From the beginning I have problems with posts because they look totally different after publishing.
I will try to show screens to explain it beter on this post example.[/size]
So I will now try to publish this three sentences and will make screen how it looks like before and after publishing.;board=49.0As you can see there are big double spaces between sentences on the preview, despite I have only small single once.
There is even code added in second sentence after publishing and is differently sized, I left the upper part of post as it was originally just after publishing.
What is happening why I see something totally different always?
This is so annoying because I have to edit every post many times and when it's a long post with screens then is even more difficult, here I have edited nothing, when I only start to delete, add, edit something every sentences has code and is totally different in size from others, but it is never visible on the draft only after publishing.
Can somebody help me with this?