto dll, mereka ada dibawah naungan BAPPEBTI dan setiap Fee yang di tagihkan ke pelanggan mereka bayarkan sebagian untuk pajak ke pemerintah.

Pemula / Re: Pengalaman Pertama Kalian Mengikuti Bounty?
« on: January 17, 2024, 07:40:53 PM »

Ada bargainning awal saat proyek bounty itu mau dihandle BM gan, tidak semua team proyek setuju dengan escrow karena mereka juga tidak bisa sepenuhnya percaya ma BM, keculai BM- BM yang reputable dan sudah memiliki riwayat bagus.
Bahkan BM yang punya reputable yang baik bukan jaminan untuk aman.
Pernah kejadian pada BM proyek mixer yang saya ikuti sekarang, Awal-awal pakek Escrow BM tapi ada kejadian wallet BM kenak Hack.
Padahal itu masih week 1 belum gajian juga.

Tapi karna wallet BM yang di pakek Escrow kenak hack, maka semua dana hilang dan terpaksa BM ganti rugi.
Dev juga cukup bijak, memberikan kesempatan buat BM melanjutkan kampanye sampek 50 week dan akhirnya pindah kesini,
dan pembayaran langsung di handle sama devnya langsung.

yah resiko bounty gan, iseng - iseng berhadiah..
yang pasti gajian weekly ya proyek mixer ini... ;D :D
Kalo bounty sosial media dll, selain Sigcamp, mungkin bisa dikatakan iseng-iseng berhadia.
Tapi sebaiknya lakuin riset dulu sebelum ngerjain bounty, Kita juga keluar waktu dan tenaga buat ngerjain task Bounty.

Kalo Sigcamp, udah jelas-jelas membayar tiap weekly dan bukan iseng-iseng lagi.

Bitcoin Forum / Re: 100 days Left For Bitcoin halving
« on: January 16, 2024, 11:56:34 PM »
DCA is about consistency and before the halving or even afrer of it whenever you can still see the opportunity and it is not yet skyrocketing. That is still a good time to buy, one good strategy as well is whenever you are free to buy and when you have excess money. That is when you are comfortable to buy and not going to look at the price because what matters to you is you accumulate before the bull run.
In addition to being consistent in buying, DCA must also be combined with management and what you have.
Because DCA needs a reserve fund when the market goes down and when management is done properly it will always have a reserve fund available to start buying cheaper.

Consistency done when DCA certainly provides many advantages.
In addition to buying cheaper prices, more Bitcoins will be obtained.
If you've been doing DCA for years and haven't sold it, then you can see how much profit you get.

Some of my profits also come from DCA Signature Campaign payments, gradually over the long term it provides a fairly high value.
Stacking Salary from signatures every week

Bitcoin Forum / Re: Bitcoin hardware wallet
« on: January 16, 2024, 11:32:04 PM »
Everything has an alternative solution. Alternative solutions must be used for those with financial problems. If I consider it from my own side, I don't have enough money to buy a hardware wallet to hold bitcoins right now. Since I don't have enough money I am using software wallet. Although we know that hardware wallet is more secure but for us as an alternative method we have to use software wallet in a way that is more secure for us. Be it TrustWallet, Electrum Wallet, Blue Wallet if you can keep the seed phrase of all these wallets safely then your investment will be much safer.
If you say you don't have enough money to buy a hardware wallet, then look at how many Bitcoin assets you hold or other crypto assets.
The price of hardware wallets is even very affordable and cheaper than the devices you use today, around $ 40-$ 80.

But if you still want to use the Mobile Application, if to store Bitcoin Electrum is a recommendation because I also use it in addition to using a hardware wallet as the main storage

Bitcoin Forum / Re: Don't buy bitcoin only because of FOMO
« on: January 16, 2024, 11:11:03 PM »
I was also bought bitcoin when Bitcoin price was $3200 and still now buying bitcoin.
Because I think Bull session coming soon, Then I will get huge profit And I also know that when Bitcoin price will more up even $100k and then also people will buy there has no doubt
Luckily you were able to buy Bitcoin at $3.2k, I didn't even have any money when Bitcoin crashed to $3k, it was the lowest price and if you can hold it to date you are great, having the ability to hold long term without disrupting your portfolio.

Buying and continuing to accumulate Bitcoin will not make you lose anything, when the price has risen 10x more than the initial price you buy only the profit you will see.
Especially if the price reaches the new ATH at $100k, this will be the biggest profit.

Bitcoin Forum / Re: Bitcoin Dump Signifcant After Halving
« on: January 16, 2024, 10:46:58 PM »
For people who have bought Bitcoin at a price of $20k, they should have made a withdrawal of profits at the current price, which reached more than $40k, and they should wait for the price to go down again, which will probably happen in the next few weeks because all this time I have seen Bitcoin's chart increase. The price will not last long and will definitely have a moment to fall again, and that's when we enter with all the profits we have obtained.
Depending on each trader's target, If they buy bitcoin at $20k and hold it for the long term, they will not sell it.
Even when the market is crashing, they will buy back to accumulate more bitcoin assets.

