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Author Topic: SOCIALPOLIS: A Social and Sustainable Development Economy Coin  (Read 28730 times)

Offline margarita_chm

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Re: SOCIALPOLIS: A Social and Sustainable Development Economy Coin
« Reply #15 on: February 27, 2019, 10:23:05 AM »
SPL aims to act as a lot more than another ctyprocurrency - SocialPolis Coin seeks to enable a series of projects enabling social economy and linking digital currencies to real life asset development endeavors.

You 're in some interesting reads with regards to our goals and overall scope at Medium while you may find out more about SPL projects on our official youtube channel.

Altcoins Talks - Cryptocurrency Forum

Re: SOCIALPOLIS: A Social and Sustainable Development Economy Coin
« Reply #15 on: February 27, 2019, 10:23:05 AM »

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Offline paullundin

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Re: SOCIALPOLIS: A Social and Sustainable Development Economy Coin
« Reply #16 on: February 28, 2019, 11:37:00 AM »
The current model of allocation of humanitarian aid by Public or International Organizations and NGOs has been said to result in high costs and questionable methods of allocating funds.
Moreover, there is not a monitoring system that we know of to track the logistics – a commission of a handful of people to follow up the distribution of funds received by the EU and the Greek State was only introduced only a few years ago.
SocialPolis strategy is to circulate a certain number of SPL to the final beneficiary of the humanitarian aid coins in the form of tagged coupons under severe surveillance. The participating network of local stores in the SocialPolis ecosystem will supply goods which will be exchanged with the tagged coupons in circulation. Coupons will be circulated by merchants in order to pay back donors or other providers participating in the aid program.
It should be noted that this application area seeks to mainly address the needs of vulnerable or underrepresented groups.

If you are interested, please visit the official website.

Offline paullundin

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Re: SOCIALPOLIS: A Social and Sustainable Development Economy Coin
« Reply #17 on: March 01, 2019, 10:02:09 AM »
The Social Economy based on Coops is a newly introduced sector in Greece raised after the 2010 financial crisis and the followed refugee crisis. This new sector’s need of an alternative financial transactions system and/or as a tool to support its financing resulted in Coops  growing an intense interest in accepting Blockchain technology and employing cryptocurrencies as a trading and circulation alternative.
Within the SocialPolis ecosystem, 60% of the profits will be used to purchase SPL Coins through their Credit Unions, while these coins will be reallocated within the sector, either for B2B free transactions or to offer free services or goods to communities.
Meanwhile, the demand of SPL Coin for Solidarity purposes is expected to keep high as major non-social economy Enterprises offer similar returns to societies through their Social Responsibility Programs. 

If you are interested, please visit the official website.

Offline geodem

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Re: SOCIALPOLIS: A Social and Sustainable Development Economy Coin
« Reply #18 on: March 04, 2019, 11:27:46 AM »
The economic term ‘Social Economy’ may sound familiar to EU citizens’ ears. Social initiatives and/or projects are blooming in most of the countries after a period of a harsh financial crisis and a following refugee one which shook them up. The main object of this text is to present the main theoretical approaches related to the Social Economy concept and to identify public policies related it at a European level in the period 2010–2016. SocialPolis Coin as the one of the kind cryptocurrency to support Social Economy could not be ignored in this context.

The 2012 Report of the European Economic and Social Committee provides an accurate and rather explanatory definition of the Social Economy that also fits in with the national accounts system:

‘The set of private, formally-organized enterprises, with autonomy of decision and freedom of membership, created to meet their members’ needs through the market by producing goods and providing services, insurance and finance, where decision-making and any distribution of profits or surpluses among the members are not directly linked to the capital or fees contributed by each member, each of whom has one vote, or at all events are decided through democratic, participatory processes. The social economy also includes private, formally-organized entities with autonomy of decision and freedom of membership that produce non-market services for households and whose surpluses, if any, cannot be appropriated by the economic agents that create, control or finance them’

If you are interested, learn more about the project at the official website.

Offline paullundin

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Re: SOCIALPOLIS: A Social and Sustainable Development Economy Coin
« Reply #19 on: March 05, 2019, 12:18:17 PM »
BC initiatives have implications for citizen privacy, inclusion and participation thus, governmental organizations need a thorough understanding of the BC design principles, the possible applications and the exploration of governance mechanisms.

For more info, please visit the official website.

Offline geodem

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Re: SOCIALPOLIS: A Social and Sustainable Development Economy Coin
« Reply #20 on: March 06, 2019, 10:22:26 AM »
Since 2008, many pages have been covered by articles about Cryptoeconomics’ usability and potential. Perhaps, the most influential definition of it has been given by the prodigy and founder of Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin:

“Cryptoeconomics is about trying to reduce social trust assumptions by creating systems where we introduce explicit economic incentives for good behavior and economic penalties for bad behavior.”

Buterin (2018)

But how Cryptoeconomics are connected with economic, social and environment sustainability? Here you can read some thoughts and learn about SocialPolis (SPL) Coin Project — the first cryptocurrency fully devoted to Social Economy and Sustainable Development!

Please visit the official website to learn more about SocialPolis Coin!

Offline margarita_chm

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Re: SOCIALPOLIS: A Social and Sustainable Development Economy Coin
« Reply #21 on: March 07, 2019, 09:13:43 AM »
The decentralized digital currency Bitcoin – and its underlying ‘blockchain’ technology –has created much excitement in the technology community, but its potential for building truly empowering social and solidarity-based finance provides the perfect opportunity for future research.