There is nothing better than the long run, no panic and still having spare money to buy.
Make sure the main price target is reached or when the ATH is just reached, which is everyone's main target.

Bitcoin Forum / Re: Fee Finally Down below 40 Sat/vb
« on: January 16, 2024, 10:26:00 PM »
I think bring a part of history would be the closest possibility and something plausible for Bitcoin. Its been discouraging and defeating to Bitcoin's use case for a means of day to day in p2p payments as, its reflected in fee hence, its only normal that it be dropped or moderated.
While Layer2 ordinals still exist, scalability issues will never be resolved on the Bitcoin network.
It was a new network coming into Bitcoin and only weighing Bitcoin, the Network was more on than ever but not about the use of Bitcoin.

When this is canceled and moderated by a portion of the community that does agree to be abolished, Ordinals should have their own network.
We don't have to put up with fees that are too expensive, this is not Bitcoin's fault, but Bitcoin is affected.

Basic Questions about Cryptos / Re: Which Alt coins you are holding?
« on: January 15, 2024, 11:52:50 PM »
I trust Ethereum and BNP BNB the most and I hold quite a bit of Ethereum and BNP BNB . I have more faith in Ethereum and BNB than any other coin in the market, and I hold these two coins out of that faith. Earlier I bought Ethereum but I didn't hold that Ethereum for a long time because after holding it for some time I made enough profit that I decided to sell Ethereum and buy Ethereum again. The Ethereum I purchased in the last step is the Ethereum I am holding until now. I still have about $500 in profit from the last step I bought Ethereum but I want to sell when the profit is a bit more.
Ethereum even gave me a lot of advantages in the past.
With the price of Ethereum in 2018-2019 dropping below $100 ($92 to be exact), I bought about 8 ETH at that time and held it until it reached $500.
It was the biggest sale that gave more profit.
But in reality, the price of $500 for Ethereum is still very small.

Ethereum is also suitable for the long term as it is a top altcoin capable of competing with Bitcoin.
If you buy below $1000 and hold it until now, it will bring a lot of profit.
Hoping that Ethereum can break through the $10k price on ATH later, it's not an impossible hope to see how Ethereum develops.

nah pertanyaan saya apakah para individual  (p2p) yang menjadi pihak ke 3 untuk wd dana para member juga akan dipalakin pajak juga ya?
Untuk fee P2P bervariatif tergantung Fiat apa yang dipilih, Kalo USDT pajaknya untuk Maker 0.35% dan untuk Taker 0%.
"Maker" adalah pedagang yang memposting Iklan P2P Untuk Membeli dan Menjual Kripto
"Taker" Adalah pengguna yang mengajukan penawaran pada iklan jual/beli P2P

Maker memiliki kebebasan untuk menjual rate berapa saja ( Rate Update )
ini akan menentukan keuntungan mereka sebagai Maker atau sebagai pedagang.

Pemerintah memang mudah diajak kerjasama kalau dapat cuan dari situ. Tapi saya dukung upaya pemerintah untuk mengatur industri crypto di Indonesia, setidaknya mereka ikut andil untuk memberikan sedikit rasa aman bagi kita semua. Support pemerintah = masa depan cerah bagi Industri crypto.
Mau tidak mau pemerintah memang harus terlibat untuk mengatur industri kripto, tanpa campur tangan pemerintah regulasi crypto tidak akan berjalan dengan baik.
Sekarang crypto di indonesia sebagai aset komoditi dan menurut saya ini sudah lebih dari cukup, daripada harus dilarang sepenuhnya seperti negara-negara lain kayak bangladesh dll.

Penerapan pajak itu juga sudah wajar, sebagai pemasukan untuk negara.
Ini akan membuat kripto tumbuh subur di indonesia tanpa ada larangan yang terlalu ekstrim.

Bitcoin Forum / Re: Bitcoin Dump Signifcant After Halving
« on: January 15, 2024, 11:24:01 PM »
The price of 22400$ will not be a bad event because it is the dream of many people to invest in bitcoin but still there will be some holders of bitcoin who will be in fear of losing money when they will see such greater dip because there is a great difference between 42k$ and 22400$.
Even earlier we also saw a price of $15k, and it could be a very good price to enter, but some people are afraid that the price will drop deeper.
I was also only able to buy a small amount of Bitcoin when the price was below $20k and can still hold it today.

Holding until now certainly gives 2x the profit, it looks very easy because it only holds a few months.
But it causes tremendous mental turmoil, there has to be planning for the long term and doing DCA when the price crashes again.

Bitcoin Forum / Re: Fee Finally Down below 40 Sat/vb
« on: January 15, 2024, 11:03:46 PM »

Omg I was hoping to never see a 500 sat/vB transaction again  :D

I think fees now are being controlled mostly by ordinals, not normal transactions demand.
Only crazy people will approve a 500 sat/vB transaction, or those who don't know that the transaction will drain their assets for fees only.

Ordinals only create bottlenecks, no good impact, just pile up transactions that never get completed.
When will the Ordinal end?
It is possible that it will remain part of Bitcoin or just be part of history and will be removed from Bitcoin.
Some transaction fees I made increased 10x from the previous transaction.

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