Wanna know more about SPL? Reach out to us on our social channels @socialpolis before making up your mind.

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Re: SOCIALPOLIS: A Social and Sustainable Development Economy Coin
« Reply #21 on: March 07, 2019, 09:13:43 AM »

Offline paullundin

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Re: SOCIALPOLIS: A Social and Sustainable Development Economy Coin
« Reply #22 on: March 07, 2019, 10:18:08 AM »
It is getting evident that Blockchain tech, the technology behind cryptocurrencies, has enormous, game changing potential that exceeds the scope of the realm of finance. BC tech may be employed to solve urging both social and environmental problems. To tackle such issues, the 193 member countries of the United Nations adopted a developmental agenda to collaborativelly work towards the reduction of poverty, the protection of the planet, the safekeeping of global peace and the overall prosperity of well-being-for all. All these lead to the question how does Blockchain technology contribute to SDG’s concept. On 8 March 2019, a new text elaborating this will be available at our official site at Medium. Stay tuned and get your tokens now.

Offline geodem

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Re: SOCIALPOLIS: A Social and Sustainable Development Economy Coin
« Reply #23 on: March 08, 2019, 11:12:31 AM »
SocialPolis Coin may suggest a rather new yet much promising Blockchain-based project but, Social Development Goals’ concept is not so new. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) came into our lives in September 2015 when the 193 member countries of the United Nations adopted a developmental agenda in order to achieve end of poverty, protection of the planet, safekeeping of global peace and prosperity and enhancement of well-being for all.

In our recent Medium post “What are the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their importance to SocialPolis Coin Project?”, we elaborated on SDGs’ characteristics and separate targets, and the way that SocialPolis Coin initiative is related to these goals.

This time, we will be addressing the concept around SDGs’ focusing on the contribution of Blockchain tech to their implementation across the globe.

Please visit the official website to learn more about SocialPolis Coin!

Offline paullundin

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Re: SOCIALPOLIS: A Social and Sustainable Development Economy Coin
« Reply #24 on: March 12, 2019, 10:40:40 AM »
Volunteering is a major yet under-recognized way through which public services reach the poorest and most marginalized part of the world. Notably, in some of those places, the necessary infrastructure such as hospital, schools, and security services exists, the people of those communities is still unable to access it. Here volunteering intervenes to bridge the gap by mediating between the people and the otherwise hard to reach, infrastructure.
In this text, we will elaborate more on the value of volunteering within the concept of Sustainable Development and how SocialPolis Coin is working towards this direction.

Please visit the official website to learn more about SocialPolis Coin!

Offline geodem

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Re: SOCIALPOLIS: A Social and Sustainable Development Economy Coin
« Reply #25 on: March 13, 2019, 09:53:27 AM »
Recently, there has been an agitation on a series of Greek islands. Residents, State and Companies are trying to transform the outdated and malfunctioning energy model of those islands to drive Europe’s transition into a sustainable, low-carbon and inclusive economy. SocialPolis Coin aspires to become a trustworthy and transparent alternative for financing such projects with the vision to transform whole terrains into Blockchain Areas.

For more info, please visit the official website.

Offline paullundin

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Re: SOCIALPOLIS: A Social and Sustainable Development Economy Coin
« Reply #26 on: March 14, 2019, 11:04:54 AM »
Simply put, a decentralized online marketplace is a traditional e-commerce platform operating on a Blockchain providing superior characteristics and differiating them from regular centralized e-commerce platforms. Stay tuned to our official Medium channel and rest of social media channels to have the read our short guide about the future of online marketplaces and more particularly, to discover the advantages of SocialPolis Coin decentrilized marketplace. If you are intersted about Socialpolis Coin, please visit the official website and don't forget about our ongoing sale ending soon.

Offline geodem

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Re: SOCIALPOLIS: A Social and Sustainable Development Economy Coin
« Reply #27 on: March 15, 2019, 02:31:43 PM »
SocialPolis mission is to promote Blockchain technology in order to disrupt Social Economy while providing a financial instrument able to ensure trusted and traceable transactions. Amongst other application areas, SocialPolis team has developed a unique platform making wholesale trading much simpler. In the text below, the features of SocialPolis decentralized online marketplace and its advantages over centralized marketplaces are thoroughly analyzed.

For more info, please visit the official website.

Offline paullundin

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Re: SOCIALPOLIS: A Social and Sustainable Development Economy Coin
« Reply #28 on: March 18, 2019, 12:09:46 PM »

Volunteering is a major yet under-recognized way through which public services reach the poorest and most marginalized part of the world. Notably, in some of those places, the necessary infrastructure such as hospital, schools, and security services exists, the people of those communities is still unable to access it. Here volunteering intervenes to bridge the gap by mediating between the people and the otherwise hard to reach, infrastructure.

In this text, we will elaborate more on the value of volunteering within the concept of Sustainable Development and how SocialPolis Coin is working towards this direction.

For more info, please visit the official website.

Offline margarita_chm

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Re: SOCIALPOLIS: A Social and Sustainable Development Economy Coin
« Reply #29 on: March 19, 2019, 10:59:21 AM »
There is an ongoing poll on SocialPolis FB page regarding whether people would still invest in crypto or they think that cryptocurrencies are not an applicable solution to today;s economy - check the link for more [nofollow]


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